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Taiwan Professor: The CCP’s Sharp Power Is Reaching Taiwan’s Local Radio Stations

Professor Hong-zen Wang of National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, wrote an article to alarm people that the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) infiltration in Taiwan has reached local radio stations that broadcast in the Taiwanese language.

In Taiwan, major radio stations speak mandarin, the official language. Some smaller local stations broadcast in Taiwanese, the main local language. Hosts of these stations normally have audience members call in to order songs to play. Most of the songs that are ordered are in Taiwanese, while some are in Mandarin. Usually the old songs are from before the 1980s because the people who call in tend to be in their 50’s or older and they became used to listening to the radio and listening to those songs when they were younger.

However, in the past six months, Professor Wang has been hearing newer Mandarin songs. They are songs from the mainland and he is not familiar with them at all. One song said “riding a train to Lhasa” (the song portrayed the Tibetan people as having a good life under the CCP’s leadership). Professor Wang questioned why any Taiwanese would listen to this song or agree with the message, though the host claimed that someone asked for it.

A radio host mentioned on his radio program that he had a work experience exchange with radio hosts in Shanghai and found out that radio hosts in the mainland spend only an hour on the radio program and that the rest of the time involves administrative work. (Professor Wang was surprised that this kind of exchange took place.)

The author pointed out, “This is a real case in which the CCP’s sharp power has invaded in Taiwan; it is similar to social media brainwashing. It starts with non-political activities and then will exercise its influence when it is time to vote. Establishing and growing a social media group takes two to three years to do, but taking over the Taiwanese radio stations is much faster. All the CCP needs to do is to buy the board of directors (of the stations). Then the CCP inherits a group of loyal listeners. The scariest thing is that we don’t even know how this change actually happened.”

Source: Voice Tank, June 11, 2019

New Plan from Hong Kong: Withdraw Cash from Bank of China

RFI reported that protesters in Hong Kong have called for a new action this weekend: withdraw cash from the Bank of China.

As the anti-extradition bill movement continues in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong people raised “Five Major Requests” for the response of the authorities.
1. Remove the extradition bill;
2. Retract the “riot” declaration;
3. Investigate the police accountability in firing at people (on June 12);
4. Do not prosecute protesters; and
5. Carrie Lam should resign.

Some protesters called for an action to target Chinese banks to apply pressure to Beijing.

The plan was passed among people via an Internet platform Telegram. On Twitter, the plan is called “Everyone to Withdraw Cash: Send the Bank of China Back to China.” The announcement requests the Hong Kong government respond to each and every item of the “five major requests” by 6 p.m. on Friday July 12. Otherwise, it calls for everyone to take their money out of the Bank of China.

The announcement pointed out that withdrawing money does not break the law and should not be investigated or result in arrest. Nor should the authorities go after anyone after the event is settled. Withdrawal will start on the morning of July 13. The location will be announced on the TG channel on the evening of July 12. If there is no announcement, people should go to Bank of China’s branches near their homes.

Source: RFI, July 8, 2019港澳台/20190708-香港反送中新计划全民到中国银行取钱测试其压力

China Digital Times: Junior Student Informants Model in Elementary Schools

China Digital Times published an article about the “junior student informants” model in elementary schools in China. The article posted a picture with a group of elementary school students holding a banner which reads, “‘Junior Student Informants’ Patriot Education Summer Session.” The name of the school on the banner is Xi’an Gaoxing No 1 Elementary School Eastern District Class of 2C4.

The article referenced a similar junior student informant model in Shen Zhen which had previously been reported and which the public criticized widely. People are concerned that it is a twisted education model to reward children for learning to be informants at such a young age. It will make them unable to develop friendships properly and to deal with personal privacy in real life. It will also cause isolation and conflicts among them. It is the teachers’ responsibility to understand their students, but not through a “student informants” model. Therefore, the model and the program it represents need to be stopped.

According to the report, in Nan Shan Qian Hai elementary school in Shen Zhen, in addition to study, the student informants are responsible for completing the “hidden” tasks that their teacher assigns. Their tasks include observing emotional and psychological changes in the students around them and then providing this “intelligence” to the teacher on a regular basis every week so that the teacher can understand the mental state of the students in time. The “intelligence” they have collected includes dating among classmates, absent-mindedness, and being distracted; students who lack parental care, deliberately missing school to attract the attention of their parents; poor family economic conditions, lack of confidence, lack of interest in communicating with others, making up nicknames for other students and other such tasks.

Source: China Digital Times, July 3, 2019

【旧闻】晶报 | 那些潜伏在校园里的“小小情报员”

China’s Ministry of Commerce Admitted Manufacturers Are Moving Out of China

Well-known Chinese news site Sohu recently reported that multiple senior leadership team members of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce jointly held a press conference on July 2. The Ministry admitted that industrial players and even supply chains are moving out of China. However, they suggested that it is normal for companies to move in and out as their globalization priorities change. It is understandable that places with lower costs may attract some companies to move out of China. One cannot simply conclude that this is a direct result of the China-US trade friction, since there are many causes. In the press conference, the Ministry also mentioned that its focal points for work this year are to “stabilize foreign trade” and to “stabilize foreign investments.” The Ministry is currently “cleaning up” existing regulations in preparation for the new Foreign Investment Law to take effect next January.

Source: Sohu, July 2, 2019

Global Times: The “Employment Boom” in the West Hides Trouble

Global Times recently published a commentary on the obvious improvements made in reducing unemployment in the West. The article suggested that, although the industrialized countries in the West, especial the United States, enjoyed a so-called “full employment” in the past couple of years, yet many potential issues are moving towards crisis. The commentary says the major tax cut may have boosted the economy but that force is weakening, especially when the budget deficit continues to grow. In the meantime, the labor participation rate remains flat or even worse in the West. Trade friction on the global level also poses a threat to economic growth. The Brexit uncertainty is a good example of the factors that may slow down global growth, which will, in turn, slow down employment. The author concluded that it is much harder to sustain an employment boom in countries like the United States. How long the current state can last is highly questionable.

Source: Global Times, July 6, 2019

China’s June Manufacturing PMI Numbers Showed Declines

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that the just-released Caixin Chinese Manufacturing PMI June number reached 49.4, which indicated a decline in the manufacturing sector. This number is in line with the Manufacturing PMI index that China’s National Bureau of Statistics released a couple of days earlier. It was also 49.4. It is unusual for these two independent indicators to be exactly the same. In June, China’s total manufacturing industrial output suffered a decline. Employment in manufacturing continued to shrink. Many manufacturers did not hire people to fill the vacancies freed up by workers who left their job. The new order level continued to see a decline. Product inventory level decreased due to the production slowdown and the companies have been filling orders with inventory. Manufacturers are reducing the purchasing volume for raw materials. In June, the average cost reached a seven-month high and the product price saw a slight increase as well. PMI (Purchasing Managers Index) is an indicator of financial activity reflecting purchasing managers’ acquisition of goods and services. A PMI number below 50 typically reflects a decline.

Source: Sina, July 1, 2019

Hong Kong Apple Daily Left Front Page Blank to Show Dissatisfaction

Recently, the Hong Kong government began to suppress and arrest the people who participated in the protest against the Extradition Law. The pro-mainland media in Hong Kong either give little coverage to the incidents or their reports are along the same line as the official party controlled media in the mainland. This has made the communities in Hong Kong quite angry. On July 4th, Hong Kong’s Apple Daily published its paper with the top part of the front page left blank and with ten Chinese characters on the bottom section which read as follows: “When freedom of the press is unreasonably suppressed.” It thus expressed its strong dissatisfaction with the Hong Kong government’s unreasonable suppression of freedom of the press. The “silence” of Apple Daily won the support of the people on the Internet. They posted the following messages: “Go! Apple!” “Don’t give up! We need you,” “Keep Going,” “I Support you.”

Also, Apple Daily  had been hit with a strong Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack previously, which the newspaper believed was an attempt to try and suppress their reporting on Hong Kong protests.

1. Aboluowang, July 7, 2019
2. Reclaim the Net, June 14, 2019

Hong Kong news outlet Apple Daily is under DDoS attack after protest coverage

RFI: Over Tens Thousand Wuhan Residents Protest against Waste Burning Power Plant

The residents of Yangluo Street, Xinzhou District, Wuhan, on the outskirts of Hubei Province, have been protesting on the streets because the authorities expressed their intention to build a large-scale waste burning power plant. Some media said that the number of protesters was more than ten thousand people. The local police used force to disperse the demonstrators and some people were reportedly injured. The protest started on June 28 and lasted until July 2 and 3 when images taken from the protest scene started to circulate on the Internet. According to the local residents, the authorities plan to build a power plant that can burn 4,000 tons of waste each day. The location of the plant is in an area with a population of over 300,000 people and there are two large size colleges. People are concerned about the toxic quality of the air from the plant and the fact that the authorities did not communicate with the locals about the project.

From the video and photos taken at the scene, it can be seen that the public protest went into the late evening. Thousands of people were on the streets. The uniformed police force is seen standing next to them. After a fight broke out, the police took away a number of residents. Some of them were injured and had blood flowing from their heads. Meanwhile there are inconsistent messages from the local officials. One official’s open letter said that the news about the power plant was fake news and there were no plans to build such a plant. However based on public information, in June, officials from Wuhan City responded to a question and stated that the existing landfill in the region of Yangluo Street would stop operating by the end of 2020 and would be replaced with a waste burning power plant that can burn 2,000 tons of waste each day.

Source: Radio France Internationale, July 6, 2019