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Boxun: A CCP Official’s Story about Organ Harvesting in China

On July 27, 2012, Boxun published an article that a Discipline Inspection Cadre of the Chinese Communist Party had submitted. The CCP official wrote about how he had found out about the forced organ harvesting business in one small city in China. To his surprise, the entire court system in the city, including the court, prison, detention center and doctors were involved in harvesting organs from prisoners. In the end, the CCP Provincial Discipline Inspection Cadre decided to arrest the court president only, but let all the others who had been involved in the organ harvesting business go home without any punishment.

Source: Boxun, July 27, 2012

VOA: Jiang’s Presence Surfaced again Demonstrating his Influence and Health

According to VOA, on October 13, 2012, one month before the 18th National Congress, a picture showing a meeting between the former Chinese leader, Jiang Zemin, with a leader from Shanghai Ocean University appeared on the university website. The picture was reportedly taken on October 9 when Jiang and his wife met with the university leader in Beijing. People’s Daily first carried the news on October 20; the rest of China’s major media followed.

Hong Kong China News Agency said it was Jiang’s first appearance in the past year. This seems to be contradictory to news reported by the oversea’s Chinese media on Jiang’s public appearance at an opera concert at the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing. The news was published at the end of September, although it was believed to be a fake news report.

According to VOA, official media reports on whether Jiang is healthy or still active have always been considered an influential factor in the Party’s internal power shifts. The postings on microblogs showed that people were suspicious about the authenticity of this piece of news. Some were puzzled as to why this news made the headlines when it was about the former leader meeting with a representative from a university.

Source: VOA, October 20, 2012

Is the 18th Party Congress a Meeting for the Parents of U.S. Citizens?

On October 15, 2012, China Gate reprinted an article, originally from Apple Daily, titled “How Many at the 18th Party Congress Are Either Foreign Nationals or the Parents of U.S. Citizens?”

According to the article, both leftists (followers of Mao and Bo Xilai) and rightists (followers of Deng Xiaoping) in China are asking to investigate and publicize the truth about the following news: 1) 16,000 – 18,000 corrupt officials have escaped from China since the middle of the 1990s with 800 billion yuan (US$128 billion); 2) A total of 204 CCP Central Committee members, 167 alternate members, and 127 members of the CCP Central Commission for Discipline Inspection have their foreign relatives (including 349, 591, and 582 relatives respectively), a total of 1522 family members, who are citizens of the U.S., Europe, or other countries. The leftists want to use the figures as an excuse to return to the Mao era; while the rightists want to use the examples as the rationale for developing democracy and the rule of law.

Source: China Gate, October 15, 2012

Qiushi Theory: Continue to Promote the Party’s Development

Qiushi Theory published an opinion article on what the Party needs to do in order to move forward in this historical era while, at the same time, facing domestic and foreign tests and maintaining its long term leadership. The article called for tighter and stricter management of the Party in developing its ideology, organization, and anti-corruption policies, while having the courage to face new challenges in order to maintain the Party’s leadership power over the long term. It also stressed the importance for the ruling Party to be consistent in renovating the Party’s theories to meet new requirements and maintain the Party’s advancement and purity.

Source: Qiushi Theory, October 13, 2012

VOA: Different Nobel Prize Winners Are Treated Differently

Chinese media gave extensive coverage to the praise given to Mo Yan, the Chinese writer who won the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature. Li Changchun, head of the Propaganda Department, sent a congratulatory letter to the Chinese Writers Association and stated that winning the prize demonstrated “the consistent improvement of China’s national power as well as its worldwide influence.”

However, Liu Xiaobo, the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Gao Xinjian, winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize for Literature, were both treated in a completely different manner; Chinese media criticized them very harshly. Liu was labeled a "criminal" and is still imprisoned in China. The Chinese media launched scathing attacks against Liu and the Nobel Peace committee. Following Gao Xinjian’s receipt of the award, Beijing attacked him as well. The media stated that Gao had “ulterior motives” and “seriously hurt the Chinese’ people’s feelings.” The head of the Chinese Writers Association at the time told Xinhua that “the Nobel Prise for Literature carries political motives and has lost its authority.” Gao currently resides in France.

Source: Voice of America, October 12, 2012

Chengming: New Party Office Established to Stop Party Officials from Fleeing Overseas

Hong Kong’s Chengming magazine reported that a new office has been established to stop Communist officials from fleeing China. Li Keqiang, Vice Premier and Standing Member of the Communist Party Politburo, is the head of the new office. It is called the “Command Group to Fight against Communist Officials and Government Employees Fleeing the Country.” It was established on September 22, 2012, and started operations the next day.

According to Chengming, the "anti-fleeing" office focuses on three major regions, 20 airports, 9 ports, and 12 border crossings. Over 8,000 SWAT members were deployed at the targeted locations on or before September 28. Over 350 anti-counterfeiting instruments have been installed at these locations to detect fake documents. In the past two months, the Ministry of Public Security has validated and replaced ID cards, passports, and other travel documents for over 70,000 senior officials and over 448,000 mid-level officials.

It was reported that between 2000 and 2011, China captured 18,487 Communist officials suspected of attempting to flee the country. Funds recovered during a five year period reached 54.19 billion yuan.

Source: Chengming, October 1, 2012

Qiushi: China Must Keep a Low Profile and Bide Its Time

Qiushi published an article stating that, in spite of its economic growth, China must still keep a low profile. “It is a question that the next several generations will face and ponder as to what kind of country today’s China, as a world-class country, should develop into, and in what way China should influence the world. From an analysis of the rise and fall of major powers from an economic development perspective, one may identify some enlightening norms. China does not have the requisite conditions to become a super power in the next 50 years and should not seek to become one. Particularly, it should not engage in direct confrontation with the United States; we need to keep a low profile and bide our time. In the complicated international environment and the gaming of major powers, it is both an urgent need and a long term task to overcome difficulties and seek room for development. [We] must not be penny wise and pound foolish and lose the opportunity to truly ‘rise.’”

Source: Qiushi, October 9, 2012

People’s Daily on the Party’s Leadership in Managing Talent

On October 9, 2012, People’s Daily published an article titled “Improve the Party’s Leadership in Managing Talent; Gather Talent for the Cause of the Party and the Nation’s Development.” It also explained a previous article, “Opinions on Further Strengthening the Party’s Leadership over Talent,” which the General Office of the CCP Central Committee published on September 26, 2012.

According to the articles, the Chinese Communist Party’s leadership over talent is an important principle in talent management work.

Source: People’s Daily, October 9, 2012