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Xi Jinping Admits that the Legitimacy of the CCP Ruling Position Is in Danger

On October 28, 2012, China Gate reprinted an article from Hong Kong’s Trends Magazine titled “Xi Jinping Admits, in a Secret Meeting, that the Crumbling Legitimacy of the CCP’s Governance Has Set off Alarm Bells.”

According to Hong Kong’s Trends Magazine, at a secret meeting, incoming CCP Chairman Xi Jinping again admitted that the CCP faces a fatal crisis. On September 26, 2012, at the 41st enlarged meeting of the 17th CCP Politiburo Standing Committee, Xi Jinping gave preparatory comments about the 18th National Congress and its agenda, putting forward 5 key issues. Xi asked, "Why is there so much tension between the people and the CCP?" and "Why is the people’s distrust of the Party growing?” He also pointed out that the CCP’s legitimacy in governance is crumbling, setting off alarm bells to all.  In May, Xi Jinping talked about the collapse of the CCP. At that time, the Chinese Communist Party’s own investigation showed that 90% of the family members of CCP Central Committee Officials have emigrated overseas.

Source: China Gate, October 28, 2012

Apple Daily: Wen Jiabao May Publicize His Family’s Assets

On October 28, 2012, China Gate reprinted an article from Apple Daily (the original article is only available to Apply Daily subscribers) titled “It is Said that Wen Jiabao Will Publicize His Family’s Property and Assets.” Recently, a New York Times article alleged that Wen’s relatives had illegally accumulated a fortune amounting to US$2.7 billion. Two lawyers responded on behalf of Wen’s family members and denied the allegations.

If Wen does make information about his family members’ property and assets available to the public, he will be the first CCP national level leader, since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, to dare to let the public know about his family’s assets. Such an action may cause a chain of reaction among the CCP leadership community. It is not known at this time whether Wen will receive his colleague’s consent to move forward.

Source: Apple Daily, October 28, 2012

Wen Jiabao Requests Open Investigation on His Property and Assets to Prove His Innocence

On October 29, 2012, China Gate reprinted an article from Ming Pao (the original article cannot be found) titled “Wen Jiabao Sent a Letter to the CCP Central Committee Requesting an Open Investigation of His Property and Assets to Prove His Innocence.” Wen asked for the “immediate establishment of a specialized agency … to carry out a full and open investigation of the rumors of my corruption … by inviting both Chinese and foreign media representatives to participate in the investigation.” Mr. Wen said that he and his family members would “unconditionally and absolutely cooperate with an open investigation.” Mr. Wen also said that if an open investigation is not allowed, an independent investigation is welcome; if no investigation is allowed, he asked permission from the top CCP leadership to allow him to publicize his personal property and assets. Wen Jiabao has suggested many times that all the CCP and government officials should be open with the public about their property and assets. He said he was willing to be the first one to publicize his assets.

This is the fifth time Wen Jiabao formally wrote letter to the CCP top leadership requesting an independent investigation of himself and his family members. Although the CCP top leadership has never openly accepted Wen Jiabao’s request, an agency led by a high official has conducted several very strict investigations of the so-called Wen Jiabao family corruption case. No evidence of any corruption has been found. 

Source: China Gate, October 29, 2012

Mingpao: Wen Jiabao’s Family Lawyer May Pursue Legal Action against New York Times

On October 25, 2012, the New York Times carried an article titled, “Billions in Hidden Riches for Family of Chinese Leader.” The article alleged that Wen’s extended family "controlled assets worth at least $2.7 billion." On October 28, 2012, Hong Kong’s Ming Pao carried an article reporting that the newspaper received a faxed statement from two lawyers in Beijing on behalf of Wen Jiabao’s family declaring that the claims made in the New York Times article were not true.

The statement stressed that Wen Jiaobao’s immediate family members do not hold any stocks and that the businesses they are involved in are legitimate. According to the article, Wen Jiabao’s mother has no other income or assets other than her monthly pension. Wen himself does not get involved in his family member’s business activities, nor does he pass any legislation as a result of his family members’ businesses. The statement also said that other relatives and their friends are responsible for their own business dealings. The lawyers’ statement stated that the family will maintain the right to pursue legal action against the New York Times.
Source: Mingpao, October 28, 2012
New York Times, October 25, 2012

Xinhua: Bo Xilai Removed from People’s Congress Post While under Investigation

On October 26, 2012, Xinhua posted two news articles about Bo Xilai. The first one carried an announcement from the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress that the Chongqing People’s Congress had removed Bo Xilai from his post as the Deputy to the National People’s Congress. In the second article the Supreme People’s Procuratorate announced that Bo is currently under investigation for suspected crimes.

Source: Xinhua, October 26, 2012

Organ Harvesting in China: Supply and Demand

On October 24, 2012, Xinhua reprinted an article from another state media, China Youth Daily, which reported that the Guangzhou Military Command General Hospital has a computerized system that automatically matches and allocates organs to waiting patients. According to the article, “In this nationally connected system, a computer matches organs with patients waiting for a transplant without any human intervention.” The hospital is one of 160 involved in a pilot program for this system. On October 10, 2012, the Ministry of Health announced that it has formulated an interim guideline for obtaining and allocating organs, which will soon be released.

[Editor’s note: Such an effort by China’s Ministry of Health has been viewed as a response to mounting reports about forced organ harvesting in China in which the organs of prisoners of conscience, including Falun Gong practitioners, are placed on a list as being available on-demand for those waiting for a match. Two popular videos that have spread online about this matter can be found at; and]

Source: China Youth Daily reprinted by Xinhua, October 24, 2012

Xinhua: Over 83,000 Party Officials Return Illegally Obtained Money

On October 22, 2012, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), released information about officials who returned money they had previously obtained illegally. According to the release, the Party issued an anti-corruption guide in January 2010. Since that time, 83,195 Party officials voluntarily returned cash, securities, and bonds worth over 771 million yuan (about U.S.$123 million) to Party authorities. The release said that, in addition to the amount that was returned, the Party disciplinary commission also reported that it had confiscated 392 million yuan of illegal gains. During the same period of time, the Party’s disciplinary committee investigated and punished more than 3,500 Party officials in a bid to crack down on corruption inside the Party. Since January 2011, “more than 1 million government officials above division level reported their personal matters to higher authorities; of those, 100% of those at the mid-level of management reported personal matters.”

Source: Xinhua, October 23, 2012

The Chinese Communist Party to Amend Its Party Constitution at the 18th National Congress

On October 22, 2012, China Review News published an article saying that, according to a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee held by Hu Jintao, the CCP plans to amend the Party Constitution at its 18th National Congress on Nov. 8, 2012.

The article did not say what the amendment to the Party Constitution will be. The issue of Mao Zedong’s thoughts was not mentioned in the article.

Source: China Review News, October 22, 2012