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Government/Politics - 242. page

Party Officials Undergo Training to Improve Governance Skills

The China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong (CELAP) is a Shanghai-based national institution funded by the central government. Since its establishment in 2005, CELAP has conducted trainings in over 1,400 workshops and classes for close to 70,000 Party officials. At simulated press conferences or TV interviews, Party officials are asked direct questions such as “What do you think about the organ transplant situation in China?” “What are the pros and cons of planned parenthood?” or “Have Muslims in Ningxia ever been forced to eat during Ramadan?” The simulations are recorded so that teachers and students can play back the videos and critique the simulations.

Source: Xinhua, October 4, 2012

China to Carry-Out Anti-Cult Propaganda and Education in the Sixth Five-year Law Publicity Plan

In August and September 2012, a number of local government departments and institutions posted a notice on their websites regarding the implementation of the plan to carry out anti-cult propaganda and education during the “sixth five-year” (2011-2015) law publicity work. China’s anti-cult propaganda and education work under the communist government is a pretext for discussing the struggle against “Falun Gong.” 

The notice is based a classified document [2012 issued #5] by The State Council Office of Cult Prevention and Treatment, the Ministry of Justice, and the National Office of Law Publicity. Chinascope has a copy of the original document. The document was initially issued to the following government entities on April 21, 2012: the Offices of Cult Prevention and Treatment; the Justice Department (Bureau); the Governance Office of Law Publicity and Observance from all Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; the Law Publicity Offices from all ministries, commissions, departments and bureaus of the Central and National Government; and the Propaganda Divisions of the Work Committee of the Central Government Departments, the State Organs Work Committee, and the PLA General Political Department. Each local government entity incorporated its own specific measures into the notice posted on its website. 
In discussing the importance of the education program, the notice admitted that “the tenacity and recurring nature of the cult, particularly the support and utilization by the overseas Western hostile forces, (have determined) that the struggle is still very serious, complex and labile. ‘Falun Gong’ has frequently been adjusting its strategies and changing the means it uses to confront us and compete for the masses with us in collaboration with domestic ‘Falun Gong’ members.” 

Sources: Websites of the Qinghai University Propaganda Department, the Political and Law Department of Fuzhou City (Fujian Province); the Health Department of Qinghai Province, Gengyu Township of (Jiangshu Province), and others, August-September, 2012

Qiushi: Adhere to and Develop Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

On October 1, 2012, Qiushi, a journal of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, published an article titled, “Adhere to and Develop Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Unswervingly Walk on the Right Path That the Party and the People Opened up in their Long-term Practice.” Using the economic growth over the past 30 years as evidence, the article said that the only correct path to achieve national prosperity and the people’s happiness and well-being is the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.  

The article summarized Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, and Hu Jintao’s “achievements” in terms of the development of socialism. “It is the choice of history, the choice of the people, and the choice of the times for China to take the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics.”

Source: Qiushi, October 1, 2012

BBC: The Chief Medical Examiner Questioned the Evidence in Gu Kailai’s Murder Case

Wang Xuemei, the Chief Medical examiner with the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, published an article on a microblog in which she openly questioned the conclusion that Neil Haywood, the British businessman, died of cyanide poisoning. Wang wrote that she was deeply disappointed in the conclusion as to the cause of Neil Haywood’s death. She stated that the conclusion was seriously lacking in facts and scientific proof. Her article also implied that there were others who benefited from such a conclusion in this murder case.

Wang is the deputy director with the Technical and Information Research Center of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the Chief Medical Examiner, and Vice Chairman of Chinese Medical Examiner’s Association.

Source: BBC Chinese, September 27, 2012

Ten New Warnings to Officialdom Widely Circulated on the Internet

Qiushi Theory, which is the CCP’s official publication to interpret the CCP’s major policies and theories, published an article discussing how the Internet era has placed new pressure on Party officials. Many Party officials have thus become alert and are fearful of the Internet. To illustrate its point, the article quoted some new information that has been circulating widely on the Internet: “Ten New Warnings to Officialdom.” 

The 10 warnings are: 1) do not talk nonsense during an interview; 2) do not smoke famous brand name cigarettes while attending a meeting; 3) do not wear expensive watches while conducting business activities; 4) do not drive a famous car when performing public service activities; 5) do not hold an umbrella during grassroots inspections; 6) do not copy famous articles when submitting something for publication; 7) do not use twitter when you are dating someone; 8) do not keep a diary about your former married life; 9) do not smile when a natural disaster occurs; 10) do not be the spokesman during emergent events. 
Sources: Qiushi Theory, September 25, 2012

Political and Legislative Affairs Committee Calls for Maintaining Party’s Leadership

On September 23 and 24, 2012, the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee held a forum in Fuzhou in Fujian Province. Wang Lequan, Deputy Chair of the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee spoke at the meeting. Wang stressed that all levels of the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee should maintain the same level of understanding that the central administration has on ideology, politics, and action. He discussed the need to summarize the lessons learned over the past years on improving the political and legislative team and on further strengthening the team‘s development work in ideology, organization, behavior, and structure. Wang further emphasized that, while facing an increased workload and complicated social environment, the Political and Legislative Affairs team should sustain the test of steadiness, loyalty, justice, and integrity.

Leaders from the central agencies of the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee as well as leaders from the 13 Political and Legislative Affairs Committees at the provincial and municipal levels attended the meeting.

Source: Xinhua, September 24, 2012 

Study Times: What Caused the Drastic Changes in the Former Soviet Union?

On September 24, 2012, Study Times, the publication of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, published an article titled, “What Caused the Drastic Changes in the Former Soviet Union?” The article blamed the Stalinist social model instead of socialism for the fall of the former Soviet Union. According to the article, the collapse of the former Soviet Union was inevitable because: 1) the people were not the masters of the country; 2) the country developed fake democracy; 3) the Party cadres overrode the people and had privileges; 4) intellectuals and peasants suffered discrimination; 5) the people’s living standards improved very slowly; 6) innocent people were killed at random.

“China must learn lessons from the collapse of the Soviet Union. We should strive to improve the people’s livelihood, strengthen the development of an honest and diligent government, and further promote political and economic reform. Of course, (our) political democracy should not copy the multi-party system in the West…”

Source: Study Times, September 24, 2012

Yunnan Province Actively Develops CCP Party Branches Online

On September 24, 2012, Study Times, the publication of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, published an article introducing how Yunnan Province is actively building CCP Party branches online in order to “have propaganda dominance and lead public opinion.” The online Party branches can organize activities and mobilize Party members at any time without time and space constraints.

Source: Study Times, September 24, 2012