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Xinhua Bookstore Opened in London

The International Herald Leader, a newspaper under Xinhua, reported that on October 20, 2009, the Xinhua Bookstore opened its first European store in London. At present, there are three Xinhua Bookstores and one on-line store in the United States. The goal of the Xinhua Bookstore is to use the world’s languages, e.g. English, Germany, French, Japanese, Korean, and so on, to tell the desired stories about China.

The article also discussed the differences between the Confucius Institute and the Xinhua Bookstore, both of which are increasing their presence overseas.  It is important to note that the Confucius Institute is directly under the Chinese government’s funding while the Xinhua Bookstore is a business operation (Ed: under a State-Owned Enterprise though).

Source: International Herald Leader, October 30, 2009

Xinhua: Strengthen and Expand Coverage of Primary Party Newspapers and Magazines

The Year 2010 National Video Conference of Publishing Work of Party Newspapers and Magazines was held on October 16. The conference focused on the publishing of the works of the People’s Daily, Qiushi Magazine, Guangming Daily and Economic Daily. The Conference also pointed out that Party newspapers and magazines are the primary “ideological instrument of public opinion.” Party publicity branches should work closely with postal services to firmly accomplish wider distribution. The conference also emphasized continually raising the Party’s capabilities to “guide” public opinion.

Source: Xinhua, October 16, 2009 

Xi Jinping on Building Urban Grass-roots Party Organizations

During a meeting on studying the Concept of Scientific Development, Xi Jinping, Vice President of China and a member of the Standing Committee of the Poliburo, emphasized the building of grass-roots party organizations as an important part of implementing the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th National Congress of the CCP.

Xi gave clear directions on “seriously focusing on study and practice activities in neighborhoods and communities.” He pointed out that neighborhoods and communities play a more and more important role in “urban management, unifying the residences, dissolving social conflicts, and developing harmonious communities.”

Xi also pointed out that the theme of the work in neighborhoods and communities should be the implementation of the Concept of Scientific Development.

Source: Xinhua, October 27, 2009

Outlook: Communist Leaders Cognizant of a Crisis Disturbing the Party

The China News Agency republished an article from Outlook magazine, which claimed that China’s top party leaders signaled that the party construction effort is critical for the Party to stay in power. ["Party construction effort" is a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) term referring to party development and improvement. — Ed.]

The CPC’s Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee outlined several party construction actions to resolve the current quandaries. The quandaries were identified as “the most important and most dangerous” by the top leaders. Experts deduce that the specific wording indicates that the CPC is cognizant of the crisis.

One worrisome concern is that party members and cadres no longer believe in Marxism and have no confidence in the Chinese Representation of Socialism. Other issues include the party officials’ corruption, as well as problems with party discipline, the official selection process, and officials’ performance.

Source: China News Agency, October 19

Xi Jinping Signals that Jiang Zemin Still Has Significant Power

Xinhua reported that Xi Jinping, China’s Vice President and internally selected successor to Hu Jintao, gave two books as gifts to Chancellor Angela Merkel when he met with her. The two books were written by Jiang Zemin; they were on energy and information technology; and they had been translated into English. Xi also passed Jiang’s regards and wishes to her [Ed: Jiang has no prior personal or official relationship with Chancellor Angela Merkel: she was elected in 2005, while Jiang retired in 2004]. Xinhua also reported that when he met with German President Horst Koehler, Xi passed Hu Jintao’s regards to him.

1. Xinhua, October 13, 2009
2. Xinhua, October 13, 2009

State Gets New Funds to Expand Overseas Chinese Teaching

The Chinese Language and Culture Education Foundation of China (CLEF) received a corporate donation of 100 million yuan from an Indonesian company at a ceremony held on October 19, 2009. CLEF indicates that the funds will be for overseas expansion of Chinese language teaching of overseas Chinese. Politburo member Wang Gang attended the ceremony. CLEF was founded in 2004 and is operated by the State Council Overseas Affairs Office. Its council members include the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party, the International Communication office of the Communist Party (State Council Information office), the State Development Planning Commission, the State Administration of Radio, Film And Television, the State Council’s office of Overseas Chinese Affairs, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Source: Xinhua, October 19, 2009

Chinese Language Newspapers Facing Tough Times

From October 16 to 17, over 200 representatives from Chinese language newspapers in 12 countries and regions held their 42th annual meeting in Chongqing, Sichuan Province to discuss the challenges facing them due to the expansion of electronic newspapers. Zhou Xisheng, Deputy Director of Xinhua urged them to "adapt to changes in the world media and develop Chinese newspapers hand in hand." He stated that the traditional newspapers cannot step back, but to adapt to the what young people like, and strive to transfer the contents of the newspapers to electronic versions. Currently Mainland China publishes 1,943 newspapers with a daily circulation exceeding 100 million copies. However since 2003, the number of newspaper has declined by 10% as a result of the expansion of electronic newspapers.

Source: People’s Daily, October 19, 2009

Elaine Chao Became International Consultant of Wuhan Government

On October 16, former US Labor Secretary Elaine Chao accepted an invitation from the Wuhan government to be its International Consultant. Wuhan, Hubei is the largest city in central China. Elaine Chao became US Labor Secretary during the Bush Administration in 2001. She suggested in an interview that human talent is the most important element in a city’s scientific development, and employment is one of the most important issues in society. She attended the Ninth Conference of Overseas Chinese Development jointly hosted by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, the government of Hubei Province and the government of Wuhan City.

Source: China Economy Net, October 16, 2009.