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State Expenditures on Retired Top Party Leaders Staggering

According to the release of the Central Organization Department of the Party, as of July 2005, there were 117 retired Communist leaders at the central level and 5,537 retired provincial leaders. For central level retirees, the State provided 6.3 million yuan to 27.25 million yuan per person per year. For provincial retirees, the State spent between 700,000 yuan to 6 million yuan per person per year. The annual budget for standing members of the Politburo exceeds 50 million yuan per person per year.

Source: Secret China, October 7, 2009

Explaining the Reason for the Military Parade

Open Magazine, a Hong Kong based publication, commented on China’s National Day Military Parade, “The military parade does not represent military training. It’s used to brag about ones military power and meant to demonstrate the power of the nation’s number one man. It also reminds the people that the rulers control a large force capable of crushing any internal turmoil.”

Radio Free Asia quoted expert opinions, which agree that China’s show of force is to intimidate its own people. “The weapons are at least ten or twenty years behind the Western countries. Therefore, the target is not Western nations, but the citizens of China, its own people. The intent is to show that the CCP has still a strong hold on the country’s resources despite so many troubles in Xingjian, Tibet, and so on. Internal affairs are what is of the most concern to the CCP. The intent is to maintain and uphold the communist regime.”

1. Open Magazine, October 2009 issue
2. Radio Free Asia, October 4, 2009

Apple Daily: At the Celebration Jiang Zemin Showed He Is Still Powerful

Secret China republished an article from Apple Daily stating that, at the 60th anniversary celebration of the communist regime, Jiang Zemin, who retired from the top leadership position many years ago and holds no official title, showed he still has great power. It might indicate that there are two power centers in China.

Jiang came right after Hu Jintao when the top leaders came to Tiananmen tower, ahead of all the other eight current Politburo Standing Committee members. The CCTV’s direct broadcast showed Jiang 22 times, fewer than Hu, but much more than any other Politburo members. Xinhua’s report published a picture of Hu alone, then two pictures of Hu and Jiang together inspecting the parade.

Source: Secret China, October 5, 2009

Teacher Calls for Removal of Fake Stories in Textbooks

Primary school teacher Guo Chuyang believes the current primary school textbooks used in China are “poisonous,” because many stories in the books are not true. He gave an example of a story about how 7-year-old US scientist Edison saved his mother by helping out in her acute appendicitis operation. Investigation found that the earliest appendicitis operation was in 1886, and Edison was born in 1847. A story about a former CCP general visiting his mother was also found to be untrue. “It is now time for textbooks to have a major operation,” Guo suggested.

Source: Chinese Youth Online, September 30, 2009.

Party Development Urgently Needed in New Economic and Social Organizations

Following his visit to the private organizations under the Ministry of United Front and Civil Affairs, Li Yuanchao, Head of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, emphasized the party development work in new economic and new social (“two new”) organizations.

To echo Li’s talk, People’s Daily published a commentary calling for all levels of party organizations to raise the party development work in those "two new" organizations to an important level. It said: “As the Reform and Opening up deepens, the rapid growth of the new economic and social organizations have become an important sustainable driving force of economic development. If there is no party organization in those private entities, our party will lose a fairly sizable political leadership ground and organizational base. Our party’s leadership role in economic development will be weakened, and the party’s self-development will also be impacted.”

Source: People’s Daily, September 24, 2009

Xinhua: Party Lectures Through Text Messages Strengthen the Regular Education of the Party Members

According to Xinhua, Fusui County in Chongzuo City, Guangxi Province, has established a “Text-Message Education Network for Party Members,” sending the “Party Lectures” through text messages to those Party members and Party membership applicants who have cell phones so as to strengthen the regular education and management of the Party members in rural areas.

The content of the “Party Lectures” are preached to those Party members who do not have cell phones. Meanwhile, a propaganda column is set up in each village, where the “Party Lectures” are published for the masses.

Source: Xinhua, September 18, 2009

Public Security Work under Tight Control of the Party

The Party must exercise absolute leadership over public security work, wrote the State newspaper, People’s Public Security Daily, right before the October 1 celebration. “It is not only of great advantage, but also a major political principle and the most critical experience of 60 years of public security work.”

“Public security authorities serve as an important tool for maintaining the people’s democratic dictatorship.” It “carries the important political and social tasks of strengthening the ruling status of the Communist Party.”

Source: Public Security Website, September 29, 2009

Party’s Publishing House to Improve China’s Soft Power

Li Changchun, a standing member of the Politburo, who is in charge of propaganda, called upon the Party publishing house to “vigorously promote Chinese-ization, modernization and popularization of Marxism.” He made the remarks on September 29 during a visit to the People’s Publishing House. Li urged the publisher to raise its international profile by publishing more books on the successful theories and practices of socialism with Chinese characteristics. “It should contribute to improving the country’s soft power,” he said.

Source: Xinhua, September 29, 2009