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September 15, 2021, Pandemic Report: COVID Spreading in China

On September 10, Beijing announced that there were two COVID-19 cases in Fujian Province. From then until the end of September 13, that is within 4 days, Fujian Province reported a total of 139 cases. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is known for hiding the details about the actual spread of COVID in China, so the real number of infections is unknown.

The infection in Fujian Province started in Putian City and quickly spread to Quanzhou City and Xiamen City. Many children have been infected. Among the 85 positive cases in Putian City, 36 are students. The number includes 8 kindergarteners and 28 elementary school students.

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Source: China News Service, September 15, 2021

Pandemic – Many Learned of the COVID-19 Virus in China Weeks before the CCP’s Report

The Daily Mail, a British newspaper, reported that Ian Lipkin, one of the world’s top epidemiologists and a professor at Columbia University, said on numerous occasions that he learned about the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China on December 15, 2019. He repeated the date in a documentary film by the director Spike Lee. He also told Columbia University Medical Center that he first heard about the outbreak “in the middle of December 2019” from his friends at the China’s Center for Disease Control.

Beijing hid the outbreak news for quite a while. Dr. Li Wenliang revealed the information in a Wechat discussion group on December 27, after which the police admonished him. That was the first occurrence in which the Chinese talked about the virus.

The report also listed other sources that indicated the outbreak was earlier:

The academic in charge of collating official data told a Chinese health journal of a suspected fatality of a patient who fell ill in late September in 2019, followed by two more cases on November 14 and 21.

Connor Reed, a 25-year-old Briton teaching in Wuhan, said he fell ill on November 25.  Two months later, a hospital confirmed that his debilitating sickness was  the new coronavirus.

Lawrence Gostin, a professor of global health law in Washington, said he learned of the disease in mid-December, telling the Los Angeles Times he heard “from a friend in Wuhan that there is a novel coronavirus and it looks very serious.”

Dutch virologist Ron Fouchier told a documentary that he discussed the outbreak in the first week of December with his colleague Marion Koopmans, a member of the WHO inquiry team.

Source: Daily Mail, September 4, 2021

Pandemic Diplomacy: South Africa Rejected China’s Vaccine

The COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) program under the World Health Organization (WHO) plans to distribute 100 million doses of Chinese COVID vaccines to countries in Africa and Asia. These vaccines are made by China’s two vaccine producers Sinovac Biotech and Sinopharm.

South Africa was given 2.5 million dozes of the Sinovac vaccine (CoronaVac). Its officials rejected these vaccines. Nicholas Crisp, Deputy Director-General in South Africa’s National Department of Health, overseeing its COVID-19 vaccine roll-out, said, “There is not enough information on the effectiveness of these vaccines against the Delta variant, nor is there information on the efficacy of the Sinovac vaccine in HIV-infected populations. We did not accept the Sinovac vaccine from COVAX because it was not mature enough in our evaluation and planning process.”

Algeria, which was given 8 million dozes of Sinopharm’s vaccine, is also cautious and said that vaccine is a “possible” choice.

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Source: Taiwan Apple Daily, August 29, 2021

Falun Gong Scored a Win in HK Court

Falun Gong online site Minghui recently reported that Falun Gong practitioner Hong Ruifeng won a case in Hong Kong. In 2013, the Hong Kong government accused Hong of an “Illegal display of placards and posters on government land without written permission” and “Obstructing public officials.” On August 19, 2021, the court ruled that Hong Ruifeng was “not guilty” of either of these two counts.

Since 2013, Hong has been clarifying the truth about Falun Gong on the street in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) confiscated his banner board. The government later filed a lawsuit against him. Hong explained that there was video evidence showing that it was actually FEHD staff who prevented him from closing the small site. Hong said he was happy to win the case. He has been on the street clarifying the truth about Falun Gong for 21 years. He also insisted that, “The persecution (of Falun Gong) has not stopped, and the truth has to be clarified.” Hong expressed the belief that winning the case means that justice returned to Falun Gong practitioners. [Editor’s note: On July 20, 1999, The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched a campaign to “eradicate” Falun Gong. Since then, Falun Gong practitioners Have been clarifying the truth about Falun Gong to enable people to undestand why the CCP’s decision was wrong.]

Source: Minghui, August 22, 2021

Young “Post-90” Chinese Aren’t Getting Married

According to official Chinese statistics, most young people born in the 1990s do not want to get married and the divorce rate among married people is nearly 35 percent. More and more families are single-person households.

The data that the China Ministry of Civil Affairs recently released shows that there are currently about 170 million people, born in the 1990s (the post-90s generation) in China, who have a male to female ratio of 54 to 46. This group has reached the age of marriage. The oldest post-90s are in their 30s, and the youngest post-90s are 22 years old. While between 70 and 80 million “post-90s” people were expected to register for marriage, fewer than 10 million “post-90s” couples have actually registered for marriage, which translates into a marriage rate of a little over 10 percent. Further, among the post-90s who are already married, the divorce rate is as high as 35 percent.

Chinese social media comments attribute the low marriage rate among post-90s people to high housing costs and low income. Most of the post-90s are the only child in the family. Once married, a young couple would need to support four elder parents and one young child. The cost can be prohibitive for many of those in the post-90s.

According to data from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, of all age groups, in 2019, marriage registrations in China fell by 8.5 percent year on year, while divorces rose by 5.4 percent in the same period. The data shows that the same trend has continued since 2015.

According to survey data released by the China National Bureau of Statistics in the China Statistical Yearbook, the result has been more families which are single-person households. One-person households have increased consecutively every year, from 13.15 percent in 2015 to 18.45 percent in 2019, .


NetEase, August 18, 2021

Xinhua, July 14, 2021

Propaganda: The Non-Existent Swiss Biologist Who Said China’s Lab Did Not Leak the Virus

In early August, Many of China’s state media, including Xinhua, People’s Daily, China News Agency, and Global Times, quoted Facebook about a Biologist named Wilson Edwards from Switzerland who stated that it is extremely unlikely that China’s lab leaked the COVID-19 virus. He worried that the World Health Organization lacks an independent scientific judgment and has become a political tool of the U.S. government.

However, on August 10, Switzerland’s Embassy in China issued an official statement that this was fake news. The statement said that Switzerland does not have a citizen whose name is Wilson Edwards, that no academic article was ever published by an author with that name, and that his Facebook account was created on July 24, 2021, with only one posting and three friends. This indicates that this account was not created for a social networking purpose.

Source: Liberty Times, August 11, 2021

Pandemic: COVID-19 Is Spreading in China (August 11, 2021, Update)

The COVID-19 virus keeps spreading in China. During the latest round of the outbreak, a total of 17 provinces have reported COVID-19 cases. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has hidden the real information, the actual number of those infected is unknown.

On August 9, Yangzhou City, Jiangzu Province reported 48 cases, with a cumulative total of 394 cases. Jiangsu Province sent 653 medical doctors and nurses and 2,260 COVID testers from other cities to Yangzhou. On August 11, Sun Chunlan, the Vice Premier of China, visited Yangzhou to check on the COVID-19 outbreak.

Zhengzhou City, Henan Province which just suffered a severe flood due to the government releasing water from a dam without informing people, also reported COVID-19 cases.

The CCP has been using an extreme lockdown method to create “zero” cases. Zhang Wenhong, the lead medical expert on the COVID-19 virus in Shanghai, recently suggested that more and more people feel the pandemic will not end soon. Therefore the world should learn to live with the virus. However, Gao Qiang, formerly of the Minister of Health, criticized this viewpoint.

1., August 11, 2021
2. China’s State Council Website, August 11, 2021
3. VOA, August 11, 2021

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Pandemic: COVID-19 Delta Variant Is Spreading in China Since July

LTN: China Announced the Suspension of Issuing Ordinary Passports

Major Taiwanese news network Liberty Times Network (LTN) recently reported that China is restricting the border entry and exit of Chinese nationals in the name of controlling the spread of COVID-19. The Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council of China held a press conference. Liu Haitao, Director of Border Inspection and Management of the Chinese National Immigration Administration, announced that, to be strict in preventing the importation of the epidemic, China will tightly restrict the flow of people across borders for non-emergency and non-essential purposes. Travel documents, such as ordinary passports, will not be issued until further notice. Liu blamed these restrictions on a “very obvious” epidemic rebound overseas. Liu also announced detailed policies governing the human flow at international airports, sea ports and land entry points. Land entries still allow cargo transportation. Chinese passports include Diplomatic Passports, Service Passports, Ordinary Passports and SAR (Special Administrative Regions) Passports.

Source: LTN, August 4, 2021