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Chinese Government Asked Owner of App Showing Pollution Index to “Fix” It

Radio Free Asia (RFA) and the Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily each reported recently that the Chinese environmental protection agency asked the owner of the mobile app “Air Matters” to “fix” the app so that it will not display the air pollution index numbers once they reach a certain level. The app displays air pollution index values based on officially released government data. However, the app did make it significantly easier for average citizens to obtain pollution level information. The app uses Chinese standard measures to display the data and it is also capable of interpreting the data using other standards such as the U.S., the British, and even the Indian standards. The Chinese authorities have been saying that it is “obviously unreasonable” to use a foreign standard to measure Chinese data. The event triggered a massive discussion online among Chinese netizens. Most posted comments such as, “The government is unable to fix the smog pollution over a long period of time; however, it can fix the app writer’s <ability> to show the pollution level very swiftly.” The government has subsequently also blocked any comments on this news.

Radio Free Asia, January 9, 2017
Apple Daily, January 8, 2017

After Chinese Acquisition, a German Company’s Branch in China Released Waste Acid

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that, according to both Chinese criminal and civil courts, the Chinese branch of the famous German dyestuff and chemical manufacturer DyStar committed a crime when it released 2,698 tons of waste acid into a river without using the proper cleansing process. In 2010, China’s Zhejiang Longsheng Group acquired the DyStar Group. A Chinese management team then managed its Chinese Nanjing branch. In 2010, the branch stopped processing the waste acid. Instead, it subcontracted a third-party company to handle the waste; that company did not perform the job. The third-party company owner bribed the Chinese management team of DyStar Nanjing, who admitted participating in the destruction of physical evidence. After the courts ruled, the ultimate parent company, the Longsheng Group, hired a dedicated manager from outside China to upgrade the administration of pollution control.

Source: Sina, January 5, 2017

Xinhua: Shijiazhuang Smog Caused PM2.5 Index to Rise over 1000

Xinhua recently reported that heavy smog covered the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region starting on December 16. The situation worsened on the 19th. Shijiazhuang, the capital city of Hebei Province, suffered a record high pollution level of over 1000 for both PM2.5 and PM10 indexes. Some monitoring stations even recorded 1015 for PM2.5 and 1132 for PM10. Ten cities in Hebei Province declared Code Red emergency status. Hebei is the province that surrounds Beijing. Its capital city Shijiazhuang is only 163 miles away from Beijing.

PM2.5 particles are air pollutants with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less, small enough to invade even the smallest airways. These particles generally come from activities that burn fossil fuels, such as traffic, smelting, and metal processing. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers a PM2.5 number below 25 to be safe. The U.S. Embassy in Beijing recorded a PM2.5 of 522 on December 4, 2011. Not long after that, China started monitoring the level of PM2.5. New York’s PM2.5 peak level was 68 on October 5, 2013. <Editor’s note: DW reported that, according to a scientific paper published by the independent research group Berkeley Earth, bad air contributes to 1.6 million deaths a year or roughly 17 percent of all deaths in China; a study reported in the New York Times indicated that, in 2013, 916,000 deaths were related to PM2.5 exposure.>

Source: Xinhua, December 19, 2016
DW, August 17, 2015
New York Times, August 17, 2016


Oriental Daily: Mainland Police Established Massive Monitoring under Jiang Zemin’s Administration

The popular Hong Kong newspaper Oriental Daily published a series of articles on its official website commenting on the massive monitoring system that the Mainland police established. The Mainland Ministry of Public Safety just released a draft of new regulations that govern how the Mainland’s police use video monitoring technologies at different levels of the government, which, it is widely considered, the government abuses. It is very unusual that a significant pro-Mainland newspaper criticizes the Mainland’s national-level security system. In one article especially, the reporter directly named the former Chinese leader, Jiang Zemin, to be the force behind the development of the nationwide secret monitoring system. The article pointed out that Jiang’s regime approved the Golden Shield Project, which was designed to provide 360-degree monitoring of the entire Chinese population. Publicly available documents showed that Jiang Zemin, his son Jiang Mianheng, and the leadership of the Public Safety Ministry then headed the project. The multi-billion-dollar privacy-intrusive project had no record of any kind for approval or authorization from China’s People’s Congress. Oriental Daily has been Hong Kong’s number one in circulation since 1976, with a record readership of over 3,100,000.

Source: Oriental Daily, November 29, 2016

BBC Chinese: Hong Kong Cardinal Warned about Formal Relationship between the Vatican and China

BBC Chinese recently reported that former Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen warned on the news of the potential establishment of a formal diplomatic relationship between the Vatican and China. Zen expressed his concern that, if such an agreement were to be reached, the Vatican might be considered to be “betraying Jesus Christ.” Zen said The Pope might be misled by the experience of the communists persecuted in Latin America. It would be a bit “childish” to understand the Chinese communists the same way, since the Chinese Communist Party has killed a large number of innocent people during its short history. Chinese Catholics are only allowed to join government-approved churches and sermons to the public are banned. The Chinese government-appointed “official” bishops don’t truly preach the gospel. Instead they have the hidden agenda of ensuring the church members obey the communist authorities. Zen expressed that those at the Vatican who crafted the agreement with the Chinese communists lacked first-hand experience and did not truly understand how the Chinese government controls the official churches like “puppets.”

Source: BBC Chinese, November 28, 2016

People’s Daily: Thirty Five of the “100 Red Arrest Warrant” Fugitives Have Been Captured

On October 30, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Ministry of Supervision website published the results of the anti-corruption initiative regarding the international pursuit of stolen goods. Since the office for the international pursuit of stolen goods was set up under the Central Anti-Corruption Coordination Group in 2014, China has launched the special actions of “Skynet 2015” and “Skynet 2016.” As of September 2016, more than 2210 fugitives, including 363 government staff members, had been captured and returned to China from 70 countries and regions. The amount recovered was 7.994 billion yuan (US$1.18 billion). Among the Interpol issued red arrest warrants for 100 suspected criminals who were government workers, 35 have been arrested. A total of 19 were returned from Western developed countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

The 100 red warrant suspects came from 23 provinces and cities. Most of them were from Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and other coastal provinces in the southeast.

Source: People’s Daily, October 31, 2016

China Times: Ninety Percent of Pension Fund Individual Accounts Are Empty

China Times, a national daily newspaper focusing on economic and financial news, recently reported that the Social Security and Insurance Administrative Center of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) released its 2015 Annual Report on Social Security and Insurance Developments. The Report showed that, last year, six provinces suffered a loss in pension funds and the money in individual accounts declined by one third. On a national level, by the end of 2015, the entire amount of Pension Fund Individual Accounts was valued at RMB 4,714.4 billion (around US$700 billion). However, the statistics in the Report indicated that only ten percent of that total was actually funded with available money. With a rapidly aging population, China’s pension funds face more and more funding issues, and there is a discussion underway to convert individual accounts to “nominal accounts.”

Source: China Times, October 14, 2016

CUHK Poll: Forty Percent of HK Residents Wish to Move Out

One of the most trusted Hong Kong polling organizations, HK Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), recently released the results of a scientific poll on emigration. The key finding of the survey was that around two-fifths (38.9 percent) of respondents indicated they would emigrate to other places if they got the chance. A further analysis to break down the tendency of emigration by age group or level of education indicated that younger people (aged 18-30: 57.0 percent) had a higher tendency to emigrate. More people with a college or above education (53.8 percent) indicated their intention to emigrate. The most preferred destinations, ranked by popularity, were Taiwan (16.3 percent), Australia (15.2 percent), and Canada (13.8 percent). The top motivating factors for emigration among those inclined to move were “dissatisfaction with the government and the high-ranking government officials” (11.0 percent), “overcrowded living conditions” (10.5 percent), “too much political disputing / social cleavage” (10.3 percent), and “slow economic growth or poor economic prospects” (10.3 percent).

Source: CUHK Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, October 11, 2016