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US-China Relations - 144. page

State Think Tank Critical of Secretary Clinton’s Remarks on India

Xinhua reprinted a commentary from Jiefang Daily that Wang Yusheng, the Executive Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies at the China Foundation for International Studies, wrote about U.S. Secretary Clinton’s speech made during the U.S. – India Dialogue. According to Wang, Clinton “encouraged and urged India” to play a role in the east. The title of the commentary was “Hilary: You Cannot Hurt China; You Only Exposed Yourself." Wang stated that the objective of Secretary Clinton’s remarks was to instigate fights and contain China. “Although the U.S. neo-conservative idealists expected tension between China and its neighboring countries, it did not occur. This was not because of the U.S. ‘hard power’ and ‘soft power’ or its much relished ‘smart power’; rather, it was the result of China’s ‘affinity power.’” The negative behavior of the U.S. toward China “cannot hurt China and merely brings to light the dark side and the vulnerability of its international behavior.”

Source: Jiefang Daily reprinted by Xinhua, August 1, 2011

People’s Daily: It’s Time for Washington’s Immoral Political Farce to End

China’s state-run media People’s Daily used the debt limit to publish a commentary that sharply criticizeding the U.S. political system. “As the ‘deadline’ for Washington to raise the debt limit is getting closer, investors around the world are worried about the dire consequences of the ‘U.S. defaulting on its debts.’”

“The politics of voting restricts the White House’s political decisions. The political farce on the U.S. political stage allows the whole world to witness the essence of this problem with U.S. politics." 

“Washington’s farce is making the world more and more worried that the U.S. has a dangerous propensity: Washington’s politicians ignore or even sacrifice other people’s interests to gain votes."

“People have a deeper understanding of the problems with the U.S. economy and will also be more suspicious of the U.S.’s political direction, foreign policy and ‘leadership ability.’ The show at the edge of the cliff has not only kidnapped the world economy, but also ruined its own reputation. It’s time for Washington’s immoral political farce to end.”

Source: People’s Daily, July 30, 2011

Xinhua Commentary: Don’t Overlook Responsibility for an Elephant & Donkey Fight

Xinhua published a headline news article in its world section, commenting on how the U.S. political system is at fault during this time of the ongoing U.S. debt limit crisis.

The article said, “Whether the U.S. will default on its debt obligation has entered the countdown time, but the politicians in Washington have not shown any signs of compromise. … The uncertainty created by the Elephant & Donkey Fight (the partisan struggle) overshadows the world economy. “The U.S. Congressional representatives from both parties openly fight a war of words at the expense of the nation and the people’s interests. It is actually playing a ‘dangerous game.’ As the August 2 ‘deadline’ nears, the struggle brings great worries to the American people and the world.” “Although most analysts predict the two parties will reach a compromise at the last minute, nobody can be sure that U.S. will be able to keep its AAA sovereign credit rating. U.S. President Obama also admits that if the U.S. credit rating is downgraded, it is because Washington lacks a political system that is compatible with a AAA credit rating.” “… the Elephant & Donkey Fight, which overlooks global responsibility, has created new risks. In the end, it will also hurt the Americans themselves.”

Source: Xinhua, July 30, 2011

Outlook Weekly: South China Sea Dispute Will Likely be a Long-Term Problem

According to an article in Outlook Weekly written by Li Zheng of the Institute of American Studies at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, China faces at least three important challenges in the South China Sea dispute. “The first important test is how to handle neighboring small countries. In reference to the South China Sea issue, Vietnam has the most intense conflict with China, followed by the Philippines and Malaysia. … The second test is how China will comply with international law and fulfill its international obligations. … The third important test is how China will co-exist with the United States in Southeast Asia and engage in healthy strategic competition. … The United States has intervened in the South China Sea dispute, directly targeting the ASEAN, not China. Therefore, there is no direct conflict with the United States, but there are competing interests.

“If China can successfully deal with these challenges, the South China Sea will become a powerful example of China’s peaceful rise. However, if it is the opposite, China will spend a lot of national power on the South China Sea dispute, eroding China’s international reputation and enhancing anti-Chinese sentiment in the neighboring countries. The dispute could become a ‘long-term problem,’ or even a ‘power trap.

Source: Outlook Weekly, July 26, 2011

Scholar on South China Sea: China Needs More Time to Gain Strength to Drive out the United States

Huanqiu recently interviewed a Chinese scholar, the Vice President of the Institute of International Relations at China’s People’s University, who commented on the South China Sea situation. The scholar believes that the ultimate solution to the South China Sea crisis is to drive out the United States; however, China needs time to gather its strength to do that. He said that implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea would represent positive progress and might reduce the tension of the South China Sea crisis. “However, differences between China and other parties to the dispute still exist. The South China Sea dispute is so complex that a consensus by itself will not remedy the situation. A controversial political atmosphere that does not allow compromise has emerged within the countries involved in the dispute. The external factor of the U.S., which has always wanted to take the lead in Southeast Asia, should not be ignored. For China, one of the options is to drag things out. China needs more time to gather its strength so that it can ‘drive out’ the United States and other outside forces. Only then will it be possible to find the ultimate solution to the South China Sea issue.”

Source: Huanqiu, July 22, 2011

Huanqiu Editorial: The West Is a Xinjiang Separatist and Terrorist Sympathizer

Huanqiu, a newspaper under Xinhua, published an editorial commenting on the Western media report about the Hetian incident in Xinjiang on July 18, 2011. The article said, “After the incident of a violent attack against police, the (Chinese) government immediately announced the incident and characterized it as a premeditated terrorist attack. Overseas media instinctively ascribed the incident to the category of ‘conflict between Uighurs and Han Chinese,’ claiming ‘China suppressed the Uighurs in the name of anti-terrorism.’”

“The Hetian Incident once again tells Chinese that we should never harbor any illusion that the West will support China’s anti-terrorism. The West, though not openly, has already become the de facto instigator or even friend of China’s terrorism. In the anti-terrorist issue, China may well be isolated for a long time.”   

The article concluded, “To deal with violent terrorism, the government must be resolute and not allow the terrorists and overseas sympathizers any illusions. Let them call names if they want to. What the rising China cannot get around and therefore is not afraid of is the abusive, name-calling voices.”

Source: Huanqiu, July 20, 2011

What Does Obama’s Meeting with Dalai Tell Us?

Xinhua republished a commentary from Tibet-online on the Obama meeting with the Dalai Lama. The article claims that Obama’s actions “hurt others without any benefit to himself.” The article said, “Since Obama took office, he has been oscillating without determination on the strategy and attitude of how to ‘contain’ China. In the beginning, he wished to use the flexible ‘smart power’ strategy to seek ‘change by contact,’ and actively looked for China’s unconditional cooperation in international affairs, regional conflicts, and environmental protection. China’s refusal exposed the Obama administration’s true face of inheriting the American style of hegemonic thinking. He then started to implement the strategy of forcefully pressuring China from all directions so as to contain China’s development. He used the ‘suppressing China card’ to obtain a politically active status and votes.”

“Ignoring the feelings of 1.3 billion Chinese, … Obama not only severely damaged the Chinese people’s sentiments and improvements to the Sino-U.S. relationship; he also let the Chinese once again witness America’s ‘ruthless’ and hegemonic thinking of using the excuse of the ‘Tibetan issue’ to interfere in China’s internal affairs  He once again destroyed many people’s political illusion about the U.S.”

Source: Xinhua, July 20, 2011

Huanqiu: U.S. Debt Negotiation is Holding Other Countries Hostage

Huanqiu published an editorial on the current negotiation between the U.S. President and Congress to increase the national debt ceiling. “Although analysts believe that Obama and Congress ultimately will ‘definitely’ reach an agreement, they dare to use their sovereign credit as a rubber ball on a playing field, and dare to hold hostage China, Japan, Germany, and the many countries that have bought U.S. Treasury bonds. Imagine how unbalanced this world is!”

“There must be more restrictions placed on the prerogatives of the United States. It would require that the world join hands in fighting the U.S. as well as that the United States awaken. The self-serving nature of the U.S. dollar as the sovereign currency is incompatible with the role of internationalism that it plays. … Wall Street used to be the recharger of the U.S. economy and has now become a smoke-filled common gaming house and a school for thieves. Power cannot sustained unreasonable things for long. The United States should awaken.”

Source: Huanqiu, July 16, 2011