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Xinhua: What Is Behind the High Profile U.S. Return to the Asia Pacific?

Xinhua published an article asking, “Recently, the U.S. has been making high profile announcements that this is “America’s Pacific century,” and claims to be returning to the Asia Pacific region. What is its true strategic intention?”

Huai Chenbo, a scholar at the Center for World Affairs of the Xinhua News Agency, stated that, when the U.S. claims to be a leader in the Asia Pacific, it is actually targeting China. The U.S. does not hide its strategic intention or its arrangements. As China rises and China’s relationship with ASEAN countries grows closer, the U.S. feels China is increasingly becoming a threat to its hegemony. Therefore, the purpose of the U. S.’ strategic move eastward is to contain China and neutralize China’s development.

Peng Guangqian, deputy general secretary of the China Policy Science Research Institute, believes that the U.S. is speeding up the implementation of its military strategy to target China. The intention is to contain any potential opponent that can challenge the U.S. and thus maintain its global hegemony. Huai believes that the U.S. military deployment in Australia appeared to be an independent event, but it is actually part of the whole plan of moving to the East.

Source: Xinhua, November 16, 2011

China and Pakistan Start Two-Week Joint Anti-Terrorism Military Drill

On November 14, 2011, China and Pakistan started a two-week joint anti-terrorism military exercise in Pakistan. The drill, which will end on November 27, 2011, is called “Friendship 2011.” China has sent 260 soldiers including special forces and army aviation helicopters to the drill site, while Pakistan has sent 230 Pakistani soldiers including special forces, helicopters, and fighter jets to participate in the drill.

“This joint drill is being conducted in six steps, namely ‘intelligence and information exchange, long range maneuvers, the establishment of a joint command system, adaptability training, comprehensive training, and theoretical discussions.’"

“This is the 4th anti-terrorism joint training drill that the Chinese and Pakistani armies have held with the aim of improving the two militaries’ capability to deal jointly with non-traditional security threats.”

Source: Xinhua, November 14, 2011 

Huanqiu Laughs at the United States’ Unrealistic Ambition to Lead the World

On November 15, 2011, Huanqiu, the Chinese version of Global Times, published a commentary titled “The United States Should Alter What It Means by ‘Leading the World.’” In a sarcastic tone, the writer of the article laughed at the U.S. government’s “unrealistic ambition” to lead the world. “The goal of the Obama administration’s strategic plan in the Asia Pacific region is to defend its ‘global leadership.’ This will overwhelm the U.S.”

“Being economically limited, the United States tends to use military and political pressure more frequently, trying to take ‘shortcuts’ in international politics. However, its military and political victories have never been secure, just like what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

“It is normal that the United States feels uneasy about facing a rising China. However, it is unhealthy for the anxiety to become too intense. An unrealistic ambition to (lead) the world must lie behind such an anxiety. The world does not belong to the United States.”

Source: Huanqiu, November 15, 2011

Chinese Student Enrollment in the U.S. Increases Sharply

On November 14, 2011, the Institute of International Education in the U.S released its annual report, which showed that the enrollment of Chinese students in the United States had increased 22% in the 2010 – 2011 academic year compared to the previous year. Nearly 158,000 Chinese students were studying in the United States, which accounted for 22% of the total number of international students in the U.S. This was the 2nd year in a row that China had the largest number of International students in U.S. universities and colleges.

India and South Korea accounted for the 2nd and 3rd largest number, with 14% of international students studying in the U.S. being from India and 10% from South Korea.

Source: Xinhua, November 15, 2011

China’s Cyberwarfare

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China is spearheading a war in cyberspace. Reports about China’s cyber-espionage or its attacks are mushrooming. A study of the available online information published in the Chinese media as well as the Western media leads to the conclusion that China has elevated cyberwarfare to a paramount strategic position and is fighting it using the “People’s War” (人民战争) Approach.

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30 Billion Tons of Polluted Water Discharged into Yangtze River

Wuhan Evening News recently reported that over 30 billion tons of polluted water has flown through the Yangtze River since 2006. Zang Xiaoping, the Deputy Chief of the Yangtze River Water Resources Protection Bureau, commented in an interview that – although pollution indeed is intensifying – the rate of increase in water pollution is slowing down. Zang said the Yangtze River discharges a total of 1 trillion tons of water into the sea annually and 30 billion tons of polluted water is only a small percentage. He said that the pollution level will not result in “fundamental” health threats. Large cities along the river are enhancing their pollution control, but Zang is “worried” about the pollution caused by the development pace of small cities, which are, currently, the primary contributors to water pollution.

Source: Wuhan Evening News, November 13, 2011

RFA: Farmer’s Lose Income Due to Sharp Drop in Price of Agricultural Products

Radio Free Asia (RFA) recently reported that the news is spreading widely in the Chinese media that the prices of agricultural products have been dropping. As an example, key Chinese cabbage producers saw a sharp drop in prices 90% compared to last year. Even if they sold out their entire inventory of products, the farmers could hardly recover their basic costs. Famous Chinese economist Hu Xingdou suggested that this pattern of the price dropping every other year resulted mainly from unbalanced information between the farmers and the market. The lack of a futures market for agricultural products and the lack of organized farmer’s associations have contributed to farmers’ inability to manage market risks. Nor has the government lent a helping hand to the farmers. The recent adjustments in the macro economy had a negative impact on the capital market for investment in agricultural products.

Source: Radio Free Asia, November 10, 2011

Professors on Knees Begging for Pollution to Stop

On November 7, 2011, China News Net reported that a group of professors from Changjiang University in the City of Wuhan visited local officials and got down on their knees begging the government to shut-down a nearby steel company that was a major source of pollution to the University’s environment. It was reported that, since 2009, the pollution has caused numerous diseases among the nearby population. Fighting against the company for 4 years achieved no results. A reporter took photographs of the professors on their knees. The pictures spread rapidly on the Internet and became a major focal point for public attention. The company then told the reporter that it had since ceased operations. The local government promised to conduct an investigation and handle the situation properly once the investigation was complete.

Source: China News Net, November 7, 2011