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The Paper: Xiamen City Carried Out Ideology Campaign among Party Members to Create “Clean and Healthy Political Ecology”

The Paper reported that, in order to create a “clean and healthy political ecology,” Xiamen City of Fujian Province recently carried out a campaign among 70,000 of its party members to rectify the behavior of some of the party members. Some members choose to “believe in ghosts and in god but do not believe in Marxism-Leninism (不信马列信鬼神).” The members were asked to conduct a self-check and take corrective action if they found any violations. All violations are subject to serious investigation and an accountability check. The article stated that this is part of Xiamen City implementing the party’s political tasks which include “promoting party organizations, party members and cadres at all levels of the city to safeguard (Xi Jinping)’s core leadership in a conscious manner, firmly implement the party’s political line, and strictly enforce political discipline and political rules in order to ensure the implementation of major decisions.” So far, the city has conducted questionnaires on 20 violations of political discipline and political rules, including 3 municipal cadres. Meanwhile in 2018, Xiamen City and the local districts organized 31 training programs with 2,630 participants to study the “key messages from the 19th congress and Xi Jinping’s socialist thoughts with Chinese Characteristics in the new era.” This was done so that the members could “grasp the discipline inspection and supervision work in the new era more accurately.”

Source: The Paper, January 5, 2019

CNA: Mainland Scholar Calls on the Chinese Communist Party to Fade Out of the Historical Stage

The Central News Agency reported that Zheng Yefu, a famous Chinese social scholar, recently wrote that, since its establishment, the Chinese Communist Party has brought too many disasters. In the past 70 years it has completely lost its ability to correct itself. Only by peacefully fading out from the historical stage can it meet the fundamental interests of the people. However if the public keeps quiet, the people don’t deserve to see the end of this totalitarian regime.

Zheng took the history of Taiwan’s end of the one-party dictatorship as an example. He emphasized that, if there had been no democratic party to fight against the ruling party for many years, the then President Chiang Ching-kuo would not have been able to make decisions toward a democratic transformation. Compared with today’s China, if intellectuals were faithful to their own consciences, they should have been brave enough to express their views and “China would not have become what it is today.”

Zheng Yefu is a retired professor at the Department of Sociology at Peking University. He has long observed Chinese intellectuals and social development issues and has criticized official policies. Among the public he is very highly respected. He made the above appeal in his article called, “The Causes and Difficulties of Political Reform,” which was published last month.

Although this article was not published in mainland China, overseas Chinese media reprinted it and triggered extensive discussions. Chinese netizens have also reprinted on the microblog some of the content that does not contain sensitive vocabulary. They expressed their gratitude to Zheng Yefu for this article. Some people said that Zheng is “the true spirit and patriotism of Peking University.”

According to a report from Radio Free Asia and Radio France International, Zheng Yefu said in the article that most of the party’s policies do not represent the interests of the Chinese people. Instead, the party took the opportunity to turn the private land of the people into state-owned land, and the local governments then sold the land to real estate developers at a much higher price and made countless citizens become house slaves.

He pointed out that since the party came to power, for 70 years, it has brought too many disasters to the Chinese people, and it has almost completely lost the mechanism of self-correction. “Joining the party is to earn an official title and defending the party is to safeguard its vested interests; the party is increasingly hateful towards different political views, and the fear of crisis has made the party dysfunctional.”

Zheng Yefu believes that, currently, the common interest of the Chinese people and the ruling party is for “the Party to peacefully, that is, in order to avoid violence and cause the minimum social unrest, to fade out of the historical arena.” “The only big contribution for the existing party leadership to do that can go down in history is to lead the party to decently fade out of the historical arena.”

He also mentioned, “If we (the public) do not say something and do not exert pressure, we should not, and we do not deserve to see the end of this totalitarian regime.”

Zheng Yefu pointed out that “The rise and fall of a nation rests with every one of its citizens,” which was one of the purposes of his writing the article. “There is also a humble motivation. I have written millions of words over the years. If I don’t say a word on the subject that matters to the fate of the nation, I will look down on myself.”

He mentioned at the end of the article that China has not yet reached the point where all responsibility can be pushed on the politicians. “It is because today’s scholars have not fulfilled their responsibilities. If they were faithful to their own consciences, if they were brave enough to speak their own opinions, China would not be what it is today.”

Source: Central News Agency, January 5, 2019

Xi Jinping: As Risks and Challenges Increase, Be Prepared for Combat Readiness

The military work conference of the Central Military Commission was held in Beijing on Jan 4. At the conference, Xi Jinping emphasized that China is still in an important period of strategic opportunities. As the number of risks and challenges are increasing, the entire army must do a solid job in preparing for combat readiness. In his speech, Xi said that the entire army must properly understand and grasp the general trend of China’s security and development, strengthen the sense of urgency and crisis, do a good job in preparing for a military fight, and resolutely fulfill the missions and tasks that the party and the people have entrusted to it. Xi also pointed out that it is necessary to establish the military strategy in the new era and to improve the capabilities of the combat forces.

Prior to the meeting, Xi signed the first military mobilization order of 2019. During the meeting he presented awards to 10 armed warfare units and 20 armed soldiers.

Source: Central News Agency, January 4, 2019

China’s Aid for Pakistan’s Foreign Exchange Reserves

China has pledged to provide Pakistan with a total of $2 billion in financial aid to increase its foreign exchange reserves. Russian experts pointed out that there is a high possibility that China will respond to Pakistan’s request to provide financial support for its all-weather strategic partners.

In the year 2018, the value of the rupee shrank by more than 20 percent with respect to the dollar. Repayment of foreign debts, including $8 billion paid in December 2018, almost emptied Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves.

The ongoing three-month negotiation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has not generated any tangible results. The two sides will resume negotiations on January 15 for a loan of $7 to 8 billion. It is very likely that Pakistan will satisfy the conditions that the IMF has set and will make transparent all terms to international lenders of Chinese loans and infrastructure projects under the framework of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. However, due to the budget gap, the Pakistani side has been in arrears in paying for the amount of work and services that the Chinese companies have completed. Therefore, it is very likely that the future loans received from the IMF will be used to pay to Chinese companies. The United States, which plays a major role within the IMF, has warned the IMF that the U.S. membership fee at the IMF is taxpayer’s money and should not be used to pay the Chinese lenders or Pakistani bond holders.

Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves fell to a critically low amount of only $7.3 billion, which cannot even cover imports in recent months. The international rating agency Fitch has listed Islamabad’s debt rating as junk. Against this backdrop, China’s commitment of $2 billion will strengthen the Pakistani economy, improve the overall foreign exchange reserves, and, more importantly, will help increase the confidence of foreign investors.

The current promised $2 billion is the second allocation within six months. In July 2018, Beijing already pledged $2 billion to Pakistan to deal with the economic crisis. Earlier, according to Pakistan’s newspaper The Express Tribune, quoting from a Chinese Ministry of Finance’s anonymous source, China will give additional financial support. However, this information has not been corroborated; nor has any other source denied it.

In view of this, Russian experts pointed out in an interview with the Russian Sputnik News that China and Pakistan have reached a consensus and will not disclose information on the specific amount and conditions of the financial assistance. Pakistan’s Minister of Finance, Asad Umar, did not answer inquiries from foreign media about China’s new financial assistance. Zhao Lijian, representative of the Chinese Embassy in Islamabad, insisted that he did not have the information regarding the amount of loans and investments under the framework of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. However, he pointed out that China will continue to provide assistance for Pakistan’s economic development.

Source: Sputnik News, January 4, 2019

Luo Yuan on the “Military Attitude in the South China Sea”

At the 2019 Annual Meeting of Global Times on December 8, Luo Yuan, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of the China Strategic Culture Promotion Association, dismissed the opinion that (China’s) “military stance in the South China Sea is too weak.” He stated that China must have the strategic calmness to safeguard the sovereignty of the country. Luo implied that one shouldn’t look at what’s going on right now; the key is what will happen in the future.

Luo Yuan said that the situation in the South China Sea has changed a lot. China has built airports on the reefs and deployed defensive weapons and equipment. This was unimaginable 20 years ago.

Luo Yuan also analyzed the case of the Southern Combat Region’s spokesperson’s statement on November 30 regarding the U.S. ship’s intruding into of the Xisha territorial waters. Luo Yuan said that the Ministry of National Defense previously voiced “the South China Sea issue.” Now it is the local combat region that issues a statement. What is the function of the combat region? The combat region is established mainly to fight, that is, in the state of preparation for war. Our warships and planes have conducted evidence-collecting, warning, and expelling activities. This was absolutely impossible 20 years ago. Don’t talk about ‘avoiding the Sino-U.S. crisis.’ The best way to ‘avoid a crisis’ is if the U.S. warships don’t go into China’s territorial waters. To the United States, also, don’t talk about ‘freedom of navigation’ all day long. It is also time for China to say to the United States that China also needs to maintain ‘freedom of navigation.’”

Luo Yuan concluded, “So many people have questioned why the U.S. warships went to the Taiwan Strait and went to the South China Sea. Why hasn’t the army taken any measures? We advise everyone that we must have confidence in national defense; we must have strategic calmness; and we are gradually gaining strategic controlling power, accumulating the capability of a ‘must-win in fight.’”

Source: Global Times, December 8, 2018

China’s Population Sees Negative Growth; First Time in 70 Years

China, as the world’s most populous country, has nearly 1.4 billion people. For decades, in order to control population growth, it implemented a one-child policy. However, in response to concerns about an aging society and a shrinking labor force, in 2016, the Chinese government allowed couples to have a second child.

Yi Fuxian, a researcher at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, pointed out that despite the second child policy, the number of safely born infants in China in 2018 was 2.5 million less than the previous year, compared with the forecast of an increase of 790,000.

Based on the publicly available birth information of villages and towns across China, Yi believes that last year was a “historical turning point for the Chinese population” and its negative growth may have become an irreversible trend. The causes include the decline of women of reproductive age, as well as the high expenses of education, health care, and housing, making newly married couples reluctant to raise children.

Year 2018 was the first year of negative population growth since the establishment of People’s Republic of China in 1949. Yi’s observation is that the aging of the population has accelerated while China’s economic vitality has declined.

Source: Central News Agency, January 3, 2019

Officials Held Accountable for African Swine Fever Outbreak

Although African swine fever continues to spread in China, the authorities emphasized that the epidemic is “overall controllable.” However, according to a local government website, 223 people in Liaoning and other places have been held accountable for deliberately hiding the epidemic information and have been slack in performing their duties of monitoring and investigation.

On December 30, 2018, Inner Mongolia’s Chinese Communist Party’s website published a release from the Information Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, titled, “The General Office of the State Council seeks accountability for the prevention and control of African swine fever in Liaoning, Anhui, and Hunan.”

The above news was not widely picked up by mainland Chinese media. According to the release, the General Office of the State Council issued letters to Liaoning, Anhui, and Hunan, demanding serious investigation for responsibilities. These three provinces have seen intensive outbreaks of cases and even a small-scale epidemic.

According to the report, some county and township government officials in Liaoning Province passed the buck around, some deliberately hid the outbreak information and failed to implement the monitoring and investigation. In some cities and counties in Anhui and Hunan Provinces, the prevention and control work was not in place and there was a lack of efficacy in performing their duties. A total of 223 officials in the three provinces were punished.

The report also reminded the government officials that they must understand the difficulty and complexity of the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Source: Central News Agency, January 2, 2019

CNA: White-Collar Party Members to Fill in Lunch Time Duty for “Xicheng Aunts”

All parts of China are filled with so-called community mass organizations. They usually clean the streets, perform public welfare work, and at the same time they take responsibility for ensuring public security. In Beijing, the group is called “Chaoyang Residents” or “Xicheng Aunts.” In Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, they are called “Wulin Aunts.” According to a report from the Beijing Evening Newspaper, in Beijing’s Xicheng district, there are currently 81,885 registered “Xicheng Aunts” and the number of people involved in promoting “Peace in the Xicheng” project is over 100,000 with 1,452 special force teams.

The Central News Agency reported that these mass organizations in Beijing’s neighborhoods have repeatedly made contributions in reporting drug abuse in the community. Now Xicheng District intends to expand the group to involve the white-collar party members to be part of the group. The reason is that the existing members of Xicheng Aunts have to take a nap during the day. They wish to involve the white-collar party members so there will be no gap in the security patrol during the day.

According to Beijing Evening News, the idea of letting urban white-collar workers use their lunch break and put on uniforms to patrol the community is still under planning. It could be finalized next year. Once it comes true, the urban white-collar workers in Xicheng District will wear red vests and red armbands, and they will be active in the streets and lanes, becoming the “young age” Xicheng aunts.

In addition, since 2015, “Xicheng Aunts” has given tips on more than 30,000 pieces of illegal and criminal information, and assisted the public security organs in arresting more than 6,000 criminal suspects. In the near future, Xicheng District plans to use an open space to build a “Xicheng Aunts” exhibition hall to showcase the work that these “Xicheng aunts” have done.

Source: Central News Agency, December 16, 2018