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“One Belt One Road” Project Suffers Serious Setback as Neighboring Countries Withdraw

VOA recently published an article reporting that, in the past few weeks, Pakistan, Nepal, and Myanmar have confirmed their withdrawal from three major water and electricity projects which are worth US$20 billion. This has created a serious setback for China’s “One Belt One Road” project’s progress. Pakistan cited China’s tough financing terms as the reason for it to withdraw from the US$14 million Diamer-Bhasha Dam project. The Vice Prime Minister of Nepal announced the country’s withdraw from a water and electricity project worth US$2.5 billion because of the Chinese company’s violation of accounting rules. Myanmar announced last month that it has no interest in resuming the US$3.6 billion dam project it withdrew from three years ago. The article stated that even though there are political or economic reasons behind these decisions, these less developed countries are more and more clear that the these infrastructure projects that China initiated are too costly. When asked about the comments about Pakistan and Nepal’s withdrawal from the “One Belt One Road” projects, the spokesperson from China’s Foreign Affairs office said that he was not made aware of the news and China and Nepal maintain a good relationship.

Source: VOA, December 4, 2017

Beijing Officials Ask Hong Kong People to Acknowledge China and the Communist Party’s Rule of Hong Kong

According to an article VOA published, on December 4, China’s National Constitution Day, Beijing officials stationed in Hong Kong said that, “Hong Kong must respect and agree that its political system is under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, which is defined under the constitution. Hong Kong became a part of Red China after its return and it shares the same fate with the Chinese Communist Party.” The article stated that this is the first time in the 20 years since Hong Kong’s return that Chinese officials have made such a bare and direct statement about the relationship between Hong Kong and the Mainland. According to the comments from a retired professor from Hong Kong City University, Hong Kong people acknowledge themselves as Chinese and also recognize China but they don’t accept the rule of the communist party and can’t accept the statement that equates China with the Chinese Communist Party as one. He told VOA that “In Hong Kong other than a few of those establishments at the top who care for their power and interest and openly praise Beijing, most of the Hong Kong people are in fear of the communist party and don’t like what it does. Even for those in the establishment who praise Beijing, they feel concerned and unsafe that the Communist Party is invading Hong Kong and openly stating that Hong Kong is under communist party rule.”

Source: Voice of America, December 5, 2017

Westminster School to Set up Campuses in China and Agreed to Incorporate Political Ideology Course in its Curriculum

Central News Agency reported that the Westminster School, the well-known private boarding school from England, announced that it plans to open six campuses in China by 2028. The first campus will be set up in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, in 2020. It promised that it will use China’s basic education curriculum, including political ideology education courses, while incorporating curriculum from Westminster School for students in elementary and middle schools. It will then fully adopt English class requirements for high school students. These requirements will be compatible with the test standard in England. According to a report from Xinhua, Westminster School signed a contract agreement with HKMEGT, a Hong Kong education investment group. Its campus on the mainland will enroll students from 6 years old to 18 years old.

Source: Chinese News Agency, December 8, 2017

Major General Jin Yinan: China Will Not Stand on the Sidelines If Trump Starts a War on the Korean Peninsula

Chinese Major General Jin Yinan was a guest at the military forum “National Defense Space” on The Voice of China {a radio station} talking about the recent North Korean intercontinental missile launch and the US-Korea joint military exercises. Jin stated that China’s “double suspension” proposal {suspending nuclear testing and suspending U.S. military exercises} is still the most effective way to solve the North Korean nuclear issue.

Jin said, “The pressure for war is getting more and more intense, but the reasons for a war show it is not as imminent as those who control the situation may believe. … The double suspension is the best way for both parties to cool down first, lowering the temperature first, and then starting to negotiate. A good initiative is not accepted by everyone at once. With the passage of time, it’s more apparent that the “double suspension” that China proposed is the only clear-cut way to solve the issue of the Korean Peninsula peacefully.”

Jin also repeated Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi‘s statement that, ‘China will never allow anyone to fight at the door of China and will never allow anyone to mess up Asia.” He said, “This is not just because of our attitude, but also because of the maintenance of regional security for which we must be responsible, which is backed by our strength. Therefore, this war is by no means an issue of whether we should stand on the sidelines; it is by no means a matter of persuading the other side not to fight. You (think) you can strike according to your wishes. If you start the war I can tell you that we will never just stand by.”

Source: Wenxuecity, December 7, 2017

Duowei: The World Has Undervalued the Big World Event: Chinese Communist Party “Meeting” Global Political Dignitaries

Duowei, a Beijing controlled Chinese media based overseas, published a report discussing the “High-level Dialogue between the CCP and the World’s Political Parties” that was held in Beijing. The article stated that the meeting is undoubtedly of vital importance to both China and the rest of the world. From a historical perspective, this will be a hallmark of the modernization of China’s politics. (It signals that) China has once again entered a historic period of disseminating political civilization to the outside world, (just like what took place) in the advanced and prosperous history of China in eras such as the Han and Tang Dynasties.

The article claimed, “In the phrase ‘High-level Dialogue between the CCP and the World’s Political Parties,’ the ‘Communist Party of China’ is in parallel with the ‘world’s political parties,’ indicating that this is a platform where the CCP serves as the main player to connect with global politics. The first CCP and World Dialogue was held in September 2014, when more than 60 former dignitaries, experts, and scholars from more than 30 countries participated in the conference with Chinese representatives. This time, more than 200 leaders of political parties and political organizations from more than 120 countries signed up for the conference. This is the first multilateral diplomatic event that the CCP has organized since the 19th National Congress of the CCP. It is the first time that the CCP has held high-level dialogues with all kinds of political parties in the world. It is also the most attended dialogue meeting to include the leaders of global political parties. Although the Western media have not given the event enough attention, the positive response of many countries and politicians clearly shows that the achievements of the CCP’s administration, especially in the past few years, have been recognized very widely. This will be an event that will be written into the book of world history.”

Source: Duowei, December 2, 2017

CRN: US-China Comprehensive Economic Dialogue Halted

China Review News (CRN) recently reported that the Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Treasury David Malpass commented in a press interview on the status of the US-China Comprehensive Economic Dialogue (CED). Malpass stated that the CED is stalled and it does not appear that there are any plans for a resumption. Since China “has not taken the path towards a market-oriented economy,” there has not been any on-going discussion or communication on potentially restarting a similar dialog. The original idea of having the CED was to focus on the issues between China and the United States in terms of trade and investments. The U.S. had a trade deficit with China at the level of US$274 billion in the first nine months of this year. More and more officials in the Trump administration have doubted the usefulness of having the CED with China, especially when China’s state-owned enterprises are obtaining more controlling power in the Chinese economy. Very recently, the United States started an anti-dumping investigation against China’s aluminum sheet exports to the U.S. This is in addition to the global steel overcapacity debate, as well as the U.S. position against China’s Market Economy Status under the World Trade Organization (WTO) framework.

Source: China Review News, December 1, 2017

SWIFT: RMB Global Presence Sliding Further Down

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) mentioned in its October report that the global usage of the Chinese currency continues to decline. The report shows that the volume of RMB international transactions fell to 1.46 percent in October. The RMB is now ranked number seven among all currencies, down from number six in October 2016. This is the lowest point since April 2014. The top three most widely used currencies are the US Dollar (39.79 percent), the Euro (33.05 percent) and the British Pound (7.71 percent). The Chinese RMB is now between the Canadian Dollar (1.60 percent) and the Australian Dollar (1.43 percent). The US Dollar also reached its lowest point since November 2013.

Source: Sina, November 30, 2017

The Reason behind the Abdication of the Japanese Emperor

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently summarized a discussion and a commentary that appeared on Chinese Central Television (CCTV) on the topic of the Japanese Emperor’s abdication. In addition to the typical age discussion, CCTV focused on the fact that the sitting Emperor may be in disagreement with Japanese Prime Minister Abe on the agenda for amending the constitution. The article mentioned that the Emperor has consistently talked about the “deep reflection” needed in Japanese society over many years and he has never set foot in the Yasukuni Shrine. The CCTV commentary quoted the “Japanese media” which called the Emperor a “strong protector of the constitution.” Prime Minister Abe is widely considered to be an “amendment advocate.” Given the strong influence the Emperor has, those who want to amend the constitution have tried very hard to push the Emperor to support their agenda. CCTV noted that, apparently, their agenda is against the will of the Emperor.

Source: Sina, December 1, 2017