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Red Flag Commentary: Party Organization Must Play Imperative Role in SOE Reform

Guangming Daily published an article that Red Flag magazine originally carried. The article clarified the misunderstanding that the Party organization’s role in economic reform is not important. It stated that, during the latest round of SOE reform, it is imperative that the leadership of the Party organization in each SOE must be improved and strengthened. The article listed a number of reasons why the Party’s role is important. The Party’s leadership has served an important role in the economic growth of the country. Only under the Party’s leadership and in a stable political environment can the SOE grow within its market. The SOE bears the responsibility of safeguarding the nation’s economic security and public interest. The Party’s leadership will ensure that the SOEs are walking on the correct political path. The role that the Party leadership is not limited to safeguarding ideology; it also needs to be part of the senior leadership team that provides proper guidance to the development of the company during the reform. The article also named two CEOs as examples who serve as both the CEO of the company and the head of the Party organization. It said that the joint title confirms the newly established SOE reform policy which states that the the CEO of the company and the head of the Party organization can be the same person.

Source: Guangming Daily, September 18, 2016                                                                                                     

Afraid of Fraud, College Freshmen in China Don’t Dare to Receive a Scholarship

Several incidents of fraud in which college students have been victimized have occurred in mainland China. Some students have committed suicide because they were the victims of fraud., for example, reported on the apprehension of 28 suspects in three high-profile telecom fraud cases that resulted in three student deaths. Two had heart attacks and one committed suicide when they learned they had lost their tuition to telecom fraudsters. Yangtze Evening News reported that due to the rampant fraud, students don’t trust the subsidies (scholarships) that some colleges and universities have set up for the freshmen from poor families in. Animal Science and Technology College of Yangzhou University’s “dream Scholarship” was established for freshmen this year. The recipients have faced a lot of embarrassment.

The report said this scholarship was designed to help families with financial difficulties. In order to investigate the family situation, the counselor contacted the parents of the perspective students individually. Such an investigation has frequently been mistaken for [an investigation into] fraud. Many freshmen or their parents even claimed they would forgo the scholarship.

To resolve the issue, the liaisons working on the scholarships had to video chatting tools to show their true identity.

Source: Central News Agency, September 2, 2016                                                                                                               , September 9, 2016                                                                                                                   


Huanqiu Editorial: Japan Should Cherish the Opportunity for Sino-Japanese Leaders to Meet

Huanqiu (Global Times) published an editorial article following the meeting between China and Japan’s top leaders, Xi Jinping and Shinzo Abe, at the G20 Summit in Hangzhou. The editorial criticized Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe quite harshly.

The article said, “Since Abe began serving as prime minister more than three years ago, the Sino-Japanese relationship has “completely cooled down.” The bilateral relations have not been able to improve. The fundamental reason lies in the lack of genuine sincerity on the Japanese side, often saying one thing and doing another. Confrontation with China has almost become the full principle of Japan’s diplomacy. Anything that China supports, Japan will oppose. Many Chinese people have developed this impression. Chinese public opinion has thus gradually lost confidence and interest in improving Sino-Japanese relations.”

“At the press conference held on the evening of September 5, Abe talked lavishly about the South China Sea. In Hangzhou, he was probably the only one of the 20 leaders to talk so much in public about the South China Sea.

“Chinese people’s attitude toward Abe is that they will probably only “listen to his words and observe his deeds.” Abe seems to have a lot of ideas about China. He may also have a number of contradictory feelings about the United States, but he dares not release them to the United States. He has probably moved those attitudes toward China to a certain extent. While, on the one hand, he seems really eager to reduce Sino-Japanese tensions; on the one hand, he is deliberately confrontational with China.

“For example, Japan often jumps even higher than the United States over the South China Sea issue; it is even more radical than the Philippines and Vietnam. Even though the South China Sea is an important trade route for Japan, this does not make sense. The South China Sea is also important to Korea. Japan seems to feel secure only if the U.S.-Japan joint military has full control of the South China Sea.

“The Japan-U.S. alliance is one of the biggest security challenges for China. Tokyo has tried very hard to expand its influence on this factor. It gives no consideration to the negative feelings it bears toward China. Tokyo also advocated the separation of the political and the economic, meaning that China should accept its willful acts on the political and security aspects while ensuring its economic interests without any damage.

“China and Japan have jointly defined a ‘strategic and mutually beneficial relationship.’ Japan now seems to express this concept just verbally, but really seems not to have any thoughts about the ‘strategic and mutually beneficial’ relationship with China. It adjusted its relations with China to have trade and economic and cultural exchanges on policies, but strategically plays a zero-sum game against China.

“According to Japan’s Kyodo News, the Japanese government stakeholders involved in designing the strategy toward China have expressed that ‘in today’s Japan-China relations, it is a pass if conflict can be avoided.’ A lot of Chinese scholars also have the same concern and are indeed not optimistic about the Sino-Japanese relationship.

“A Meeting of Heads of State usually plays an important role in resolving conflicts and expanding mutual goodwill. Abe always asks to meet Chinese leaders. I hope he cherishes every such meeting. If it is caught in the vicious circle of ‘the worse it is, the more talk, and the more talk the worse,’ then Beijing may not have time to accompany Tokyo to play.”

Source: Huanqiu, September 6, 2016

Chinese Riot Police Stormed into Wukan Village to Suppress Protests; They Injured and Arrested Many

In the early morning (at around 4:00 am) on September 13, 2016, a large number of Chinese riot police forcibly stormed into Wukan Village in Lufeng, Guangdong Province. They broke into homes and arrested the leaders of the ongoing protests over Lin Zuluan, their elected village chief who was jailed for “accepting bribes,” which the villagers did not believe. The police fired rubber bullets and tear gas at villagers while villagers threw rocks at the police. Many villagers were injured; the villagers said that one elderly woman was shot to death. The Lufeng Police announced that they had arrested 13 villagers. However, the villagers revealed that at least 70 people were arrested.

[Editor Note: In 2011, Wukan villagers won their protests over land seizures. They successfully expelled government officials and the police from their village. Eventually, the Communist authorities had to allow them to hold a true village election. They elected the protest leader, Lin Zuluan, as the village chief. Recently, because Lin was going to lead a new protest over land seizures, the Chinese authorities arrested and jailed him for taking bribes. The Wukan villagers have protested for more than 80 days since Lin was detained because they believe their chief is innocent.]


Source: Hong Kong Oriental Online, September 13, 2016

Xinhua News Agency: Police Arrested 13 Wukan Villagers for Disturbing the Public Order

Xinhua News Agency reported on September 13, 2016, that the Lufeng City Police in Guangdong Province arrested 13 Wukan Villagers as criminal suspects for gathering and disturbing the public and the traffic order.

The Lufeng City Public Security Bureau announced in the early morning of September 13, 2016, that those 13 Wukan villagers had been making and spreading rumors. They incited, planned, blackmailed and coerced some other villagers to gather illegally in order to disturb the public, traffic, and the school and business order. “To safeguard the interests of the masses, restore normal production and life, the local police took action according to the law and arrested them for a trial.”

Souce: Xinhua News Agency, September 13, 2016

Huanqiu Editorial: “The Chinese People Are the Most Enthusiastic Fans of the G20 Summit”

On September 3, 2016, one day before the 2016 G20 Summit in Hangzhou China, Huanqiu (Global Times Chinese, a major official mouthpiece of the Communist Party) published an editorial asserting that “The Chinese people are the most enthusiastic fans of the G20 Summit.”

The Huanqiu editorial listed four “outstanding” “additional factors” about China’s hosting of the G20 Summit:

  1. The Chinese government regards hosting the G20 summit in China as a “Big Thing.” For the G20, China created a favorable environment as well as an efficient and comprehensive organization. Although there has been criticism of the extensive and intensive preparations for the meeting, “the positive effects are certainly greater than the negative ones.”
  2. As the world’s second largest economy and also the largest developing country, it is easier for China to communicate with both the developed countries and the emerging markets of the developing countries in a common language.
  3. China really wants to promote global governance for everyone’s mutual benefit. The editorial asserted that, “The Chinese people are the most enthusiastic fans of the G20 summit.”
  4. International public opinion has been bad-mouthing the G20. The developed countries are having difficulties extricating themselves from their crises, while the emerging markets of the developing countries face increasing challenges. The G20 needs a passionate summit. “Chinese society’s enthusiasm will help the G20.”
  5. China has been developing rapidly for several decades. It has shared the problems of globalization. It will be very productive for the world’s political and business leaders to gather in Hangzhou China to analyze China as the mirror of the world’s development.

Finally, the editorial criticized some Western media for politicizing the G20 summit. China, as the host country, however, proposed the summit themes and the discussion topics, which all centered on the economy.

Source: Huanqiu, September 3, 2016

Huanqiu Editorial: Why did the Philippine President Dare to Curse Obama with “the Dirtiest Words”?

According to a Huanqiu editorial on September 7, 2016, Philippine President Duterte recently called Obama a “son of a whore.” Although Duterte’s spokesman later expressed regret, Duterte’s words, like water poured on the ground, have been spread around the world. When Duterte cursed Obama, he also said that the Philippines is no longer a colony and that, except for the Filipino people, he has no other master.

Huanqiu commented that, “All of Duterte’s truthful words were from his heart,” and that it will be very hard for the US and Philippines to get over the resulting hostility.

The Western world criticizes the Philippines’ internal affairs for “human rights violations,” and the killing of over one thousand drug dealers, but what Duterte has done is widely welcomed in the Philippines. Of course Duterte cares more about the amount of support inside his country. Huanqiu concluded that the incident represents the emotion of repulsion and of “enough is enough” that the developing countries have when facing the impact of Western values.

Source: Huanqiu, September 7, 2016 Liaoning Election Bribery Case Triggered Further Investigations recently reported that dozens of Congressmen from the National People’s Congress are under investigation. An election bribery case that was discovered in Liaoning Province triggered the inquiry. At least eight of the Congressmen are from Liaoning. The election in question was the 2013 national election. According to information leaked from the investigations, some wealthy figures in the private sector bribed provincial government officials and provincial Congress members (who then elected national representatives) in order to create a path for themselves to the National People’s Congress. Since Liaoning has over six hundred provincial Congress members, it’s very challenging to distribute bribery across so many people. Anonymous sources said some powerful members of the government played the role of middleman to facilitate the transactions. Some provincial Congressmen claimed that they had donated the money to charities.

Source:, September 6, 2016