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Xinhua Commentary Calls for Harsh Measures to Crack Down on Corruption

On November 30, 2012, the Disciplinary Committee of Shandong Province launched an investigation of Shan Zhende, Deputy Director of the Shandong Province Department of Agriculture, based on a statement he wrote to his mistress promising that he would divorce his wife and marry her. This incident took place one week after Lei Zhengfu, the District Party Secretary in Chongqing, stepped down from his post due to a sex tape scandal [Editor: according media reports, Lei was fired after tapes showing him with an 18-year-old woman, allegedly hired to bribe him, went viral].

Xinhua published a commentary quoting statistics from the Central Disciplinary Committee that showed that 95 percent of problem officials have mistresses. The commentary stated, "We can’t simply rely on the (issue of) mistresses to crack down on corruption." It called for harsher anti-corruption action and a disciplinary system that prevents Party officials from being misguided.

Source: Xinhua, December 2, 2012

2012 EU-China Year of Intercultural Dialogue Concluded

The EU-China Year of Intercultural Dialogue concluded in Beijing on October 30, 2012. The opening ceremony of the 2012 Dialogue was held in Brussels in February 2012. Since then, close to 300 collaborative projects were completed in areas such as literature, art, philosophy, and language. A total of 22 municipal and provincial regions in China and 27 EU countries participated. A joint statement issued by both parties said that the two regions wished to continue further collaboration in the future.

Source: Xinhua, November 30, 2012

Former Chinese Diplomat Comments on U.S. Middle East Strategy

Liu Baolai, former Vice President of The Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs and former ambassador to the Middle East, published a commentary in Xinhua on the U.S. strategy in the Middle East titled, “The U.S Is Eating the Bitter Fruit of Its Middle East Strategy.” Liu said that in 2012, the U.S. Middle East strategy suffered one loss after another. He summarized them in five areas: 

1) The U.S. declined in soft power and lost the regional support of the people. (Liu’s article cited a poll that showed that 78 percent of Arabs hate Americans). 2) As the Islamic forces rise, they only use "American democracy" to attain power but they actually oppose "American democracy." They are against the U.S.-led international policies; they want to be independent. 3) Iran is growing in power. Over the past year, in the face of the U.S. threat, Iran has built up its military power, developed military enterprises, greatly strengthened its national defense, and also held a number of military exercises. 4) The four transformed Arabian countries distanced themselves from the United States. The new regimes of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen learned lessons and have adjusted their foreign policies. They changed their previous pro-American policy to one that is relatively independent and balanced. 5) The Iraq "example" effect has disappeared. Since the U.S. troops left Iraq at the end of 2011, the American model has become an empty shell. 
In the end, Liu remarked that "the Universal values" of the United States are not working. The U.S. can only eat the bitter fruits of its own acts. 
Source: Xinhua, November 28, 2012

Beijing Court Sentenced Local Government Detention Guards for Illegal Detention

For the first time, a Beijing Chaoyang District court issued a decision on guards who detained petitioners illegally. It sentenced 10 local government detention guards to prison terms on charges of illegal detention.

Last May, the Beijing police arrested 10 persons at a location where the Liaison Office of Henan Province had detained 12 petitioners from Henan because they had came to Beijing to appeal their grievances to the central government. On September 24, 3012, a court in the Beijing Chaoyang District held its first hearing. The second hearing was held on November 27, 2012, where the three juvenile suspects were tried. The court met for the third time on November 28, 2012, for the trial of the seven adults. The court issued its decision that same day. It sentenced the lead suspect to prison for a term of one and a half years and the remaining nine to prison for terms of different lengths, all on charges of illegal detention.  

Source:, November 28, 2012

Scholar: Low Compensation for Land Acquisition a Cause for Social Conflict

An article in Beijing Times reported on a scholar who criticized the low and inadequate compensation for land acquisition. The scholar said it was a major problem with China’s current massive land seizures. The compensation that local governments give when they grab land from farmers is very low. Then they sell it to developers at a price ten or dozens of times higher, leading to acute social conflicts.

Zheng Fengtian, a professor at Renmin University of China said that the major problem with China’s rural land acquisition is that the standard for compensation is too low. A survey conducted by the Development Research Center of the State Council found that 40 to 50 percent of the value-added part of land acquisition goes to investors, 20 to 30 percent goes to the local government, 25 to 30 percent goes to the village organizations (grassroots government body), and the farmer who sold the land receives only 5 to 15 percent of the entire pie.

Zheng added that the huge amount of revenue that local governments receive gives them a fervent appetite for grabbing land and reselling it, resulting in massive and rapid use of arable land for non-agricultural occupation. Since 1990, China has been suffering an average loss of 10 million mu (1 mu equals to 667 square meters) of arable land per annum.

Source: Jinghua Times, November 29, 2012

Military Expert Discusses the Successful Landings on China’s Aircraft Carrier

On November 27, 2012, in a guest session on People Daily‘s "Empower the Nation Forum," military expert Li Jie exchanged comments with Chinese netizens online. The topic was "China’s aircraft carrier’s first successful carrier landings.” Li Jie touted the significance of the successful delivery of the aircraft carrier and its carrier aircraft to the military, as well as the successful landings on the aircraft carrier. Li said that it had the same strategic significance as the success of "two bombs and one satellite" (the atomic bomb, the hydrogen bomb, and a man-made satellite). 

Li also said that “the success of landing on and taking off from the aircraft carrier … not only greatly improved the overall strength of the armed forces, but also enhanced the overall strength of our country. It has actually increased the maritime awareness of all of the Chinese people.” 

Source: People’s Daily, November 27, 2012

Man from Shanghai Sues Ministry of Finance for Job Discrimination

Beijing Times reported that Tian Hua from Shanghai, who had the top score in the 2012 National Civil Service Exam, was denied a job with the Ministry of Finance. In April 2012, Tian filed an administrative legal action claiming discrimination. In November 2012, the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court dismissed the legal action citing lack of jurisdiction. On November 27, Tian filed an appeal with the Beijing Higher People’s Court.

The Shanghai resident, who used the pseudonym Tian Hua, has a masters degree and is a certified accountant. He ranked No. 1 in both the written and the oral exams. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Finance rejected him on the grounds that he failed the physical exam. Tian had disclosed to the examining physician that he had hand muscle atrophy 11 years ago and has since been cured. “After a ‘communication’ between the Ministry of Finance and the hospital, the hospital produced a document stating that Tian is not physically fit for the job due to ‘other diseases that affect his ability to adequately perform official duties.’”

Source: Beijing Times, November 28, 2012

China’s Third Mass Emigration: The Wealthy Are Leaving China

On November 27, 2012, published an article providing detailed information about  China’s Third Wave of Mass Emigration. The first emigration wave, in the early 1980s, was the wave for studying overseas for higher degrees. The second wave, in the 1990s, was the emigration of professionals. In recent years, most emigrants have been the newly rich Chinese, who use investments to migrate to other countries. Some of them are entrepreneurs whose purpose is to protect their wealth. Others are CCP officials who escaped from China with huge amounts of public funds. In addition, the family members of many business owners and CCP officials live overseas. According to a report released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, at the present time, “about 45 million Chinese live in different countries around the world.”

The article stated, “When those with money leave, they can only take their wealth with them. However, the damage when officials emigrate is much greater. They not only take away their wealth, but also rob and poison this country.”

Source:, November 27, 2012