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Qiushi: The Western Hand behind the Break-up of State-owned Enterprises

Qiushi publish an analysis that criticized the “noises that demonize the public ownership system and state-owned enterprises.” The article, entitled, “The Western Hand behind the Break-up of State-owned Enterprises,” expressed the belief that foreign investment may have become a national economic security issue. “Statistics show that, of the 28 major industries in China, 21 are controlled by foreign investment through (the foreign companies’) right to a majority of the assets. Foreign investments control the top 5 enterprises in almost every industry that has been opened up. These 21 industries are those where state-owned enterprises have withdrawn. China’s privately owned companies are not able to form an effective force to compete with the wolves of the Western multi-national corporations. … State-owned enterprises are the only major force in the market that can compete and fend off the multi-national corporations that Western monopolistic capital controls. … In any country, when foreign investments control an industry, it is likely to become a national economic security issue.”

Source: Qiushi, April 18, 2012

Hu Jintao Continues Clean Up of Bo Xilai’s Close Followers

The Epoch Times reported that the disciplinary authorities seized Fang Binxing, the Dean of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT). Fang is a close follower of Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang, and is known as "the father of China’s Great Firewall." It is widely rumored in the media that Bo bribed Fang with "money and women." In return, Fang helped Bo and Zhou to wiretap the secret conversations of China’s top government leaders.

On December 4, 2011, Fang hosted a ceremony in which he welcomed Wang Lijun to BUPT as an honorary professor. Fang praised Wang highly as being not only an "Iron Blood Police Spirit" and a "mighty strong man," but also a "gentle and cultivated professor." He said, "Wang’s addition to BUPT is a source that will, like a spring, bring forth motivation for the development of humanism." Following Wang Lijun’s escape and Bo Xilai’s ouster, Fang destroyed the documents that related to his relations with Wang and Bo.

Source: Epoch Times, April, 25, 2011

PLA Daily: Don’t Sow Discord Between China and Russia

On April 22, 2012, China and Russia started their first joint naval exercise. The 6-day exercise took place in the Yellow Sea. PLA Daily published an article rebutting the Western media’s warning that behind the apparent trust and friendship of the Sino-Russian military exercise, there is “hidden tacit friction.” It criticized the Western media, saying their intent was to interfere with China’s development, sow discord between China and its friends, and create a hostile environment for China. “Some Western countries not only fear that China will improve; they also fear that China and Russia, the two big countries, will be friends.”

The article praised steady growth of the Sino-Russian relationship and the strengthening of their military ties. Not only do the two militaries have friendly visits but they also frequently cooperate substantively and practically at high levels on a wide range of issues. “Relations between the two countries are now the best they have ever been.”

Source: PLA Daily, April 23, 2012

Qiushi: China Must Control Its Internet

A Qiushi article stated that, because some people and businesses are abusing the Internet, China must exercise its control over it. It listed a number of reasons.

The first reason that the article mentioned was that rumors and inflammatory remarks on the Internet can harm social stability and national security. It blamed the Xinjiang “July 5” event (where Uyghurs clashed with the Han people in Xinjiang) in 2009 on the Internet, saying that separatist Rebiya Kadeer and the “World Uyghur Congress” aroused the people and spread false information over the Internet. “Facing such a bloody lesson and such a cost of life, when those words jeopardize social stability and national security, how can we not control it?” “We cheer the police for how they attack those rumor creators and the telecommunication administrators for how they close those rumor spreading websites!”

Source: Qiushi Online, April 16, 2012

Huanqiu: China Model Will Beat the West

Qiushi republished an article from Huanqiu which argued that, compared to countries that follow the Western-styled democratic and economic development model, China has made much greater progress. China does not need to negate its own political and economic model. In the end, China will laugh at its competition with the West.

The article criticized the Western democratic and economic model: the “Arab Spring” does not represent the world trend. Since those countries are trapped in turmoil, the “Arab Spring” will become the “Arab Winter.” Taiwan’s fairly peaceful presidential election is nothing, since Taiwan’s economy relies on the mainland. The Greek debt crisis and the U.S. financial crisis are a reflection of the fact that the Western model is going south.

The article claimed that, if China just continues on its current path and utilizes the opportunity to develop itself, its GDP will surpass that of the U.S in ten years. By then, the West will have no choice but to acknowledge the success of China’s political system and the China Model.

Source: Qiushi, April 16, 2012

Global Times: Increased Activity at Chinese Naval Bases

On April 20, 2012, Global Times reported that, given the background of the recent conflict with the Philippines, the South China Sea Fleet of the Chinese Navy is reportedly having much more activity in the region. The Chinese Navy is improving the underground ammunition repository and new construction is being completed. Also, at least one of the three 094 nuclear submarines based in the Sanya Naval Base is leaving the base for the South China Sea patrol. Both the President and Defense Secretary of the Philippines recently called for taking a firm stand against China.

Source: Global Times, April 20, 2012

BBC: China’s Macroeconomic Numbers Show Irregular Combination

BBC Chinese recently reported on the macroeconomic numbers that the National Bureau of Statistics released on China’s first quarter of 2012. The GDP growth of 8.1% is lower than the market expectation of 8.4%. However it is better than the annual expectation of 7.5% that the government predicted. Another important number also released was the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 3.8%, which is considered high even though it is below the government goal of 4.0%. Well-known economist Dr. Zhang Wei, from the University of Nottingham, suggested that it is more important to examine the fact that the combination of the GDP and the CPI numbers is irregular. Usually a lowered growth rate is coupled with a lowered inflation rate. However the latest Chinese number showed that a lowered growth rate actually brought about higher inflation. He believed that this means the central government’s economic policies will become harder to implement and the Chinese economy is facing a much bigger challenge.

Source: BBC Chinese, April 13, 2012

International Herald Leader: U.S. Wrongfully Applies Domestic Laws Internationally

The International Herald Leader, under Xinhua News, recently published an article accusing the United States of applying its domestic laws to international affairs. For now, this is reflected in the Iranian sanction effort (banning U.S. banks from doing business with countries who keep buying oil from Iran). The article referred to a recent announcement that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made on March 20, 2012. Clinton temporarily relaxed sanctions on the financial organizations of many countries that are U.S. allies. However, under Section 1245 of the National Defense Authorization Act, sanctions remain for countries like China and India, who keep a normal oil trade relationship with Iran. The article claimed that U.S. allies like South Korea and Japan have “silent resentment” even though they have cooperated with the United States. The author expressed the belief that the U.S. is abusing its international superpower status to illegally use its domestic laws to regulate other countries. The author suggested that the U.S. approach is rude and that using normal channels to buy oil from Iran does not break any U.N. resolution. The article listed many other examples of how the U.S. uses domestic laws to serve its foreign policies.

Source: International Herald Leader, April 6, 2012