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Qiushi: The Bankruptcy of “Universal” Western Liberalism

Qiushi published a commentary on the universal right of “all are created equal” and stated that this fallacy went bankrupt because it could not bridge the gap between the ideal and reality. 

“History has proven that adherence to the right of discourse of Marxism in the ideological field is to firmly uphold the one-Party’s guiding ideology. With plural guiding ideologies, even the original working class party (such as the Social Democratic Party) might transform into a bourgeois party. The reason is that, with plural guiding ideologies, it appears that all thoughts and ideas are equal. But under the capitalist dominance (including today’s "the West stronger than the East" situation), the pluralism in ideology, in fact, cancels any existing independence of the dominant ideology, not to mention boycotting and rising above and beyond the dominant ideology. One is bound to become a captive of bourgeois ideology.” 
Source: Qiushi, March 25, 2014

Study Times: China Should Develop a Silk Road Economic Zone

According to an article published by Study Times, for China to develop the Silk Road economic zone (Silk Road Belt), the selection of routes is a matter of control and dominance and should be based on a consideration of China’s long term “strategic need for national rejuvenation.” 

The Silk Road Belt may have five routes. Starting from the north, the first route is the Eurasian Continental Bridge followed by the second route, the New Eurasian Continental Bridge North line. These are the northern routes. The third route is from central Asia, Iran, Turkey, and Europe (Africa), the main trunk of the ancient Silk Road. This is the central route. The fourth and fifth are the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor, which are the southern routes. All things considered, the central route has obvious advantages. 
The breakthrough for the central route will be to advocate building a Civilization Rejuvenation Community (CRC). As there are many ancient civilizations along the central route, the common denominator is civilization rejuvenation. At one time or another, they were prosperous, bullied by super powers, suffered the pains of marginalization, experienced clashes between domestic values and Western values, and shared similar development problems and a desire to accelerate economic development. They all resonate with strong ethnic revival. Building the CRC along the central route will revitalize our relations with these countries and enhance China’s International Discourse Right. 

Source: Study Times, March 24, 2014

Qiushi: The Root Cause of the Chaos in Ukraine

On March 25, Qiushi published a commentary on the root cause of the chaos in Ukraine. The first reason is that “[Western] liberalism wantonly invaded [Ukraine], splitting Ukraine in the name of ‘freedom,’ and causing ordinary citizens to be unable to tell friends from foes.” The commentary also cited regional cultural differences, rampant corruption, and an unsuccessful “grafting” of the Western political system. 

However, “the ultimate cause of the unrest in Ukraine is that the European Union, the United States, and Russia compete for dominance over Ukraine.” Europe, once it controlled Ukraine, it would have leverage against China and Russia. The reason the United States competes for Ukraine is to squeeze Russia’s strategic space, block the Eurasian connection, and interrupt the Eurasian Silk Road that China has proposed. With respect to Russia, if it were to lose Ukraine to the West, it would lose the largest of the countries within the Commonwealth of Independent States; it would lose its last political strategic protective buffer. 

Source: Qiushi, March 25, 2014

Wang Qishan: More Focused Inspections Deter Corruption

Wang Qishan, Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, announced at the kickoff of the 2014 inspections that, for the first time, these inspections will include a new category called “special inspections.” Since the 18th Congress of the Communist Party in November 2012, the central government has conducted two rounds of inspections that covered 11 provinces and cities, as well as nine departments of the central government. 

Wang observed, “One cannot ignore the enormous contribution the inspection system made in the 2013 anti-corruption process. Whether killing flies or capturing tigers, routine inspections uncovered a lot of traces and signs of corruption, solved a lot of problems, won popular support and satisfied public opinion.” 
In 2014, the central government will conduct routine inspections at 10 local governments including Beijing and Tianjin, and special inspections at China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation Group, Fudan University, and China’s Ministry of Science and Technology. The new special inspections are meant to be flexible and responsive, ad hoc and focused, and effective in deterring further corruption. 

Source: People’s Daily, March 17, 2014

Chinese Military to Display Inscriptions of Communist Leaders

Xinhua reported that, with the approval of Xi Jinping and the leadership of the Central Military Commission, the meeting rooms of the armed forces must display certain inscriptions of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, and Xi Jinping. “To display important inscriptions of leaders at the meeting rooms of Party committees and branches in the military is an important measure to strengthen the ideological and political development of our army. It has a very important significance for creating a strong political atmosphere and a distinctive ideological orientation; and for gathering the positive energy of loyalty to the Party, strengthening the country, and building up the military.” 

Source: Xinhua, March 16, 2014

Xinhua: What Would the Collapse of the Real Estate Market Look Like?

Xinhua published an article discussing what the situation of a collapsed real estate market in China would look like. 

According the the article, “The so-called collapse of the real estate market refers to a sharp decline after a period of surging prices.” The article predicted that the housing market will decline by 30 to 50 percent. There will be far fewer buyers. Real estate will plunge into depression and even the national economy will stagnate. Banks will incur large amounts of bad debts. The article described a three stage collapse in the real estate market: housing prices will drop dramatically; after a huge rise, the stock market will plunge sharply; the number of real estate transactions will decline. 

Source: Xinhua, March 11, 2014

Xinhua: Naked Officials and Their Fake Passports

Xinhua published an article on China’s so-called "naked officials" who have moved their spouses, children and assets overseas while they remain at home in China. 

Based on an analysis of recent cases of the "naked officials" who have fled China, there appears to be a clear path: transferring assets overseas, family members leaving China, preparing passports, make a quick fortune using their official position, resignation or disappearance, hiding in seclusion overseas, and obtaining residence in the foreign country. 
According to the article, within this chain of actions, the preparation of passports is critical. Of those "naked officials" who have been arrested on corruption charges, many owned multiple passports. Some of them used personal passports that they were not required to return to the authorities. More have used fake identification cards to obtain another passport. Because these passports are not within the scope of required approval and return, their work units cannot detect them. 
Source: Xinhua, March 12, 2014

IHL: Why Does the U.S. Maintain a Weak Army?

The International Herald Leader published a commentary on U.S. Secretary of Defense Hagel’s announcement about a reduction of forces that would cut Army personnel by over 70,000 starting in 2015. 

“First, the U.S. Army cut shows that, for a long period of time, the U.S. military will give up massive ground wars outside of its territory.” 

"For China, the U.S. Army’s cuts raise more concerns.” A reduction or giving up a massive ground war in the Asia Pacific region means that “the U.S. will not hesitate to adopt Air Sea warfare as well as other more subversive forms of combat. Instead of combat that would involve a large number of troops, it will adopt air raids, sea and air strangulation, cyber-attacks, propaganda, diplomatic alliances, economic sanctions, and other ‘combined’ means to weaken the opponent’s combat capability; it will try to achieve maximum advances quickly, with minimum or even ‘zero’ casualties.”

“While reduced in forces, the U.S. military will, on the other hand, tighten its fists. China cannot take it lightly and should remain vigilant.” 

Source: International Herald Leader, March 3, 2014