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Diplomacy: Nigeria and African Union Protested China’s Targeting of Nigerian Citizens

There have been reports that the coronavirus infection had recently broken out in the neighborhood of Sanyuanli, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. The local government had been screening and quarantining people living in that neighborhood, including many African people living there.

An online video showed that the Nigeria Consul-General Anozie Maduabuchi Cyril confronted the Chinese enforcement team who had confiscated the passports of three Nigerians living in that area, though they did not show any sign of having the coronavirus infection.

A visibly angry Cyril accused the Chinese officials of seizing the passports of those Nigerian citizens and quarantining Nigerians, who had not traveled out the area for years. Cyril contended that the documents were the property of the Nigerian Government and China had no right to seize them.

Addressing one senior Chinese official in the video, Cyril said, “If you want your policy to work, shut down Guangzhou and let everyone including the Chinese remain indoors for 14 days. If you do that, the issue of discrimination will not be there. But if you are only picking on Africans, that is the highest humiliation anyone can get … Nigerians are not criminals, so why are you harassing them? We will continue to protect them.”

Cyril said even though the coronavirus pandemic coming out of China has closed business and everything in Nigeria, they didn’t target Chinese living there. “In Nigeria, we have a lot of Chinese, I don’t think you have ever received any information that the Government of Nigeria go to their various houses and pick them for quarantine, so why are Africans and indeed Nigerians being targeted in China?”

The Nigeria government and the African Union protested China for discriminating against the Nigerians.

The Nigerian Foreign Minister called in the Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria to protest. The Speaker of the Lower House of Parliament of Nigeria also applied pressure when he chided the Ambassador in a separate meeting.

The African Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat tweeted that his office had summoned the Chinese envoy to the AU over the case.

“My Office invited the Chinese Ambassador to the AU, Mr. Liu Yuxi, to express our extreme concern at allegations of maltreatment of Africans in Guangzhou plus called for immediate remedial measures in line with our excellent relations. The African group in Beijing is also engaging with the govt.”

Related postings on Chinascope:

1. Source: YouTube

2. Source: Sahara Reporters, April 11, 2020

3. Source: Africa News, April 11, 2020

Accountability: The CCP’s Handling of the Coronavirus Followed Its Unrestricted Warfare Strategy

Robert Spalding, a retired Brigadier General and a national security strategy expert in the U.S., published a research paper on the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) handling the spread of the coronavirus. It follows its new way of war detailed in the book called, Unrestricted Warfare, written by two Peoples Liberation Army Colonels. It details a strategy on how to defeat the militarily superior United States.

Spaulding commented that the CCP has taken advantage of and weaponized globalization. It has spent decades utilizing globalization to slowly take control of the world’s trading system, dominate key industries and markets, build a global media and internet presence, and deploy subjects and diplomats around the world. Therefore, when the time came, these elements could easily be brought together for three intentional actions – to deflect blame, cause panic, and take advantage.

  • Deflect blame. The CCP controls Chinese language media everywhere. Chinese language social media uses the often-utilized practice of crying racism and stoking nationalism to instill fear and revenge in those inside and outside the country. The citizens under lock-down are blocked from sharing their boots-on-the-ground point of view as social media is further restricted and censored. Abroad, a full media and diplomatic blitzkrieg can be levied to ensure the virus is not named according to its origin and to start a campaign to claim that it came from another country. Finally, flush with horded supplies the CCP can feign being good Samaritans as they earn profits by price gouging the world on personal protective equipment (PPE). Ultimately, deflecting blame props up the CCP’s message about the superiority of their Communist system.
  • Cause panic. Fear is one of the strongest human motivators. Since the CCP controls the supply chain, they can activate internal and external actors to lock down the supply of medical equipment, fueling fear. This is accomplished by denying the export of certain items like masks, threatening to ban the export of others like pharmaceuticals, and buying up any foreign domestic stock using their networks abroad. The Western media also contributed to it. Fear is strengthened by hyper-inflated models that are blasted 24/7. Panic buying, hoarding, and the political blame game follow, adding to the cycle.
  • Take advantage. This is the true goal of weaponized globalization. The CCP knew about the virus beforehand and could therefore control the outflow of information and people. Any Wall Street veteran knows a pandemic will cause a panic in the market. Thus, the CCP was well-positioned to liquidate positions, probably quietly before anyone was even paying attention. Their next educated guess would have been that the US and others would enact a vast stimulus bill, which would flow into China by virtue of the fact they held all the supply chains – more profits pour in. Meanwhile, flush with cash, they can shore up US and other companies with that cash further solidifying control.

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Source: Hudson Institute, April 1, 2020

Accountability: U.S. Intelligence Community Reported that CCP Concealed the Coronavirus Outbreak in China

Bloomberg reported that the U.S. intelligence community submitted a report to President Trump that showed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in China.

The officials (who gave the information) asked not to be identified and didn’t give the details of the information. They submitted a highlight of the report, which concluded that the CCP intentionally reported fake numbers of infection cases and deaths to the public.

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Source: Bloomberg, April 1, 2020

Accountability: China Could Have Reduced the Coronavirus Infection Count by Two Thirds If It Took Action One Week Earlier

A study by the University of Southampton examining non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in China shows that the pandemic outbreak could have been significantly reduced if the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had taken coordinated, and targeted measures earlier.

Based on its own model, the research found that if China intervened one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, the number of infection cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent, or 95 percent respectively. This would have also significantly limited the geographical spread of the disease and the wide spread to the world.

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Source: University of Southampton, March 11, 2020

Food Supply: Will China have a Food Shortage This Year?

Amidst the coronavirus pandemic and the outbreak of the African Locust in Africa and in China’s neighboring countries, India and Pakistan, the Chinese people are concerned whether China will run into a food shortage this year. Hubei Province, Chong Qing, and other places have seen people buying up rice and flour.

Radio Free Asia reported that a secret document from the Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture (AP), Gansu Province was posted on the Internet. The document showed that on March 17, the Linxia AP Party Commission held a special meeting on the topic of food security.

“The AP Party Commission and AP government, as well as the governments of its counties and cities should do everything possible to move in and store various kinds of food materials such as grain, beef, lamb, oil, and salt through different channels.” It also asked the government to “lead people to store food on their own and to ensure that each family has at least three to six months supply in reserve.”

China is the world’s largest food importing country. In addition to importing 80 percent of its soy beans, China also imports 100 million tons of grain. However, when dealing with the coronavirus, several countries imposed a ban on food exports. On March 24, Vietnam announced a ban on rice exports; Kyrgyzstan banned the export of 11 commodities, mainly food, for the next six months; Kazakhstan banned the export of agricultural products such as wheat and carrots; Thailand announced that it would stop exporting rice and eggs.

Xinhua, the Communist Party’s mouthpiece, published five articles between April 2 and April 10, to soothe the public’s concern, claiming that China has plenty of food and will not run into a shortage. The articles include:

  • “Food Crisis” Is Coming? Expert: China Has Ample Food Supplies (“粮食危机”来了?专家:中国主粮充足)
  • Shortage of Food Supplies? You Worry Too Much (粮食供给短缺?多虑了)
  • Our Food Supply Can Handle Many Tests (我国粮食供应能应对各种考验)
  • Pandemic Caused Worry about “Food Safety”? Grain and Oil Companies: No Need to Stock Up (疫情引发“粮食安全”担忧?粮油企业:无需囤粮)
  • There is a Sufficient Food Inventory, However, We Should Pay Attention to Saving Food ( 粮食库存充足 仍要念好“节约经” )

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Internet Censorship at Local Levels

Based on internal documents Epoch Times obtained from Fangzheng County, Heilongjiang Province, it reported that the local Political and Legal Affairs Commissions of the CCP are actively involved in Internet censorship.

These documents show that, in 2019, the CCP Political and Legal Affairs Commission at Fangzheng County formally established a cyber force for Internet censorship which is composed of a “professional team” and a “local team.” The the County Public Security Bureau leads the professional team and is composed of relevant staff from the County Public Security Bureaus Office of Procuratorates, County Courts, and the County Judicial Bureau, all under the CCP Political and Legal Commission of Fangzheng County. The “local team” is composed of relevant staff from the townships.

The cyber force receives regular training based on the online hot topics, to ensure they master the language of Internet users and the CCP’s official language. On major online topics, the cyber force engages in “positive propaganda and guides public opinion” on WeChat, Weibo, news posts, and forums. For controversial topics, the members of the cyber force collaboratively repost CCP official messages onto their respective blogs, forums, and community platforms, in order to further spread the CCP propaganda on the controversy.

According to the internal documents, the County’s CCP Political and Legal Commission will incentivize members of the cyber force with “rewards or encouragement of both a material and political nature.”

Source: Epoch Times, April 9, 2020

Justice: India Sued China for 20 Trillion Dollars

Radio France International reported, based on multiple sources that the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) in India and the All India Bar Association (AIBA) have filed a complaint in the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) seeking $20 trillion as reparations from China over the global spread of the coronavirus.

The petition was based on China’s legal liability on committing “grave offences against humanity” under the “Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, 2001.”

ICJ President Dr. Aggarwala has urged the UNHRC to investigate and direct the government of the People’s Republic of China to “adequately compensate the international community and member-states, particularly India, for surreptitiously developing a biological weapon capable of the mass destruction of mankind throughout the world and also for serious physical, psychological, economic and social harm caused to these states due to the inaction and negligence to respect its international obligations.”

As per the filed petition, the COVID-19 pandemic was a “conspiracy of Chinese government aimed at catapulting itself to the position of a superpower in the World and undermining other countries through (the use of) biological warfare.”

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