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Global Times: U.S. DOJ Recommended Shutting Down China Telecom in the U.S.

Global Times recently reported that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) recommended ending the authorization granted to China Telecom (Americas). The authorization permits China Telecom to operate in the U.S. for international communications. DOJ’s recommendation to the FCC cited national security and law enforcement risks. The DOJ’s recommendation was based on an investigation that proved China Telecom violated conditions in a 2007 signed agreement, which required transparency on the location where U.S. customer information is stored as well as network security details. The DOJ expressed the concern that, under Chinese laws, China Telecom may spy on U.S. communications traffic and provide sensitive information to the Chinese government. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented in a press conference that China is strongly against this recommendation. China asked the U.S. government to stop politicizing normal market-based commercial operations and to provide Chinese companies a fair environment for doing business.

Source: Global Times, April 10, 2020

Diplomacy: Germany Refused Chinese Diplomats Request to Praise China

Central News Agency, Taiwan’s official news agency, reported that, according to Welt am Sonntag, a German newspaper, recently, as a result of an effort in a diplomatic campaign, Chinese diplomats asked German officials to praise the actions that China took to contain the coronavirus epidemic.

The German Foreign Ministry had already informed the government agencies last month not to respond to Beijing’s request.

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Diplomacy: The CCP Asked Wisconsin Senator for Praise, but Got Condemnation in Return

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has launched a diplomatic campaign, in which its diplomats are asking officials in other countries to praise the actions that China has taken to contain the coronavirus epidemic.

The Wisconsin Examiner reported that had happened to Wisconsin State Senate President Roger Roth. Senator Roth received two emails from the Chinese consulate staff asking that he pass a resolution praising China’s response to the coronavirus. The Chinese staff even provided a draft of the resolution.

When he received the first email on Feb. 26, he saw it was from a hotmail account and disregarded it as a prank. Then on March 10, 2020, he received a follow up. So he asked his staff to reach out through government channels. They were able to confirm that the email requests were legitimate. They were told that Chinese diplomats routinely use private email accounts because they are faster.

“Then I got mad, because that’s when [COVID-19] cases started cropping up here and you saw the problem exacerbated as we started to learn the truth,” Roth says. “I just sent them back a one-word response. I said ‘nuts.’”

Instead, on March 26, Senator Roth introduced a new resolution to condemn the CCP for concealing information and deliberately misleading the world. The resolution stated,

“That the Wisconsin Senate acknowledges that the Communist Party of China has deliberately and intentionally misled the world, suppressed vital information on the statistics and spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus both domestically and abroad, allowed millions of individuals to travel outside of the province and country despite clear warnings that the virus could be transmitted person-to-person, and engaged in active suppression and persecution of individuals looking to truthfully discuss information related to the Coronavirus, which has led to a global pandemic the likes of which has not been seen for generations;

“That the Wisconsin Senate hereby stands in solidarity with the Chinese people, condemning the actions of the Communist Party of China in the strongest possible terms, and acknowledges that millions, both in China and around the world, are at risk of illness and death due to the negligence and hostile actions of the Chinese Communist Party.”

The date for vote on the resolution has not been announced yet.

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Source: Wisconsin Examiner, April 10, 2020

Chinese government asks Wisconsin Senate for a commendation

Publication of “Wuhan Diary” Outside of China Faces Serious Attacks from Mainland

On Wednesday April 8, the day that Wuhan was lifted from the lockdown, the English and German versions of Wuhan Diary, written by Fang Fang, went on pre-sale online. Fang Fang, a writer who lives in Wuhan, started to publish her diary on Weibo at the end of January documenting people’s lives in Wuhan during the 62-days of lockdown. Her work, however was criticized and attacked on the mainland for “spreading negative energy.” As the publication of the diary in the overseas market got closer, there were mounting condemnations from the left wing in China. One person claimed that publishing the diary around the world was just like “a butcher’s knife from the West (aiming towards China).” Another person complained that the overseas Chinese are likely to become targets of the venting. The Chief Editor of China’s mouthpiece Global Times wrote in his Weibo account that the diary is not a documentary work … It will catch the attention of the international media. Very likely, Chinese people including those who supported Fang Fang in the past, will pay for the fame that Fang Fang is gaining in the West. On the same day, Fang Fang also wrote in her Weibo account saying that this time she has truly experienced what Internet violence is like and said that those who attacked her were just ;oke the “COVID 19 virus” that spreads and strikes other people. A writer from Guangdong province told RFA that, even though Fang Fang’s diary only touches on superficial issues and the fact that this type of “progressive voice” is being severely suppressed suggests that there is no freedom of expression on the mainland.

Fang Fang, 54, whose real name is Wang Fang, graduated from the Department of Chinese Language of Wuhan University and served as the Chairman of the Hubei Writers Association from 2007 to 2018.

Source: Radio Free Asia, April 9, 2020

Leadership: Is Xi Jinping in Trouble in the CCP Internal Fight?

There has been some unconfirmed information that Xi might have lost out to some extent in the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) infighting.

Liberty Times, a Taiwan media, reported that Kyle Bass, a well-known U.S. hedge fund manager and a current member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China, posted on his Twitter account on April 11:

“Secretary xi is in trouble within China. According to my sources within, the party elite want xi gone. The Guangdong elite (Uncle Deng’s family) are beginning to rattle the cages of change against the supposed “emperor for life”.”

New Highland Vision, a media based in New York, published on its Twitter account:

“Since last Friday (April 9), special protection has been provided to the families of the main princelings and the former CCP Politburo members. X (Xi) is in a bad state. The current situation is: Hu (Jintao) proposed a compromise plan, not removing X, but let Li (Keqiang) and Wang (Qishan) be in charge, and let X take a backseat to rest and study. Most of the retired leaders, including Jiang (Zemin), Zeng (Qinghong), and Wen (Jiabao) expressed their approval. At present, the two sides are coordinating. X has no way out and there has also been strange move of the military, too. Note: Please do not ask for the source; for reference only.”

{CS Editor’s Comments: In the past few months, there have been signs of the CCP’s infighting:

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CNA: China Auto Industry Faces Parts and Order Shortages

Affected by COVID 19, the Chinese auto industry is facing parts and order shortages. Despite the fact that the Chinese government recently introduced a stimulus plan for electric vehicles and used cars, it is believed that the fate of the Chinese auto industry is dependent on the recovery of the supply chain outside of China. The Central News Agency reported that, due to uncertain future orders, once they are caught up making the existing safety stock orders, many auto manufacturing plants may have to shut down. To reduce their costs, some factories have started to give workers three days off a week from their work shift. Meanwhile the auto market demand is weak as well. Auto sales revenue in the last week of March was down 24 percent compared to the same period in 2019. Airtex in Tianjing is predicting a 30 percent order reduction once the U.S. can get out of its COVID 19 lockdown. As most countries in Europe and the US are dealing with COVID 19, auto makers in China, especially electric auto manufacturers who rely on imports of key components and parts, will face a parts shortage. It is expected that the risk to the auto industry will come in the second half the year.

Source: Central News Agency, April 11, 2020

Epoch Times: Mainland Deployed Liaoning Carrier to Taiwan Strait Region

On April 10, China sent an H-6 jet bomber, KJ-500 airborne early warning and control aircraft and a J-11 jet fighter into the Southwest ocean region of Taiwan and conducted training. On April 11, the China Liaoning Carrier also reached the eastern ocean region outside of Taiwan together with four battleships and one replenishment oiler. On both days, the US RC-135U reconnaissance aircraft was spotted in Bashi Channel south of Taiwan along with the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer passing through the Taiwan Strait in international waters. This marks the 6th time this year that the mainland aircraft came close to Taiwan.

Source: Epoch Times, April 12, 2020

WHO: China Sent Its Internet Army to Help Tedros with His Attack on Taiwan

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus criticized Taiwan for discriminating against him. The Taiwan government rejected the blame. Then Beijing had its people, pretending to be Taiwanese, post apologies on the Internet to create a fake display of “Taiwanese people apologizing to Tedros.”

On April 8, Tedros said at a press conference, “Please do not politicize this virus. If you want to be exploited and if you want to have many more body bags, then you do it. If you don’t want many more body bags, then you refrain from politicizing it.”

He then said that he has been under racist attacks for months and that Taiwan’s foreign ministry was responsible for the threats and racist abuse. “This attack came from Taiwan. They even started criticizing me in the middle of all those insults and slurs. I say it today because it’s enough.”

Taiwan, though just across the Taiwan Strait form mainland China, has produced an amazing coronavirus containment result with only 380 cases and five deaths so far.

Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen said Taiwan was opposed to discrimination. “For years, we have been excluded from international organizations and we know better than anyone else what it feels like to be discriminated against and isolated. If Director-General Tedros could withstand pressure from China and come to Taiwan to see Taiwan’s efforts to fight Covid-19 for himself, he would be able to see that the Taiwanese people are the true victims of unfair treatment.”

Taiwan foreign ministry spokeswoman Joanne Ou said the Tedros’ comments were “irresponsible” and the accusations “imaginary.” The ministry said it was seeking an apology for “slander.”

Then many postings supposedly from the Taiwanese people apologizing to Tedros showed up on the Internet. The apology postings usually said, “I’m a Taiwanese. I am extremely ashamed of the Taiwanese people’s racial discrimination and malicious attack on Tedros. I am willing to apologize to Tedros and all black groups on behalf of the Taiwanese and beg for his forgiveness.”

The Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice in Taiwan reported that it was people from mainland China who created those articles. It stated that mainland China’s Free Xuzhou Twitter account first created those postings. It made the posting into a template and called for other users to “pretend to be Taiwan citizens,” to fill in the template and then to post them. They also attached a screenshot of Taiwanese’ IDs to make it look real.

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