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The Communist Regime Started Enforcing Stringent Restrictions on Online Contents

On March 1, 2020, China started to implement officially the “Regulations on the Ecological Governance of Internet Information Content” (“Regulation”) that the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) issued on December 15, 2019. The Regulation has 8 chapters and 42 articles.

Radio France International published an article commenting that the Regulation was intended to monitor closely and fundamentally eliminate information detrimental to the authorities. It tried to control the information creation and publishing chain, including “creation, copying, and publishing.” It also bound the Information producer, the network information service platform, and the information consumer together to make them mutually monitor each other.

The strict regulation encouraged online information producers to produce, copy, and distribute contents that promote Xi Jinping Thoughts, publicize the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) s policies, promote socialist values, and help increase the international influence of CCP culture. To a certain extent, it tried to make the content producers undertake the work of promoting the CCP’s policies and propaganda.

Information inconsistent with the party’s guidelines and policies will be controlled, removed, and even “sanctioned according to the law.” For example, Article Six states: Producers of network content may not create, copy, or publish illegal information containing content that “endangers national security, leaks state secrets, subverts state power, undermines national unity,” “damages national honor and interests,’ “vilifies heroes,” or “spreads rumors.”

[Editor’s note: The Regulation was possibly a response to Xi Jinping’s instructions given on September 16, 2019, during National Cyber Security Awareness Week. Xi emphasized the importance of security and control and called for enhancing people’s happiness and security in cyberspace.]

1. CAC website, September 16, 2019
2. CAC website, December 20, 2019
3. Radio France International, March 1, 2020中国/20200301-中国最严厉网络审查标准出台-明天只剩下好消息了

Washington Passed the Taipei Act

Global Times recently published a commentary on the Taipei Act that just passed the House of Representatives in Washington, D. C. The commentary described the new bill as “brutal interference in China’s internal affairs.” According to James Francis Moriarty, Chairman of the American Institute in Taiwan, the move was to double the effort to help Taiwan step up on the world stage. Apparently, the U.S. is once again ignoring the “One China” principle it committed to. However, Taiwan is just a strategic chess piece for the U.S., and the Taipei Act is not a binding resolution. The language used in the bill is largely on the side of “should” rather than “shall.” Only hours after the House passage of the new bill, Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen went immediately to meet James Moriarty in order to thank him. Maybe, as a political gambler, she still has hope for the independence “vision” for Taiwan,.

Right after the Taipei Act passed the House, Radio France International (RFI) Chinese Edition reported on the fact that the bill went through with a sweeping 415 to zero voting result. The bill supported Taiwan to participate in more international organizations as observers. It also asked the Executive branch to punish those countries that took steps to significantly hurt Taiwan’s security and prosperity. As an example of the unfair treatment Taiwan received, Taiwan was excluded from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which caused a negative impact globally. The U.S. Senate already passed its version of the Taipei Act last year.

(1) Global Times, March 6, 2020

(2) RFI Chinese, March 5, 2020

Economy: China’s Exports in January and February Dropped 17 Percent

Because of the Impact of the novel coronavirus, China’s exports in the first two months of this year dropped dramatically. According to the data that the General Administrations of Customs released on March 7, China’s exports in those two months were US $292 billion, a decrease of 17.2 percent from the level a year ago. Imports were US $299.5 billion, a decrease of 4 percent. China had a trade deficit of US $7 billion, the first trade deficit since April 2018. A year ago, China had US $41.5 billion trade surplus.

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Source: Radio France International, March 7, 2020中国/20200307-受新冠肺炎疫情影响中国1-2月出口同比下降17-2

“World Leadership”: Beijing Is Thinking of Creating a Beijing-led World Health Organization to Replace WHO

Axios, an American news website founded by former Politico staffers, obtained a survey from a Chinese state supported think tank asking about the possibility of establishing a China-led world health organization to replace the World Health Organization (WHO).

Axios obtained a message from an employee of the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) Economics & Technology Research Institute (CNPC ETRI) to the Sino-Israel Global Network & Academic Leadership (SIGNAL), an Israeli nonprofit dedicated to strengthening Israeli-China ties.

The Chinese employee asked how SIGNAL would view a new health organization that China would lead. “According to our analysis, the situation of coronavirus around the world is urgent, therefore, we consider that perhaps the world needs a leadership country/organization coordinating all the countries affected in fighting against the coronavirus, just like the leadership role of the U.S. in W.H.O,” wrote the think tank employee.

Carice Witte, the founder and executive director of SIGNAL, told Axios the idea of a Beijing-led WHO alternative is “very interesting in the context of China’s aim to reshape global governance, including setting up parallel institutions.”

CNPC ETRI is a think tank affiliated with CNPC, a big state-owned enterprise. The president of CNPC ETRI reports to the Chinese leadership.

Axios pointed out that “Beijing is seeking to turn the coronavirus, initially a disaster for China’s public image, into an opportunity to advance its global leadership and bolster its soft power abroad.”

Radio Free Asia reported the comments of Zhang Lifan, a Chinese affairs commentator, who believed the think tank’s survey revealed what the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) leaders want to do. They are trying to portray a perpetrator as a world savior. “They link the (coronavirus) epidemic to the CCP’s previous global strategy ‘Community of Mankind’s Shared Future’ (人类命运共同体). They want to use this concept to kidnap the whole world; use the coronavirus to kidnap the world and then let China, as the originator of the coronavirus, kidnap (save) the world.”

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Leadership: Wuhan Party Chief Asked Wuhan People to Be Grateful to Xi Jinping and the CCP

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus ruined Wuhan for three months. The government has reported over 2,000 deaths. The Wuhan Communist Party Secretary, Wang Zhonglin, decided to plan an “education” campaign to teach people to “be grateful to Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).”

On March 6, Changjiang Daily, a newspaper under the Wuhan Party Committee, reported that Wang gave the order on March 5 to conduct the “be grateful” education campaign for the cadres and citizens of Wuhan. “Be grateful to Xi Jinping, be grateful to the CCP, listen to the Party, and follow the Party, to form a strong positive energy.”

Chinese social media opposed it overwhelmingly.

On March 7, Changjiang Daily deleted that report. The WeChat posting under its official account was also removed.

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Leadership: Background of the Two Hubei Officials Who Were Removed from their Positions

After the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan City and the rest of Hubei Province, Xi Jinping removed Jiang Chaoliang from the Hubei Provincial Party Secretary position and Ma Guoqiang from the Wuhan Party Secretary position, and had Shanghai Mayor Ying Yong and Ji’nan Party Secretary Wang Zhonglin in Shandong Province take over.

The following is the background of the two officials who were dismissed:

Jiang Chaoliang (蒋超良):

  • Born in 1957. After he graduated from the Hunan Institute of Finance and Economics, he worked at the  Agriculture Bank of China.
  • In 1996, Dai Xianglong, then President of the People’s Bank of China (China’s Central Bank), identified Jiang as a person with great potential and promoted him from the Agriculture Bank to the People’s Bank.
  • In 1997, Wang Qishan went to Guangdong to help with the financial crisis that the Asia Financial Crisis had caused. Jiang was a member of Wang’s rescue team. Wang and his team successfully completed their mission.
  • In 2002, Jiang was appointed as the Deputy Governor of Hubei, leaving the banking system.
  • In 2004, Jiang was appointed the Chairman of the Bank of Communications and conducted the bank’s shareholding reform.
  • In 2008, Jiang was appointed to lead China Development Bank’s shareholding reform.
  • In 2014, Jiang was appointed Jilin Provincial Deputy Party Secretary, Deputy Governor, Acting Governor, and later Governor.
  • In 2016, Jiang was appointed as the Hubei Provincial Party Secretary.

Throughout Jiang’s career, two major powers promoted him. One was Dai Xianglong, the former President of the People’s Bank of China who was later taken down during Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign. The second was Wang Qishan.

Ma Guoqiang (马国强):

  • Born in 1963. Starting in 1995, Ma worked at the Baoshan Steel Group (now called the Baowu Steel Group). He was the Deputy General Manager of the Baoshan Steel Group, Deputy General Manager, and later General Manager of Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd (or Baosteel), a subsidiary of the Baoshan Steel Group.
  • In 2013, Ma was appointed to be the General Manager of Wuhan Steel Group. He became the Chairman and Party Secretary of the Wuhan Steel Group in 2015.
  • In 2016, Ma successfully merged Wuhan Steel Group with Baoshan Steel Group into Baowu Steel Group. Ma became the Chairman and Party Secretary of the merged company.
  • In 2018, Ma was appointed as Hubei Provincial Deputy Party Secretary and Wuhan Party Secretary.

Baoshan Steel Group, based in Shanghai, has long been in part of the faction of Jiang Zemin, former head of the CCP.

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“World Leader”: Commentary by Minister of Foreign Affairs

In the past, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) promoted the concept of “Community of Mankind’s Shared Future,” also translated as “Community of Mankind’s Destiny” (人类命运共同体). As the coronavirus spread through the world, Wan Yi, China’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, published a commentary on People’s Daily, linking the efforts to stop the epidemic to building the “Community of Mankind’s Shared Future,” and portrayed China as the leader of that effort.

The following are highlights from Wan’s Commentary:

Part I

Actively conduct epidemic control diplomacy and seek international support…

Comprehensively promote international cooperation to serve the domestic epidemic control need…

Strive to apply diplomacy to serve the Chinese people and safeguard Chinese citizens’ rights…

Proactively carry out a publicity campaign in foreign countries and tell the China story well: We fully used the press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and new media to speak on international stage… (We) held several epidemic control information sharing conferences with foreign embassies in China. Our diplomatic envoys and agencies overseas took over 400 interviews with main-stream television and radio stations, published 300 signed articles, held 500 briefings and speeches, and published 20,000 postings on overseas main social media.

Part II

China has played a major role in stopping the global spread of the epidemic…

China has obtained trust in handling the global challenge. China has paid high attention to cooperation with the international health communities, provided epidemic information promptly, shared the virus’ genome, collaborated with the World Health Organization (WHO) and neighboring or related countries, and invited international experts to work with us.

China has set up a standard for global public health governance. In the prevention and control of the epidemic, China’s power, efficiency, and speed have received praise and the advantage of the China’s system has been fully demonstrated.

Part III

Actively conduct international and regional cooperation: We will expand bi-lateral and multi-lateral cooperation on epidemic control; promptly share epidemic information, control measures, and research results; and improve the joint development efforts on treatment medicine and a vaccine. We will also provide aid in our capacity to countries and regions that the virus has spread to, to play the role of a responsible great power.

Be deeply involved in global public health governance: This epidemic reveals the weakness of the global public health governance. We will support the United Nations and WHO to play the core role in handling public health emergencies and improve global public health governance. We will push for major international projects in the health area to actively build the “silk road on health.”

Join forces (with others) to respond to unconventional security challenge: China will actively develop its shared, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable new security view; improve the dialog and communication in the unconventional security area; improve mutual understanding and trust; promote international cooperation; and continuously expand the connotation and practice of the “Community of Mankind’s Shared Future.”

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CCTV Did a Fake Interview

A video of a China Central Television (CCTV) interview on March 3 showed that the Communist Regime’s propaganda mouthpiece was deceiving the public.

The CCTV reporters came to the Zall Changjiang Emergency Hospital, a hospital that the Zall Foundation and Wuhan No 8 Hospital had recently set up, primarily to host the elderly who had been infected with the coronavirus.

The video was intended to show that patients received good care. It recorded a conversation between a nurse and an old man who was a patient.

Nurse: “Let me ask, how is your situation today?”

Patient: “Good!”

Nurse: “Let me ask, do your still feel pain in your throat?”

Patient: “No pain!”

Nurse: “Do you have shortness of breath?”

Patient asked, “Is short breath good or is long breath good?”

Nurse: “Not shortness of breath…”

A netizen commented, “It was an arranged program but the nursed asked a question that was not in the script. The old man didn’t know how to answer. What a Chinese style humor…”

Another netizen, “The state media and hospital made a show to fool the 1.4 billion Chinese. Even though you see through this one, you may still believe tomorrow’s (fake) news .” Continue reading