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Chinese Consumers Account for 47 Percent of the World’s Luxury Goods Market

The China Luxury Goods marketing Research Agency recently issued the "China’s Luxury Goods Consumption Report," which contained information on China’s spending on luxury goods. China has the largest number of luxury goods consumers in the world. These consumers have spent an estimated US$102 trillion on luxury goods in 2013, which accounts for 47 percent of the total worldwide luxury goods market. China’s total luxury goods purchases included domestic as well as foreign purchases. In 2013, China’s domestic luxury goods purchases are expected to show growth of three percent. Chinese tourists also drove the overseas luxury goods spending market. Price differences between the domestic and foreign market and the appreciation of the Chinese yuan are cited as the reasons. Reports indicate that, even though the Chinese people’s luxury goods consumption continues to grow, the rate of increase has slowed down compared to prior years.

Source: Guangming Daily, November 15, 2013

Chinese Consumers Favor the iPhone 5C

According to a report from Di Xing Tong, China’s largest cell phone chain store, since the iPhone 5S and 5C were introduced in China on September 20, the ratio of iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C phones purchases in China has been 3.68:1 compared to 2:23:1, which is the ratio in the overseas markets. The report indicated that the reason Chinese consumers favored the 5S over the 5C, even though their quality is comparable, is that the 5S is considered to be more upscale. They are therefore less likely to be attracted to the cheaper version of the iPhone5C.

Source: Guangming Daily, November 15, 2013

More Party Officials with Ties to Jiang Zemin under Investigation

On November 14, Xinhua reprinted a China News Weekly report that in less than a year since Xi Jinping came to power in the 18th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, 11 high ranking provincial officials and department heads have been put under investigation on corruption charges. The number doubled the average of 5.8 officials per year in the past five years. From 2008 through 2012, there were four, eight, six, seven, and four officials, respectively, at provincial or department level who were investigated.

[Editor’s Note: According to Asia Times, in one example, the CCP removed Ji Jianye, the mayor or Nanjing from office accusing him of "economic crimes," a euphemism for corruption. That article pointed out that "some analysts speak instead of a settling of scores within the Party, since Ji is very close to former President Jiang Zemin." Another source observed that almost all of these 11 officials have close ties to former President Jiang Zemin.] 
Source: China News Weekly reprinted by Xinhua, November 14, 2013
Asia News, "Nanjing mayor arrested on corruption charges,",-Nanjing-mayor-arrested-on-corruption-charges-29299.html

CRN: State Security Committee Reflects Chinese Political System Reform

The Third Plenary session of the 18th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party just ended on November 12. China Review News published a commentary on the new State Security Committee that the Congrss established. 

The commentary stated that the establishment of the new State Security Committee represents a significant deviation from the Chinese political system. There is a common misunderstanding among China scholars about the Chinese political system. They look at the People’s Congress, but fail to understand that the People’s Congress is the highest political authority under the leadership of the Communist Party. Because of this misunderstanding, they tend to recommend that any decisions that the Communist Party makes should go through the existing political system to implement its agenda. “That is not true. … The Chinese Communist Party is not independent of the State apparatus; it is an important part of the State authority. In other words, the Chinese Communist Party is the core of the State apparatus as well as the leadership of the State authority.“ Without understanding this, one can hardly understand the role that the Communist Party plays in China’s political affairs. 
The commentary observed that the establishment of the State Security Committee not only enables the Chinese Communist Party General Secretary to lead the State apparatus directly; it also resolved the issue of coordination among State departments. 
 “The establishment of the State Security Committee marks a major change taking place in the Chinese constitutional system. The Chinese Communist Party’s leadership over State power will be further strengthened, the country’s political structure will be more perfect, and China’s President will change from a figurehead of the State to the country’s highest decision-maker.” 

Source: China Review News, November 15, 2013

China’s State Media Comments on U.S. and Japan’s Aid to Philippines

China’s state media Huanqiu (Global Times) published an article commenting on the U.S. and Japan’s aid to the Philippines as a result of typhoon Haiyan. 

The article said, “The nation that had brought great military suffering to the Asian countries sent its Self Defense Forces (SDF) to the Philippines, which could be called ‘the largest overseas deployment of troops after World War II.’" The article, citing other international media reports, stated that the political implications of the disaster relief assistance to the Philippines are becoming increasingly clear. That the U.S. and Japan employ large-scale military forces for the disaster relief to the Philippines shows obvious political motivation. 
The article quoted the Russian Lenta News Network, which said that the United States acting, on such a large scale and with such fanfare [for the assistance], demonstrates the special relationship between the United States and the Philippines. The United States takes Japan as the "unsinkable" aircraft carrier. Now the Philippines has become a major ally of the United States. The two countries take advantage of each other to counterbalance China. Being very active in the rescue efforts, the U.S. is all for its own geopolitical interests. 
The article also implied, by quoting Japanese foreign critic Timberland Naoto’s comment, that, on the surface, Abe’s sending the SDF is to contribute to world peace and development, but the real purpose is to contain China. [Even in] the typhoon disaster, the emergency aid also reflected the reality of international politics. 
Academy of Social Sciences researcher Zhou Qi told the Global Times that Japan’s high-profile involvement with a helicopter carrier is surprising.   

Source: Huanqiu, November 15, 2013

PetroChina Buys Petrobras’s Peru Unit

On November 13, PetroChina Company Limited (PetroChina), China’s biggest oil producer and the listed arm of the state-owned China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), announced a deal to acquire Brazil’s state-run oil company Petrobras’s Peruvian oil and gas assets. PetroChina will buy all of the 145 million stock shares of Petrobras Energia Peru S.A., which has three oil and gas fields in Peru, at a premium price of $2.6 billion, considering Energia Peru S.A.’s total asset of $1.42 billion, with a 2012 operating income of $0.6 billion and net income of $102 million.

Petrobras Energia Peru S.A.’s three oil and gas fields currently produce about 800,000 metric tons of oil equivalent per year, according to PetroChina. Experts shared the view that, when compared to Africa and the Middle East, there is less political risk buying assets in South America.

PetroChina’s 2012 domestic and overseas production totaled 278 million metric tons of oil equivalent, or 761,600 metric tons per day. In mid-March this year, PetroChina took over the Mozambique oil and gas lots under the Italian multinational oil and gas company Eni at $4.2 billion, as the company’s largest overseas acquisition. CNPC is also expected to buy U.S. oil and gas company ConocoPhillips’ Kashagan oil field in Kazakhstan at an expected price of $5 billion.

Source: Xinhua, November 14, 2013

Chinese Generals: Peaceful Rise Does Not Mean Refusal to Fight

On November 12 a forum was held at the Prime Hotel Beijing Wangfujing after a press release announced the introduction a new book, "China Is Not Afraid — New Threats to Our National Security and Our Counter Strategy." More than 50 people including five PLA generals, major media reporters, publishers, and others attended the forum and discussed the current hot issues of national defense and security. 

The author of the book is the former deputy director of the Strategy Department at the PLA Military Academy. He believes that the current U.S. policy of containing China has not changed and will not change. Mao Zedong made the statement that imperialists are "paper tigers" in order to solve the problem of fear. In the press release, the author said, "Our Party [the CCP] and our army were founded on the premise of having no fear. The Chinese army should ‘be able to fight, fight to win.’ It must have the will of fearlessness in the face of strong enemies." 

Major General Peng Guangqian commented that China’s "peaceful rise" is not to say China "refuses to fight." We have to be well prepared as, at any given time, a situation can get out of control. Major General Xiao Yusheng asserted that some Chinese people should overcome the "America-phobia” and "Japan-phobia" syndromes. 

Source: Xinhua, November 13, 2013

PLA Editorial: Resolutely Resist the “Nationalization of the Military”

On November 10, 2013, during the third session of the 18th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Daily published an editorial titled, “Always Adhere to the Party’s Absolute Leadership over the Military.” 

According to the PLA Daily editorial, Xi Jinping’s met last week with PLA delegates. The editorial summarized the core of his remarks, “Always adhere to the Party’s absolute leadership over the military; always adhere to the fundamentals of the ability to fight and win the war; always adhere to the Party’s policy that the Party must tightly control the Party; and always adhere to the spirit of reform and innovation to strengthen the Party’s development.” The editorial continued, “To study diligently and to implement President Xi’s important instructions, we must first grasp the fundamental task of ensuring the Party’s absolute leadership over the military.” “Our military is the people’s army founded and led by the Party. It is the armed forces that implement the Party’s political tasks. The fundamental system of the Party’s absolute leadership is a scientific system that has been proven repeatedly in practice.” 
The editorial emphasized that, in the light of the activities of the hostile forces overseas, one must remain alert as some people lack the understanding of the Party’s absolute leadership of the military. “Under these circumstances, it is particularly important that we take "always adhering to the Party’s absolute leadership over the military" as the highest political principle to follow, as the highest political requirement to implement, and as the highest political discipline to observe.”
“[We] must unswervingly adhere to the fundamental principle and system of the Party’s absolute leadership of the military, proactively win the ideological struggle, and resolutely resist such wrong political views as "non-political and non-Party military” and “nationalization of the military.” 
Source: People’s Liberation Army Daily reprinted by People’s Daily, November 10, 2013