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China State-Run Media Use the Snowden Incident to Attack U.S. Values

People’s Daily, overseas edition, which is distributed to Chinese all over the world, published a commentary that used the Snowden incident to attack the U.S. values of human rights and freedom of expression. 

The article was titled, “The Snowden incident blew off the cosmetics of the human rights issue from the American face.” The article said, “The ‘Prism project’ clearly tells people that the United States is trying to control the massive information transmitted within the entire Internet.” “The leader of equality, democracy, freedom, and fraternity" is nothing but a thick layer of ‘cosmetics’ covering the face of the United States." “The truth is that the U.S. has been using a double standard, yelling at other countries but being indifferent to its own illegal acts. The U.S. intelligence system has been using a variety of means to monitor the flow of information in cyberspace in order to ensure U.S. national security, even if it is at the cost of individual citizens’ privacy being potentially or actually threatened.” 

The article was re-posted all over the websites of China’s state media. 

Source: People’s Daily, Overseas edition, June 20, 2013

Huanqiu Warns Chinese Dissidents Not to Flee to the United States

Shan Renping, a commentator for China’s state-owned Huanqiu, published a commentary on Chen Guangcheng, the blind activist who fled China with the help of the United States. The commentary was clearly intended to dissuade other Chinese from taking similar actions. “There are some dissidents in China who believe that once they arrive in the United States, they will be treated as a treasure. This is their misunderstanding.”

“China and the United States are not enemies. Cooperation between the two countries will confuse those who live off the rice bowl of ‘Sino-US confrontation.’ They will feel that the United States is ‘not resolute’ in its attitude toward China, and that the United States chickens out during its fight against China. They even complain about ‘being ‘betrayed’ because they answered the call of the United States and took China as the enemy, only to be ‘abandoned halfway.’”

“China’s rapid development has attracted people around the world to come to look for development opportunities. At this time betraying this country’s mainstream development process and attempting to develop a personal life through renouncing this country is bound to be difficult in the long run. Such people will have no future.”

Source: Huanqiu, June 20, 2013

Overseas Chinese Media Share the “China Dream”

On June 8 in Xining, the capital city of Qinghai Province, He Yafei, the deputy director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office under the State Council, and Liu Beixian, President of the China News Agency, met with personnel from overseas Chinese language media for a face-to-face discussion. The overseas Chinese media executives from Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand, Malaysia, and other countries shared their "China Dream."

The "China Dream" is not a narrowly defined dream of the Chinese people, but the dream of all mankind and of the whole world," said Liu Yang, the President of VCChina, a Belgian Chinese radio station. Gao Jin, the chairman of the Romania based Europe Bridge Media (欧桥传媒) also believed that overseas Chinese should combine the "China Dream" with the dream of the hosting countries. He Wanmi from Malaysia’s Sin Chew Daily (星洲日報) said, "I am a third generation Chinese in Malaysia. My fellow Chinese there are deeply rooted in the local country, but we still identify ourselves as part of the Chinese culture." Chen Weirong, the President of New Zealand’s Chinese Herald (中文先驱报) said that New Zealand’s Chinese care very much about the "China Dream." Some proposed that Chinese characters are an important carrier of Chinese culture and suggested establishing a "Chinese Character Day."

He Yafei offered three wishes for the overseas Chinese media: that the Chinese media objectively report China and tell the "China story" and the "China Dream" to the world; that Chinese media become the promoters of the Chinese culture and national spirit; and that the Chinese media become the bridge and pioneers in public diplomacy to facilitate communication between China and other nations.

Source: China News Service, reprinted on the website of the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front Work Department, June 19, 2013.

Xinhua: System Design Does Not Match the Reality of Organ Donation

Liaowang Newsweekly (a new magazine under Xinhua) reported that, since 2007, there were only five instances in which organs were donated after a person died. The difficulty in defining the criteria of death, the regulations that contradict social reality, and public pressure are currently the three main obstacles to promoting the donation of organs after death. 
The Newsweekly reporter visited the Jiangxi Red Cross, health administrative departments, pilot hospitals (for organ donation) and other related institutions and found out that volunteers who applied for registration of body donation after death had increased as compared to 2010, but more than 90 percent of those didn’t materialize. One interviewee revealed, “It’s very rare to have a successful donation.”  

The Jiangxi Red Cross has statistics that show that, since 2007, the province has completed a total of 1,125 registrations for volunteer donations after death. However, there were only five successful organ donations. 

Source: Xinhua, June 9, 2013

Outlook: The China Dream Depends on the Strong Leadership of the Party

Outlook Newsweek, an official Chinese Communist Party publication, published an interview with Li Jie, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences regarding the “China Dream.”
When asked what the critical factors are in realizing the "China Dream," Li stated, “Achieving the ‘China Dream’ depends on the strong leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. For making things happen in China, the key is the Party. It is particularly important that we always maintain the Party’s advanced nature and purity, always maintain the Party’s spirit of reform and innovation, always maintain the Party’s close ties with the masses, and always maintain the Party’s integrity.”

“The realization the the ‘China Dream’ depends unswervingly on taking the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. … At present, [we] must be firmly confident in our path, theory, and system and continue to develop the socialist road with Chinese characteristics, the theoretical system, and the institutional system creatively, with confidence, and with persistence.”

Source: Outlook Newsweek reprinted by the Chinese Communist Party website, June 18, 2013

Xi Jinping: The CCP’s Survival or Death Relies on the Public Attitude for or against the Party

On June 18, 2013, Xi Jinping, the CCP Central Committee General Secretary and State Chairman, delivered a speech at the working meeting on the Party’s Mass Line Educational Practice. Xi said, “The CCP’s survival or death depends on the Public’s Attitude for or against the Party.”

To secure the Chinese Communist Party’s power, the Party must solve serious problems that the people report and let them feel satisfied. As many Party officials are separated from the masses, the CCP Central Committee will launch a large number of investigations, corrections, and cleaning within the Party. Called “Educational Practice Activities,” these activities will focus on self-cleaning, self-improvement, and self-innovation. It will be just like “looking into the mirror, straightening up one’s hat and clothing, taking a bath, and treating ones illness.” Those who have serious problems will be specially investigated and punished.  

Source: Xinhua, June 18, 2013

Huanqiu Suggests Chinese Media Publicize the Secrets Snowden Has in His Hand

On June 18, 2013, Huanqiu (the Chinese edition of Global Times) published an editorial responding to U.S. former vice president Dick Cheney’s hint that Edward Snowden, the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations, is a possible Chinese spy. According to the article, the Chinese government should not hand Snowden over to the United States because it fears trouble. The U.S. does not have any evidence to prove that Snowden is a Chinaese spy. If the Hong Kong government does not extradite Snowden, it will not lose any points on the moral level. Except for the extradition treaty with Hong Kong, the opinions that the U.S. releases cannot hurt China. The editorial suggested that Chinese reporters contact Snowden more and publicize the information in his hands around the world so as to put Snowden himself at the center of public opinion and lead public attention away from the American politicians’ accusations. The U.S. government will thus be discouraged in demanding Snowden’s extradition in the face of surging discussions of the secrets he released.

It is very practical for the U.S. government to drag the Chinese government into Snowden’s case so as to turn the public’s anger toward the U.S. government into dissatisfaction with the Chinese government. China will feel pressured but does not need to be too nervous. So far, the United States has not openly pressured the Chinese government publicly on the case, which, according to the editorial, is good enough for the Chinese government.

Source: Huanqiu, June 18, 2013

Global Times: China Accused of Having a Political Motivation for Helping Nicaragua Build Canal

Global Times recently reported that the Congress of Nicaragua passed a proposal to allow the government to award an exclusive commercial contract to the Hong Kong headquartered HKND Group to construct the Nicaragua Canal. The Nicaragua Canal Project is to build the world’s largest and deepest inter-oceanic canal. It will compete head to head against the Panama Canal. Western media, such as Time Magazine, questioned whether China’s motivation behind the bid had geo-political considerations. The US$40 billion agreement with the Chinese company included fifty years of special operational rights which can be extended for another fifty years. Spanish media also suggested that the lack of transparency in the congressional vote as well as the impact of environmental damage are all issues that may require further discussion. The chairman of the 10-month-old HKND Group claimed the company had "rich experience" in developing and managing large infrastructure-building projects. Reuters suggested that China has a "strong enough economy" to invest into modernized ocean based transportation opportunities and that it’s about time. Time Magazine also commented that China has been expanding its influence in the U.S. backyard for some time now. However, Nicaragua is still one of the very few countries that maintains an official relationship with Taiwan. 
Source: Global Times, June 15, 2013