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US-China Relations - 120. page

Luo Yuan: We Must Be Vigilant about the U.S.’s “Anti-Access and Area Denial” against China and Iran

On July 19, 2013, the Chinese Strategic Culture Foundation officially released its "2012 Japan’s Military Assessment Report" and the "2012 U.S. Military Assessment Report." On this subject, the People’s Blog [from People’s Daily] interviewed Luo Yuan, the Executive Vice President and Secretary General of the China Strategic Culture Association, and also the Major General of the China Society of Military Science. Luo expressed the belief that the United States has advanced its combat theory with some new features; Luo also conducted an extensive analysis of the concept of "anti-access and local denial." 

In 2012, the United States kept developing the concept of "Air Sea Battle" and came out with such concepts as the "Joint Operational Access Concept," "Gaining & Maintaining Access," "The Capstone Concept for Joint Operations: the Joint Forces of 2020," "Globally Integrated Operations," as well as other new concepts. 
Luo said that the U.S. has very specific targets in proposing these new concepts, namely, aiming at China and Iran. The United States named China and Iran in its defense strategy guide. "Therefore, we must remain vigilant." 

Meanwhile, Luo also pointed out that, from an academic point of view, "The U.S. military theories are worthwhile tools to use for learning. While exposing the American conspiracy of hegemony, China should really strengthen its self-development so that our country truly possesses anti-access and area-denial capabilities." 

Source: People’s Daily, July 19, 2013

Huanqiu Editorial-: The U.S. Should Be More Honest in the Sino-U.S. Dialogue

Huanqiu published an editorial to give “suggestions” to the Chinese delegates participating in the China-U.S. dialogue. The following are excerpts from the article: 

“The biggest problem in China-U.S. relations is that the U.S. appears to be frank and honest, but actually, it has a lot of hidden hypocrisy and tricks. The U.S. has many systems through which it can channel and express its demands. Congressmen, labor unions, and the media can always weigh in on the issue of Sino-US relations. Some play good cop and some others play bad cop, forming a pattern of dealing with the Chinese from multi-sides.” 
“The U.S. is also good at openly posturing, trying to control the high ground through the media before the dialogue. Regarding the Internet security issues, the United States has been pretending to be a victim for several years. It has now been proven that the U.S. is the world’s most serious organizer and implementer of cyber espionage.” 
“The United States is so used to hypocrisy and being bossy. The Americans even suggest that their pretense is "good faith." We must suppress how the Americans play these bad habits in front of us.” 
“The Snowden [incident] is a good opportunity. We do not necessarily need to play the Snowden card in the China-U.S. strategic dialogue, but whether to play this card or not, the Chinese delegate should have the card ready in hand, applying it as a psychological pressure to the Americans.” 
“We should spare no effort to dissolve the American’s strong negotiating power. China now has a capital advantage; its market capacity is developing rapidly; technological progress is gradually catching up. The equality status between China and the U.S. is already closing; and now it is time for the United States to reflect on its attitude toward China.” 
“The Chinese delegate should strive to get stronger in the dialogue. There is no need to worry that it will damage China-U.S. relations. China-U.S. strategic relations are backed by a gigantic exchange of contents and are not so fragile.” 

Source: Huanqiu (Globe), July 11, 2013

China News: More Pregnant Chinese Women Go to the U.S. for Delivery

China News recently reported that the number of pregnant Chinese women visiting the U.S. for delivery increased by twenty times in the past five years. More and more Chinese companies are getting into this new highly profitable “business.” The advertising, “return on investment higher than bank robbery,” can be seen in many places. The implication is that the United States offers much better social benefits to its citizens than what the Chinese government offers. However, the U.S. operations for many of these “delivery services” are not properly licensed. Some of them are only registered as “consulting firms.” Dual citizenship and gray legal gaps are other problems associated with this “business.” Despite all the issues, the number of “customers” coming to the U.S. grew from 600 in 2007 to over 10,000 in 2012. Most of the women delivering in the U.S. are related to company owners, executives of international firms, famous politicians, doctors, lawyers, statisticians, and professors. A typical “U.S. Baby” costs US$20,000 to US$30,000. Most of the U.S. side operations are located in Los Angeles.
Source: China News, June 24, 2013

Xinhua Special Interview: U.S. Didn’t Just Harm China a Little Bit

On June 26, Xinhua conducted a special interview with military expert Wang Changqin, a Professor at the PLA Academy of Military Sciences. Xinhua used the Snowden incident to continue its anti-American propaganda. In the more than one hour interview, Wang harshly attacked the U.S. while commenting on the “Prismgate" incident. 

Wang said, “The United States has a lot of different faces. In the network area, they include the so-called ‘safety victims,’ ‘moral persons’ and ‘freedom defenders,’ but, after all, these are ‘disguises.’ We the people have a saying, however: no matter how well you disguise yourself, there will always be a time when your ‘true face will be exposed.’ ‘Prismgate’ let the United States expose its ‘true face.’” 
"Now we have evidence. Everyone clearly understands now: it is not others that ‘harm’ the U.S.; it is the U.S. that harms others, especially China." “Not long ago, they were still shouting: PLA hackers attacked us. … Even the ‘big boss’ Obama also claimed that this was ‘stealing American property.’ Now we understand: the purpose of their screamingly and shouting was to conceal their act of ‘theft’!” 
“From the revelations of Snowdon, the United States didn’t just harm China a little bit [it harms China a lot instead].”
“This kind of hegemony, which is an apparent violation of human fairness, justice, and conscience has met opposition from most of the countries and people in the world, including some Americans. … Therefore, as the saying goes: He who is unjust is doomed to destruction. If the United States does not learn its lesson and stop its hegemonic acts, it will eventually ‘shoot itself in the foot,’ fall in the no-return path of ‘imperialism’ and will never be able to get up.” 
Source: Xinhua, June 26, 2013

State Media: The Moral Decline of the United States

One of China’s state media, the International Herald Leader, published a commentary stating that morality in the United States has been declining, particularly since September 11, 2001, although there are still “righteous people” stepping forward.
“The United States asks others to abide by international law, while the U.S. itself has repeatedly violated international law. Recently, however, a series of events occurred, indicating that there are righteous people in the United States who come forward.”

The commentary cited Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden. “The fact that Manning disclosed how the U.S. has violated a large number of U.S. laws and the laws of other countries undoubtedly demonstrates that the U.S. system is in a serious moral decline. Likewise, in his daily work, former CIA [sic] employee Snowden also became extremely unhappy with the U.S. government’s abuse of power, excessive monitoring of its own citizens, and vigorous violations of the cyber security of other countries. He has been exposing such acts of the U.S. government so that other countries not only understand how fragile their own cyber network is, but also understand how the U.S. government plays the thief who cries ‘stop thief,’ and to what extent its morality has degenerated.”

Source: International Herald Leader, June 24, 2013

China: U.S. Remarks about Snowden Leaving Hong Kong Are Unacceptable to China

At a briefing given by China’s Foreign Ministry on June 25, 2013, government spokesperson Hua Chunying said that the accusation that the United States made about China allowing Edward Snowden to depart from Hong Kong is groundless and not acceptable to China.
“The Hong Kong Special Administration Region (SAR) Government has handled this case entirely in accordance with applicable law, which is beyond reproach, and should be respected by all parties. For the United States to question whether the Hong Kong SAR Government is acting in accordance with the law does not make sense. The U.S. accusation about China’s central government is groundless and is unacceptable to China."

Hua stated, “Even today, the U.S. still makes these remarks, which really puzzles people. I’d like to advise these people to look at themselves in a mirror, reflect, and take care of their own situation first.” When asked about reports that the U.S. is investigating whether Snowden is a spy for China, Hua said, "[T]his is nonsense and extremely irresponsible."

Source: Xinhua, June 25, 2013

China State-Run Media Use the Snowden Incident to Attack U.S. Values

People’s Daily, overseas edition, which is distributed to Chinese all over the world, published a commentary that used the Snowden incident to attack the U.S. values of human rights and freedom of expression. 

The article was titled, “The Snowden incident blew off the cosmetics of the human rights issue from the American face.” The article said, “The ‘Prism project’ clearly tells people that the United States is trying to control the massive information transmitted within the entire Internet.” “The leader of equality, democracy, freedom, and fraternity" is nothing but a thick layer of ‘cosmetics’ covering the face of the United States." “The truth is that the U.S. has been using a double standard, yelling at other countries but being indifferent to its own illegal acts. The U.S. intelligence system has been using a variety of means to monitor the flow of information in cyberspace in order to ensure U.S. national security, even if it is at the cost of individual citizens’ privacy being potentially or actually threatened.” 

The article was re-posted all over the websites of China’s state media. 

Source: People’s Daily, Overseas edition, June 20, 2013

Huanqiu Warns Chinese Dissidents Not to Flee to the United States

Shan Renping, a commentator for China’s state-owned Huanqiu, published a commentary on Chen Guangcheng, the blind activist who fled China with the help of the United States. The commentary was clearly intended to dissuade other Chinese from taking similar actions. “There are some dissidents in China who believe that once they arrive in the United States, they will be treated as a treasure. This is their misunderstanding.”

“China and the United States are not enemies. Cooperation between the two countries will confuse those who live off the rice bowl of ‘Sino-US confrontation.’ They will feel that the United States is ‘not resolute’ in its attitude toward China, and that the United States chickens out during its fight against China. They even complain about ‘being ‘betrayed’ because they answered the call of the United States and took China as the enemy, only to be ‘abandoned halfway.’”

“China’s rapid development has attracted people around the world to come to look for development opportunities. At this time betraying this country’s mainstream development process and attempting to develop a personal life through renouncing this country is bound to be difficult in the long run. Such people will have no future.”

Source: Huanqiu, June 20, 2013