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People’s Daily: The Consequences of Using Force against Syria Will Be More Serious than the Iraq War

A People Daily (overseas edition) article commented on the U.S. intention to intervene in Syria for its use of chemical weapons to kill civilians. Below is an excerpt from the article: 

“In the last few days, the so-called Syria ‘Chemical Weapons’ issue has been getting hotter and hotter. The United States and some other Western countries have suddenly increased their intensity about using force against Syria. … It seems that a ‘fight’ is imminent and inevitable. As for whether the U.N. team has completed its investigation [on the use of chemical weapons], whether there is definitive evidence for the accusation against the Syrian government, and whether the U.N. Security Council will authorize the use of force against Syria, all these matters seem too trivial for the Western countries to care about.
“It doesn’t matter whether it is a Humanitarian disaster or the ‘red line’ of using chemical weapons, these are just excuses to attack opponents and gain interests. For a long time, from Kosovo to Iraq, then to Libya, Western countries have been adept at this kind of trick. 
“However, the more they play these tricks, the more clearly people can see through them to their true face. Ten years ago the United States launched the Iraq war, resulting in more than 100,000 deaths of Iraqi civilians. A long time ago, the excuse for that war had already been proven to be a poor lie. Two years ago, the Western Countries, under the guise of ‘protecting civilians,’ launched a military action against Libya, causing more than 30,000 civilians to be killed in Libya. More distressingly, Iraq and Libya have not yet gotten over of the after-effects of these wars. Unrest and bloodshed still continue. Terrorist extremists are on the rise. They are still struggling on the edge of a ‘failing state.’ The Western countries use force and leave behind a ‘mess.’ Almost all of the consequences have to be paid by the people from these regions. The lesson is quite profound. 
“Compared to the above cases, the consequences of the use of force against Syria will be more severe. … External military intervention can neither fundamentally solve the problem of chemical weapons; nor is it the right way to resolve the crisis in Syria. …
“The ‘chemical weapons’ problem is a very serious issue. One cannot hastily jump to a conclusion without conclusive evidence. Unfortunately, the United States and some other Western countries seem to have decided on the ‘presumption of guilt’ instead of having an objective investigation and on using military intervention instead of political dialogue. This exposes their true purpose: It is not really to solve the ‘chemical weapons’ problem; rather, there is an eagerness to ‘plug contraband’ to help the opposition, in order to speed up the turnover of the government and establish international rules and an international order in their favor. The international community must remain vigilant against this kind of naked hegemonic act.” 
Source: People’s Daily, August 29, 2013

Global Times: China Warned the U.S.: Don’t Interfere with Hong Kong’s Internal Affairs

Global Times recently reported that Song Zhe, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Special Commissioner to Hong Kong, warned the U.S. Hong Kong Consul General, Clifford Hart, not to interfere with Hong Kong’s internal affairs. Hong Kong media widely expressed the belief that this is the “strongest signal” given to the United States since Hong Kong returned to Chinese rule. According to many Hong Kong media reports, the frequency of Mr. Hart’s visits to local political organizations and grass-roots movements has been much higher than that of the new Hong Kong Chief Executive Chun-ying Leung. Song Zhe emphasized that the path leading to the structure of Hong Kong’s future political system is solely a Hong Kong internal matter. No foreign government should “have a hand in it.” This was the third time in the past few months that the U.S. Consular official received a warning from the Chinese government. Clifford Hart worked in the U.S. National Security Council, the Pentagon, and the State Department before coming to Hong Kong. 
Source: Global Times, August 30, 2013

PLA Daily: U.S.’s Unmanned ‘rial Vehicles Cross Border Actions Are a “License to Kill”

China’s military newspaper PLA Daily published an article commenting on the U.S.’s use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in its anti-terrorist actions. The following are excerpts from the article: 

“In recent years, the U.S. has frequently been using UAVs for cross-border anti-terrorist actions. … It is concerning that the U.S.’s use of UAVs is ‘out of control,’ posing a great threat to the international order and the security of the people of other countries.” 

“UAVs have become an important American tool to fight terrorism. However, the abuse of the UAV has also been trampling on the sovereignty of other counties. Although Pakistan and other countries repeatedly protest to the United States, the United States still insists on acting according to its own will. Once the U.S. finds suspected terrorists appearing in other countries, the U.S. will send UAVs to hunt down the terrorists without asking for permission from those countries. This hegemonic act is a reckless trampling of the international order and of international law.” 
“Although the use of UAVs avoids the American military sustaining casualties, it brings disaster to a large number of innocent civilians in other countries. … According to statistics, since 2004, the U.S. UAVs have launched 360 attacks in Pakistan alone, resulting in 3,000 deaths, of which 70 percent were women and children. However, the U.S. does not feel any guilt at all.” 
“The U.S.’s use of UAVs is almost out of control. It has caused the relevant nations to lodge strong protests. … However, the United States, accustomed to finding other countries at fault, has just ignored these voices of protest. On May 23, 2013, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that UAVs can only be used under certain conditions. … However, the rule is very ambiguous and difficult to determine during the actual implementation. Obviously, Obama’s new regulations are the ostrich moves or [we can] even say that he has issued a ‘legitimate’ ‘license to kill’ for UAVs.” 

Source: PLA Daily, August, 18, 2013

China Youth Daily: McCain Had Ulterior Motives in Remarks on the Diaoyu Islands

U.S. Republican Senator John McCain said at the press conference after his talks with Japanese Foreign Minister shore Tian Wenxiong on August 21, “The Diaoyu Islands are Japanese territory, which is the U.S. Congress and the U.S. government’s position and will be communicated to the Chinese.” Regarding China’s official boat that entered into the waters around the Diaoyu Islands several times, he said, “China violated Japan’s sovereignty.” 

In response to McCain’s statement, China Youth Daily published a commentary article. The article quoted Su Hao, Director at the Center for Strategic and Conflict Management of the Foreign Affairs College, to express its point. 
Su Hao said, "This should not be [considered] a slip of the tongue. It is McCain’s real personal view.” In my personal opinion, I believe that McCain’s remarks were stated after careful consideration and point to specific issues. Moreover, it not only represents his personal view, but also represents the view of the U.S. conservative forces and conservative political groups like him. To some extent, it represents a potential U.S. policy option." 

Su Hao also pointed out that McCain’s talk indeed also released some information, and revealed U.S.’s potential considerations. Moreover, the timing of McCain’s speech also has a profound meaning. 

Su Hao said, "While McCain is not an official government official, this is the first time that a major U.S. political figure has made such a clear and biased statement on the Diaoyu Islands issue. This is a very serious event. We must pay serious attention. To some U.S. politicians’ [who express] such erroneous views, [we] must give immediate criticism and rebuttals." 

Source: China Youth Daily, and republished by people’s Daily, August 23, 2013

Qiushi Criticizes the U.S. Human Rights Values: American Values Cause Corruption in China

On August, 7,  2013, Qiushi, a journal of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, published an article titled, “An Interpretation of United States Human Rights Concepts and Practices.” The article asserted, “In its social practices, absolute human rights in the United States do not exist.” For example, protesters are requested to submit an application for a permit to demonstrate; all employees of the federal government must take an oath of loyalty to the government. Besides, the fact that 40 million poor people in the U.S. do not have the right of free expression demonstrates that “the American human rights practices do not represent any universal values.” However, the United States takes advantage of human rights issues to attack socialist countries, especially China, and many developing countries in order to obtain political, economic, and security interests.

According to the article, “The major cause of the rampant corruption in China is the invasion of American style self-centered values. American values have successfully invaded Chinese Communist Party members’ ideological and spiritual system, broken down their faith (in Communism) and thus induced their corrupt deeds.” The article concludes that China must strongly fight back against the human rights evolution conducted by the Unites States by “educating” the Chinese people with Communist and Socialist ideals and values and tightening control over the media and the Internet, as well as literary and art works.

Source: Qiushi, August 7, 2013  

Qiushi: Internet Should Not Be a New Tool for U.S. Hegemony

Qiushi Journal, a bi-weekly magazine published by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, recently published an article commenting on “Prism Gate.” The article focused on how the United States has been maintaining a “double standard” on the matter of Internet monitoring. The author accused the United States of lecturing other countries on privacy and human rights issues while violating all these principles itself. The article quoted comments from various U.S. allies such as Britain, Germany, and France, as well as other countries like Brazil. These comments all used words like “shocking” and “unacceptable” to describe the reactions from these countries. The article suggested that the Prism project is only the tip of the iceberg. The U.S. government has at least three more projects of this kind to cover areas such as phone communications. The author also expressed the belief that the U.S. has the same mentality in the global financial market and in industrial internationalization, as well as in technology standards. The article concluded by calling for “fair international internet rules,” “respecting a country’s Internet sovereignty,” and the U.S. giving up technical control over the Internet.
Source: Qiushi Journal, August 1, 2013

Military Expert: A U.S. Aircraft Carrier Can Definitely Be Sunk in an Attack

Military expert Yin Zhuo was recently interviewed on Beijing TV’s "Military Decode" program. Yin commented that U.S. media had recently published an article stating that China’s aircraft carrier lacked battle group defense capability and that China seriously lacks a carrier-borne aircraft fleet and a protective fleet, which will leave it vulnerable when facing U.S. troops.

In response, Yin said, “The American media are completely lacking in objectivity in bad-mouthing China’s aircraft carrier. The U.S. aircraft carrier is not perfect either. It is entirely possible to sink it. Aircraft carriers fear nuclear submarines the most. China does not lack nuclear submarines. In addition, it also fears attacks from shore-based aircraft. Whether it is the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, or the South China Sea, all of them are within reach of our shore-based aircraft and within the scope of a joint attack.”

“In addition, no one said that we developed an aircraft carrier in order to deal with the U.S. From a strategic perspective, we would not directly confront the U.S. aircraft carrier Nimitz. … We still have a lot of other opponents beside the U.S. For example, when China is solving problems in the East China Sea or the South China Sea, that is when the carrier’s strengths can be played out.”

Source: People’s Daily, August 1, 2013

People’s Daily: The West Makes Rules and Tries to Force China to Follow Them

“At the recent fifth round of China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said that, with China’s economic development, China needs to assume more international responsibility.” A People’s Daily [overseas edition] article warned that, “When faced with international media who, one after another, tout the ‘China responsibility theory,’ China should respond by avoiding the interference from this outside noise.” 

The article said, “Because of differences in values and social system, Western society has long viewed China with a bias, from the ‘China collapse theory’ to the ‘China threat theory’ to the current ‘China responsibility’ theory. All these are to deny and obstruct China’s economic development. They not only deny China’s positive role in promoting world economic recovery; they even blame China for the tight global supply of resources. This is actually a replica of the ‘China economic threat theory.’" 
According to Bai Ming, Deputy Director of the Department of International Market Research at International Trade and Economic Cooperation Research Institute of the Commerce Ministry, "The main purpose for Western countries to repeat the ‘China responsibility theory’ is to divert international attention." “At the same time, it is to impose more pressure on China. It is a common means Western countries use to oppress China.” 

Sun Zhe, Director of the Sino-U.S. Relations Research Center at Tsinghua University said, "The United States wants China to take more responsibility. The intention is to [make China] use ‘fair’ competition with them in accordance with the rules set by the United States and other Western countries." "China cannot afford to and will not take action that is inconsistent with the rights and obligations of China’s [actual] responsibility." 

Source: People’s Daily (overseas edition), republished by Xinhua, July 20, 2013