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Wechat Article: How Can China Win the Sino-US Technology War If the Chinese Academy of Sciences Is in Constant Trouble?

On June 15, 90 out of 180 researchers from the Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology of the Hefei Institute of Material Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences quit their job on the same day. The news topped the search results in China for a number of days. The Chinese Academy of Sciences website announced that Vice Premier Liu He was urged to launch an investigation into the incident. On July 17, the party cell of the Chinese Academy of Sciences formed a special task team and arrived at the Hefei Institute for an on-site investigation. The initial public information suggested that the incident was related to the former head of the Hefei Institute because most of the researchers went to join him at a different nuclear energy and technology research institution called the “Frontier Development of Science (中科凤麟” Tencent posted a question asking for comments on why 90 scientists left the Hefei Institute. One of the answers received most of the “likes.” It stated, “There have been no scientific research achievements there even though the institute has a big name. All you do is flatter other people and run unrelated chores including playing volleyball with the boss. Front-line researchers who want to display their talents don’t have the opportunity. People are sidelined if they do not cater to the leadership. Those who couldn’t stand it all left.”

In recent years, there have been an increasing number of research institutions that have not been able to retain talented people. People often complain about receiving low pay and benefits, lacking career advancement, working under high pressure, having long working hours, and dealing with complicated guanxi (inter-personal networks) and bureaucracy. According to the data from the Minister of Science and Technology, China’s total R&D investment in 2019 was 2.17 trillion yuan (US$0.31 trillion). This accounted for 2.19 percent of GDP, which is roughly equivalent to the EU average. However there have been increases in news reports on mishandling and waste of the R&D funding as well as excessive overhead, which is allocated to support a multi-layer bureaucratic system.

A Wechat article stated that, as Huawei is battling with an Eight-Nation Alliance, the failure rate of rocket launches is significantly higher than it was in the prior year and the U.S. could block jet engine purchases. People are therefore concerned about how China can win the Sino-US technology war if the Chinese Academy of Sciences is in constant trouble.

Source: Wechat, July 21, 2020

World Outbreak: California Church Network Sued Governor Newsom over Ban on Worship

On July 17, a network of California churches filed a lawsuit against California Governor Newsom, against his announcement to close or suspend indoor activities at many facilities, including places of worship.

The churches believe that the worship service has “been essential for 2,000 years.”

It also challenged Newsom for having a double standard in banning the indoor church service while state officials had been encouraging protests.

Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, representing Harvest International Ministry in the lawsuit, said in a statement on the lawsuit: “Newsom encourages tens of thousands of people to gather for mass protests, he bans all in-person worship and home Bible studies and fellowship. Such repression is well-known in despotic governments, and it is shocking that even home fellowship is banned in America.”  “This outrage will not stand!”

On July 15, three Northern California churches, including Calvary Chapel of Ukiah, Calvary Chapel of Fort Bragg, and River of Life Church in Oroville, filed a lawsuit, seeking to block Newsom’s July 1 ban on singing in houses of worship to stop the spread of coronavirus.

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Source: Fox News, July 20, 2020

World Outbreak: 37 Countries Reported Record High Daily Infection Count in the Past Week

On July 25, Reuters reported that 37 countries have reported record single-day increases in the coronavirus infections over the past week. This includes not only the leading infection countries like the United States, Brazil, and India, but also countries including Spain, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Bolivia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Bulgaria, Belgium, Uzbekistan, Israel, and others.

The Reuters data, compiled from official reports, shows a steady rise in the number of countries reporting record daily increases over the past month. At least seven countries recorded such increases three weeks ago; at least 13 countries two weeks ago; 20 countries last week; and 37 countries this week.

The true numbers of both cases and deaths are almost certainly underreported, particularly in countries with poorer health care systems.

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Source: Reuters, July 25, 2020

Infection Count: Dalian City Reported Coronavirus Infection Cases

Dalian City in Liaoning Province recently reported coronavirus infection cases. The infection also spread to other cities in the northeastern region of China. The municipal authorities claimed “wartime” status in Dalian and locked down certain areas within the city.

From July 22 to July 24, Dalian reported a total of 12 confirmed infection cases and 27 asymptomatic carrier cases. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is known for hiding information, the actual infection numbers are unknown.

#1: Dalian reported the first infection case on July 22 and two on July 23. It reported nine confirmed cases and 27 asymptomatic carrier cases on July 24.

Anshan City, Liaoning Province reported an asymptomatic case on July 24, which was due to close contact with Dalian’s patient.

Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province reported an asymptomatic case on July 24, which was also due to close contact with Dalian’s patient. (China Business Network)

#2: On July 23, Dalian city entered into “wartime” status based on the central and provincial directions. The authorities locked down two residential neighborhoods and conducted disinfections.

The Liaoning Provincial Health Commission sent a 50-member medical team, a 10-member disinfection team, and 8 nucleic Acid testing teams to Dalian.

On July 23, the National Health Commission sent an 18-member expert team to Dalian. (Beijing Daily)

#3: At a press conference on July 24, Zhao Lian, Deputy Director of the Dalian Health Commission stated that, in principle, residents of Dalian should not leave the city; anyone who must leave the city should provide negative result of a nucleic acid test conducted in the past seven days. (China News Agency)

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Corruption Allegation in Namibia involves 5G deal with Huawei

As the “Five Eyes Alliance” countries are taking countermeasures against China’s telecom giant Huawei, Huawei continues to accelerate its expansion in Africa.

Al Jazeera ran an exclusive report on July 15 that Brunhilde Cornelius, a city councilor in Namibia’s capital city Windhoek, disclosed that, in order for Huawei to obtain an exclusive contract for 5G network construction in the city, a local politician was bribed and asked to give up her opposition to the deal.

Earlier this year, Cornelius publicly opposed the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the city council and Huawei. According to Al Jazeera, Cornelius filed a charge with the police on June 19. Cornelius, who is also the secretary-general of the opposition Rally for the Democracy and Progress Party (RDP), alleged the bribe was offered by Nicanor Ndjoze, her colleague who is also the RDP’s director of elections. Ndjoze allegedly paid bribes on behalf of his nephew, Reckliff Kandjiriomuini, the head of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) division of the City of Windhoek (COW).

Cornelius said that Ndjoze mentioned a bonus fund of about US$2.4 million, which could be used for potential beneficiaries of the deal that would give Huawei the exclusive right to develop local 5G network construction. She was told that she could receive an amount between US$300,000 and US$360,000 dollars. According to Cornelius, Ndjoze told her on May 12 that she could get the money if she gave up her opposition to the MOU. Allegedly, Ndjoze also told Cornelius that his nephew, Kandjiriomuini, led the transaction with Huawei. Kandjiriomuini hoped that Ndjoze would help persuade his party members to accept bribes and sign the MOU.

Andy Keiser, a former professional staff member of the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee testified before the U.S. Congress in June 2018, exposing that Huawei and ZTE have been subject to corruption investigations, charges, or corruption convictions in as many as 21 countries in the past 12 years. In 2009, Nuctech, a Chinese state-owned IT firm was involved in a bribery and corruption case in Namibia.

Source: Radio Free Asia, July 17, 2020

World Outbreak: North Korea Announced an Infection Case

North Korea has reported its “first” coronavirus infection case. A person who escaped to South Korea recently crossed the border on July 19 to return back to North Korea. He was suspected of being infected with the coronavirus in Kaesong city, which is close to the border with South Korea.

On July 24, Kim Jong-un ordered Kaesong to be locked down. He held an emergency politburo meeting on July 25 and announced the implementation of emergency measures for Kaesong.

North Korea had not previously reported any infection cases, though the international community suspects that it hides the truth from the world.

In the past, North Korea had several politburo meetings and adopted several measures regarding the coronavirus, which also makes people wonder if the country has been infected:

  • January 22: Stopped visitors from entering the country. Closed the border with China and stopped international flights and trains.
  • February 28: Extended the winter break for all students and delayed the start of school.
  • February 29: Held a politburo meeting on fighting the coronavirus.
  • April 11: Held a politburo meeting and passed a joint resolution to continue increasing the national emergency pandemic prevention efforts.
  • July 2: Held a politburo meeting on increasing the national emergency pandemic prevention efforts. Kim Jong-un said that recklessly lifting the pandemic prevention measures would lead to an unimaginable and irreversible fatal crisis.

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Beijing to Deploy Korean War TV Dramas to Arouse Nationalism

China’s National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) is a ministry-level executive agency that controls state-owned TV and radio broadcasters, as well as other non-state movie and television studios. On July 17, NRTA held a nationwide video conference with its subsidiary entities to arrange and schedule TV dramas that have the theme of the Sino-Japanese War during WWII and the Korean War. The Chinese government has been calling the former  the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the later the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. It also emphasized TV dramas with the themes of battling the corona virus so as to “tell the touching story of China’s action against the (Wuhan) pneumonia epidemic.”

The year 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Sino-Japanese War, which was actually fought by the Nationalist government, the predecessor of today’s Taiwan government. It lost the civil war to the Communists in 1949. To Beijing, the Sino-US relations pose the biggest challenge since the establishment of diplomatic relations. The theme of the Korean War has also become the focus of the regime’s propaganda. Claiming to be the winner of the war, for decades, the Chinese Communist Party has been using it to promote anti-American nationalist sentiments .

Source: Central News Agency, July 23, 2020.

RFA: “Xi Jinping Research Center for Diplomatic Thought” Deviates From Deng’s Diplomatic Principal and Promotes “Wolf Warrior” Diplomacy

Xinhua reported that the inauguration ceremony of the Xi Jinping Research Center for Diplomatic Thought was held in Beijing on July 20. Comments from China experts overseas show they believe that the establishment of this center means that China has formally bid farewell to Deng Xiaoping’s diplomatic principle of “hiding our capacities and biding our time.” Instead, it promotes the “wolf warrior” diplomacy that China has pursued in recent years.

The China Institute of International Studies set up the research center under the direction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It aims “to coordinate national research resources, and to conduct comprehensive, systematic and in-depth research, interpretation, and publicity with regard to Xi Jinping’s diplomatic thoughts. … It focuses on studying the nature, theory, practice, communication, policies, and specific subjects of Xi Jinping Thought on the subject of Diplomacy … enabling and supporting the guiding role of Xi Jinping’s diplomatic thinking on diplomatic practice. … It also makes a positive contribution to opening up a new era of major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.”

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated at the ceremony that, in the face of the uncertain international situation, Xi Jinping’s diplomatic thoughts must be used as the fundamental guiding principles to maintain (China’s) strength in chaos, seize opportunities in changes, and continue to make breakthroughs in a new era of major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.

It is believed that, since Xi Jinping came to power, the CCP has reversed its course on the party’s ruling ideology on diplomacy.

1. Xinhua, July 20, 2020
2. Radio Free Asia, July 21, 2020