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China: U.S. Remarks about Snowden Leaving Hong Kong Are Unacceptable to China

At a briefing given by China’s Foreign Ministry on June 25, 2013, government spokesperson Hua Chunying said that the accusation that the United States made about China allowing Edward Snowden to depart from Hong Kong is groundless and not acceptable to China.
“The Hong Kong Special Administration Region (SAR) Government has handled this case entirely in accordance with applicable law, which is beyond reproach, and should be respected by all parties. For the United States to question whether the Hong Kong SAR Government is acting in accordance with the law does not make sense. The U.S. accusation about China’s central government is groundless and is unacceptable to China."

Hua stated, “Even today, the U.S. still makes these remarks, which really puzzles people. I’d like to advise these people to look at themselves in a mirror, reflect, and take care of their own situation first.” When asked about reports that the U.S. is investigating whether Snowden is a spy for China, Hua said, "[T]his is nonsense and extremely irresponsible."

Source: Xinhua, June 25, 2013

Huanqiu Warns Chinese Dissidents Not to Flee to the United States

Shan Renping, a commentator for China’s state-owned Huanqiu, published a commentary on Chen Guangcheng, the blind activist who fled China with the help of the United States. The commentary was clearly intended to dissuade other Chinese from taking similar actions. “There are some dissidents in China who believe that once they arrive in the United States, they will be treated as a treasure. This is their misunderstanding.”

“China and the United States are not enemies. Cooperation between the two countries will confuse those who live off the rice bowl of ‘Sino-US confrontation.’ They will feel that the United States is ‘not resolute’ in its attitude toward China, and that the United States chickens out during its fight against China. They even complain about ‘being ‘betrayed’ because they answered the call of the United States and took China as the enemy, only to be ‘abandoned halfway.’”

“China’s rapid development has attracted people around the world to come to look for development opportunities. At this time betraying this country’s mainstream development process and attempting to develop a personal life through renouncing this country is bound to be difficult in the long run. Such people will have no future.”

Source: Huanqiu, June 20, 2013

Outlook: The China Dream Depends on the Strong Leadership of the Party

Outlook Newsweek, an official Chinese Communist Party publication, published an interview with Li Jie, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences regarding the “China Dream.”
When asked what the critical factors are in realizing the "China Dream," Li stated, “Achieving the ‘China Dream’ depends on the strong leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. For making things happen in China, the key is the Party. It is particularly important that we always maintain the Party’s advanced nature and purity, always maintain the Party’s spirit of reform and innovation, always maintain the Party’s close ties with the masses, and always maintain the Party’s integrity.”

“The realization the the ‘China Dream’ depends unswervingly on taking the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. … At present, [we] must be firmly confident in our path, theory, and system and continue to develop the socialist road with Chinese characteristics, the theoretical system, and the institutional system creatively, with confidence, and with persistence.”

Source: Outlook Newsweek reprinted by the Chinese Communist Party website, June 18, 2013

Xinhua: The Troika Out of Steam and Economic Recovery Difficult

According to the macro-economic statistics recently released for the month of May, investments, exports, and consumption all fell below market expectations. The total social financing was 1.19 trillion yuan, a drop of over 30 percent from the figure for April. Since September of 2012, the Producer Price Index (PPI) and the industrial value added have hit new lows.

A review of the “Troika” (fixed asset investments, retail sales, and exports) that is deemed to be the driving force for economic growth shows fixed-asset investments grew slower than April by 0.2 percent compared to the growth from last year which was 20.4 percent; retail sales, with a growth of 12.9 percent from a year ago, was also below market expectations; exports in May grew one percent from a year earlier, a reduction of 13.7 percentage points compared to April’s growth. This was way below the 5.6 percent market expectation; it has hit its lowest point since last July.

Source: Xinhua, June 13, 2013

Chengdu City to Train 1,000 Internet Monitors

On June 12, 2013, Chengdu authorities in Sichuan Province announced that they will train 1,000 volunteers to “spread civilization on the Internet” in order to monitor and control Internet postings.

In an interview with Chengdu Daily, a city official stated, “This year, our city will re-enforce the development of volunteer teams to spread civilization on the Internet. Chengdu will rely on 1,000 people at all levels of civilized units as the basic team, and will develop another core backbone of about 100 volunteers and a civilization commentator team of 15.”

To be assigned to selected websites throughout the country, these monitors will “effectively guide netizens not to use curse words and not to believe or spread rumors.”

Source: Chengdu Daily, June 12, 2013

Study Times Commentary Worries about Succession by Princelings

Study Times published a commentary that criticized the princelings (the offspring of former high-ranking Party officials) who succeeded their parents when they took over key government and Party positions. The article considered this to be a major form of corruption.The Chinese people have given it the most criticism because it serves to “severely destroy the legitimacy of our Party’s rule."

“Legitimacy stems from a set of widely accepted principles, which could be democracy or non-democracy, but at least it must mean what it stands for. If you emphasize that people are the masters of the power, you must truly let the people feel they can choose who is in power, makes decisions, and expresses their opinion on major issues.”
“We used guns to taker power. This is the origin of the legitimacy of our ruling power. While the people in China may think it makes sense for whoever used guns to take power to rule the country, we must not forget that … we obtained legitimacy by upholding the banner of democracy."

Source: Study Times, June 10, 2013

Communist Retirees Hired to Monitor Internet Postings

Beijing Daily reported that 50 retired senior Communist Party cadres have been hired to monitor the Internet as part of the Party’s Internet censorship. They are the first group of retired senior cadres to take on this task.

According to the Beijing municipal Party organization department, “Internet information is constantly changing. [Retired] senior comrades have valuable, rich life experience and work experience. These newly hired monitors will be able to use their strengths. After understanding the Internet information environment, they will be able to spot problems promptly, speak up, and publish articles. They will spread positive energy, resist rumors and bad postings, and make contributions that will help purify cyberspace."

“The retired senior cadre monitors can use their own accounts and passwords to join the blogs and chat rooms and may report on bad postings at any time.”

Source: Beijing Daily reprinted by the Chinese Communist Party website, June 6, 2013

Qiushi: The “China Dream” and the Open Door Reform

Qiushi published an article written by Li Junru, the former Vice President of the Party School of The Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The article dealt with the relationship between Xi Jinping’s China Dream and the open door reform. “Considering the great cause of China’s open door reform, turning the ‘China Dream’ into a reality is the great objective of deepening that open door reform; the deepening of the open door reform is the powerful driving force to achieve the ‘China Dream.’”

“If we look at the period from the Opium War in 1840 to the year 2050, as we basically achieve modernization, the road to realizing China’s dream is a period of over 200 years.” The first one-hundred year period, according to the article, was to realize the dream of “national independence and the liberation of the people” through the Party leading a people’s revolution. The second one-hundred year period is to realize the dream of “national prosperity, and all people getting rich.” This part depends on the the Party’s leadership of the open door reform.

Source: Qiushi, May 27, 2013