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Hiding Information: Wuhan Newspaper Said Doctor Reported Infection Cases in December and Authorities Took Action Immediately

[Editor’s Note: People are trying to find out who is responsible for the government’s not taking action to prevent or contain the spread of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan until January 20. Although the SARS-like pneumonia cases had already been reported to the local government and the central government in late December and early January, both the Hubei government and the Wuhan local government, as well as the Central government each tried to clear their own name and to hold the other parties accountable.]

Changjiang Daily, the newspaper under the Wuhan Party Committee, represented that Dr. Zhang Xijian first reported the pneumonia cases to her hospital leadership and then to the Hubei and Wuhan Health Commissions, which then took proper actions.

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) Central Commission for Disciplinary Inspection website republished the story.

According to this story, Dr. Zhang works at the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine (TCM-WM) Integrated Hospital.

  • On December 26, 2019, Dr. Zhang encountered four patients with pneumonia that was different from other viral pneumonia.
  • On December 27, she reported the cases to the hospital leadership. The hospital immediately reported the cases to the Jianghan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of Wuhan City.
  • On December 28 and 29, the hospital received three more patients. Out of the seven cases, four were linked to the South China Seafood market.  Dr. Zhang reported to the hospital leadership again and suggested that there be a joint diagnosis involving multiple departments of the hospital.
  • On December 29, the hospital held a joint diagnosis. They also found two more similar cases at Tongji Hospital and Wuhan Union Hospital, also linked to the South China Seafood Market. So the hospital reported the cases to both the Hubei Provincial Health Commission and the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission.
  • On December 29, both the Hubei and the Wuhan Health Commissions immediately responded, requesting the Wuhan CDC, the Jianghan District CDC, and the Jinyintan Hospital that is specialized in treating infectious diseases go to the TCM-WM Integrated Hospital.
  • On the evening of December 29, Jinyintan Hospital came and transferred six patients over. One patient refused to go, so he stayed with Dr. Zhang and was cured and released on January 7.

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Local Government: Hubei People Struggle to Live in Other Provinces

Apple Daily, a Hong Kong media, reported that people from Hubei Province are experiencing difficulties trying to live in other provinces after the outbreak of the coronavirus, as local governments have carried out efforts to gather and quarantine people who came out of Hubei.

Xiao Jun, a Hubei citizen who came to work at Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province a year ago and has stayed there since then, has been unable to find a job, simply because he is from Hubei. In the Hubei folks WeChat group that he joined, which has over 200 members, people shared their experiences of not being able to find a job in other provinces. They have also not been able to go home either (because their hometowns are locked down); many people can’t find a place to live and thus have to stay homeless at train station or on the street. Someone also shared a picture with the WeChat group: an industry region in Guangzhou erected a sign that said “Cars and People from Hubei Are not Allowed to Enter.”

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HKET: iPhone XR Ranked Best Seller; Huawei Not in Top Ten

Hong Kong Economic Times (HKET), the leading financial daily in Hong Kong, recently reported that, according to market researcher Counterpoint, the Apple iPhone XR was ranked number one in the 2019 global top ten best seller of the smartphone market. In fact, six Apple iPhone models are in the top ten list. Samsung took three spots. Oppo is the only Chinese brand that won a spot. Well-known Chinese vendors like Huawei and Xiaomi had no product on the top ten list. iPhone XR is the only smartphone model, among all smartphones, that scored a double-digit market share in all important regional markets across the globe. The top five in North America are all Apple iPhones. The top five in Europe are either Samsung or Apple iPhones. The top five in China are all Chinese brands.

Source: HKET, March 2, 2020

Deutsche Welle: Internal Documents Showed Huawei Supplied Iran

Deutsche Welle Chinese Edition recently reported that newly obtained Huawei internal documents showed that the company did supply Iran with banned goods such as computer equipment that the U.S. company HP had made. The documents, dated February 2011, are packing lists of items shipped to Tehran, which were pending clearance through customs. These represent very strong hard evidence that supports the U.S. government’s charges against Huawei. The listed equipment involved millions of dollars’ worth of spending on Iranian communications projects. Also in the packing lists were details of servers and switches, as well as U.S. software products from Microsoft, Symantec, and Novell. The volume of the goods reflected in the documents reached 340 standard containers. Huawei refused to comment on this matter, citing on-going legal proceedings. However, Huawei insisted that the company had committed no wrong-doing and followed all of the requirements regarding sanctions from the UN, the EU and the United States. HP did confirm that all its contracts banned these products from being exported to Iran.

Source: DW Chinese, March 3, 2020

Hiding Information: Expert Group Members Thought Hubei Officials Hid Information

[Editor’s Note: As people have been trying to find out who is responsible for the government not taking any action to prevent or contain the spread of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan until January 20, though the SARS-like pneumonia cases had already been reported to the local government and the central government in late December and early January, the Hubei and Wuhan local governments and the Central government have been trying to clear their own names and to hold the other party accountable.]

Recently, Caixin reported two members of the National Health Commission’s high-level expert groups were sent to Wuhan spoke and indicated that Wuhan officials had hidden information during their visits.

The first expert remained anonymous and was a member of the second expert group. He said that they were particularly concerned if any medical staff had been infected because a “Yes” answer would mean the virus could transmit from person to person and could be highly contagious.

They asked about it at every hospital they visited and always got “No” as the answer. They suspected the result and asked hospitals to tell the truth.

A local Health Commission official countered back, “Do you think that I am lying to you?”

The expert said, “Based on the true situation (that we now know), he was lying.”

Caixin’s article was deleted. United Daily News, a media based in Taiwan covered Caixin’s report.

The second expert was Yuan Guoyong, a Professor at the Department of Microbiology, the University of Hong Kong. As a member of the third high-level expert group, he went to Wuhan from January 17 to January 19. He said in an interview with a Caixin reporter:

“I want to give a true account. The places that we visited in Wuhan were probably the ‘demo units.’ Whatever we asked, they gave an answer as if they had already prepared the answer. Zhong Nanshan kept asking ‘Are there more cases?’ ‘Are there truly just these many cases that you told us about?’

“They said that they were conducting testing to confirm cases. However, the Hubei Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) did not receive testing kits until January 16.

“Under our questions, they said that there seemed to be a case in which a patient infected 14 medical staff members, but they said those medical personnel had not been confirmed to have the  coronavirus infection yet.

“They are the people from the Wuhan Health Commission, Wuhan CDC, Wuhan local hospitals, and Hubei Provincial Health Commission.

“They kept emphasizing that the testing kits were just given to Wuhan and without the testing kits they could not have confirmed the cases.”

1. Excerpt in Chinese:






Source: United Daily News, February 29, 2020

2. Image of Caixin Report:

Source: Caixin, March 8, 2020

Leadership: The CCP Was Forced to Reverse the “Be Grateful to the CCP” Education Campaign

On March 5, the Wuhan Party Secretary, Wang Zhonglin, ordered people to conduct a “be grateful” education campaign to lead the Wuhan people to “be grateful to Xi Jinping and be grateful to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).”

Chinese netizens gave it an overwhelmingly negative response.

As a result, the CCP was forced to change its position. It removed the “be grateful to the CCP” article and officials in Hubei and Wuhan thanked the people instead.

Epoch Times reported that an official document, said to be the minutes of a State Council Information Office meeting, has circulated on the Internet. The minutes, dated March 7, stated that Changjiang Daily’s report on Wang Zhonglin’s “be grateful” education campaign has resulted in an enormous public response. The public opinion on this issue has been as heated as the public responses on the death of Dr. Li Wenliang, the whistle blower doctor. “After communicating with Hubei Provincial and the Wuhan Municipal leaders, and obtaining the CCP Central’s approval, (we ask) that: Changjiang Daily (newspaper under Wuhan Party Committee), the Wuhan Announcement (the official WeChat account of the Wuhan Internet Information Office), and Wuhan Television should remove the articles from their original sites. Other media should not fIllow or comment on this issue! Whether it is for domestic propaganda or international propaganda, whether it is from the Central government or from local government, whether it is online or off line, everyone should follow the directions (from the top) and cannot do things based on their own will.”

Radio France International reported that, in an attempt to soothe the public antagonism, Wang Zhonglin said on March 8, when visiting a neighborhood community in Wuhan, “Wuhan is a heroic city. The Wuhan people are heroic people.”

Ying Yong, the Hubei Provincial Party Secretary also said on March 8, “Wuhan is a heroic city. The Wuhan people are heroic people.” “I am expressing my sincere gratitude to the Wuhan People, the Hubei People.”

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RFA: Xi’s One Belt One Road Initiative Faces Major Issues

Radio Free Asia (RFA) Chinese Edition recently reported that, the symbolic China-Pakistan Corridor, which is a key piece of the One Belt One Road initiative, is now facing serious challenges. The problems lie in the Port Gwadar Project, which is a US$62 billion undertaking. Gwadar is the ending point of the China-Pakistan Corridor, which is located in Southwest Pakistan. The project planned to construct the port facilities, roads, railways, oil pipes, tens of factories and Pakistan’s largest airport. However, seven years after the project’s initiation, the airport construction hasn’t even started and the investment money has been late for three years and still counting. The industrial park south of the airport shows no sign of starting. The port now has only three berths and the only visitor to the port was the Pakistan Navy. The planned weekly cargo ships from Karachi are nowhere to be seen. Some experts think that the true objective of building the port was to establish a Chinese naval base named Jiwani. According to public records, the main challenge to the China-Pakistan Corridor is money. So far, the initiative has only completed less than one third of the project, costing US$19 billion. Pakistan has not been able to continue the construction work due to lacking further funding.

Source: RFA Chinese, March 4, 2020

The Government Is Taking over the HNA Group

The HNA Group, is a rapidly expanding airline and conglomerate in China. After the high-profile mysterious death of its Chairman, Wang Jian, in France in last year, the Hainan Provincial government has been leading its restructure.

The HNA Group announced on February 29 that its high liquidity risk that started at the end of 2017 continued and worsened in 2020 due to the novel coronavirus. Therefore, it requested to form the “Hainan Provincial Government HNA Joint Working Group” to coordinate and address the risk. The Hainan Provincial government has led the working group.

Key personnel in the joint work group are all from government offices or state-owned enterprises:

  • Director Gu Gang, Chairman of Hainan Development Holding Co., Ltd, which is directly owned by the Hainan Provincial government
  • Executive Deputy Director Ren Qinghua, Director of Management Committee of the Hainan Yangpu Economic Development Zone
  • Deputy Director Li Shuangchen, Deputy Director of the Central and South China Regional Administration, Civil Aviation Administration
  • Deputy Director Cheng Gong, Deputy Director of the Credit Management Bureau, China Development Bank.

The HNA Group also re-elected its seven-member board. Gu Gang and Ren Qinghua joined the board. While HNA Co-founder Chen Feng remained as the Chairman, Gu Gang became the Executive Chairman and Ren Qinghua became the joint-company CEO.

HNA Group Co., Ltd. is a Chinese conglomerate headquartered in Haikou, Hainan, China. Founded in 2000, it is involved in numerous industries including aviation, real estate, financial services, tourism, logistics, and more.

People have been sayings that the HNA Group is connected with Wang Qishan.

Source: Stock Times, February 29, 2020