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World Outbreak: 37 Countries Reported Record High Daily Infection Count in the Past Week

On July 25, Reuters reported that 37 countries have reported record single-day increases in the coronavirus infections over the past week. This includes not only the leading infection countries like the United States, Brazil, and India, but also countries including Spain, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Bolivia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Bulgaria, Belgium, Uzbekistan, Israel, and others.

The Reuters data, compiled from official reports, shows a steady rise in the number of countries reporting record daily increases over the past month. At least seven countries recorded such increases three weeks ago; at least 13 countries two weeks ago; 20 countries last week; and 37 countries this week.

The true numbers of both cases and deaths are almost certainly underreported, particularly in countries with poorer health care systems.

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Source: Reuters, July 25, 2020

Infection Count: Dalian City Reported Coronavirus Infection Cases

Dalian City in Liaoning Province recently reported coronavirus infection cases. The infection also spread to other cities in the northeastern region of China. The municipal authorities claimed “wartime” status in Dalian and locked down certain areas within the city.

From July 22 to July 24, Dalian reported a total of 12 confirmed infection cases and 27 asymptomatic carrier cases. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is known for hiding information, the actual infection numbers are unknown.

#1: Dalian reported the first infection case on July 22 and two on July 23. It reported nine confirmed cases and 27 asymptomatic carrier cases on July 24.

Anshan City, Liaoning Province reported an asymptomatic case on July 24, which was due to close contact with Dalian’s patient.

Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province reported an asymptomatic case on July 24, which was also due to close contact with Dalian’s patient. (China Business Network)

#2: On July 23, Dalian city entered into “wartime” status based on the central and provincial directions. The authorities locked down two residential neighborhoods and conducted disinfections.

The Liaoning Provincial Health Commission sent a 50-member medical team, a 10-member disinfection team, and 8 nucleic Acid testing teams to Dalian.

On July 23, the National Health Commission sent an 18-member expert team to Dalian. (Beijing Daily)

#3: At a press conference on July 24, Zhao Lian, Deputy Director of the Dalian Health Commission stated that, in principle, residents of Dalian should not leave the city; anyone who must leave the city should provide negative result of a nucleic acid test conducted in the past seven days. (China News Agency)

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World Outbreak: North Korea Announced an Infection Case

North Korea has reported its “first” coronavirus infection case. A person who escaped to South Korea recently crossed the border on July 19 to return back to North Korea. He was suspected of being infected with the coronavirus in Kaesong city, which is close to the border with South Korea.

On July 24, Kim Jong-un ordered Kaesong to be locked down. He held an emergency politburo meeting on July 25 and announced the implementation of emergency measures for Kaesong.

North Korea had not previously reported any infection cases, though the international community suspects that it hides the truth from the world.

In the past, North Korea had several politburo meetings and adopted several measures regarding the coronavirus, which also makes people wonder if the country has been infected:

  • January 22: Stopped visitors from entering the country. Closed the border with China and stopped international flights and trains.
  • February 28: Extended the winter break for all students and delayed the start of school.
  • February 29: Held a politburo meeting on fighting the coronavirus.
  • April 11: Held a politburo meeting and passed a joint resolution to continue increasing the national emergency pandemic prevention efforts.
  • July 2: Held a politburo meeting on increasing the national emergency pandemic prevention efforts. Kim Jong-un said that recklessly lifting the pandemic prevention measures would lead to an unimaginable and irreversible fatal crisis.

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Infection Count: Xinjiang’s Capital City Urumqi Locked Down

On July 17, 2020, the Chinese authorities locked down Urumqi, the capital city of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, due to the coronavirus infection.

The Xinjiang Health Commission reported a confirmed case in the city on July 15 and another five on July 16. There were also 11 asymptomatic carriers on those two days. However, since the Chinese Communist Party is known for hiding data, the actual infection count in Urumqi is unclear.

The authorities stopped all public transportation, locked down neighborhood communities, closed restaurants, and required visitors to provide coronavirus test reports (which should be negative) when staying in hotels. Taxi services were also stopped and a lot of flights were cancelled.

It seems that the Urumqi authorities reported its coronavirus cases after Zhejiang Province tested a traveler from Urumqi on July 15 and found he tested positive.

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Hiding Information: US Researcher Found That, in December 2019, the CCP Knew about Person-to-Person Transmission

A U.S. researcher found that, as early as the end of December 2019, hospitals in Wuhan had clear evidence of person-to-person transmission of the novel coronavirus.

Associate Professor Mai (Mike) He, MD, PhD, Pathology & Immunology Section Head of the School of Medicine, Washington University, did the research based on patient cases in Wuhan in December 2019 and January 2020.

On December 27, 2019, Xinhua Hospital in Wuhan received a family case where both parents were infected. They tested the son on December 28 and found he had also been infected.

On December 29, the Wuhan Central Hospital received an infected mother and son, which was another example of family person-to-person transmission.

On January 1, 2020, the Wuhan Central Hospital received an infected doctor working at the clinic near the South China Seafood Market. It was believed that this doctor had been infected by his patients.

On December 27, Vision Medicals, a gene research and testing company based in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, created the near-complete genome for the coronavirus . They called Wuhan hospitals and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) on December 27 and 28 to report their findings. On December 29 and 30, due to the severity of the virus, the lab manager also went to Wuhan to provide a face-to-face report to the Wuhan hospitals and the CDC .

On December 30, the gene test of the virus at the CapitalBio Medical Lab in Beijing showed it was similar to SARS, which further confirmed the person-to-person transmission.

The National CDC sent an emergency group to Wuhan on December 31. They closed the seafood market on January 1, but, on their January 3 report, they claimed there had been no person-to-person transmission and no medical staff had been infected.

The National Health Commission also issued a notice on January 3, prohibiting anyone from releasing information to the outside and also prohibiting institutes from conducting virus tests without the Health Commission’s authorization.

It was not until January 20 that the National Health Commission announced person-to-person transmission. On January 23, the day that Wuhan announced a lock-down, the Chinese authorities reported 444 infection cases. According to Dr. He’s model, 240,000 people in Wuhan had been infected by then, with 30,000 infection cases on January 23.

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Hiding Information: The CCP Tried to Silence Dr. Yan Li-Meng and Discredit Her after She Spoke Out

Dr. Yan Li-Meng, who specialized in virology and immunology at the School of Public Health, University of Hong Kong, came to the U.S. in April 2020, to inform the world that the Chinese government knew as early as late December 2019, that the coronavirus could be transmitted from person to person.

After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) discovered that she had left, it did many things in an attempt to stop her from telling her story. Once she spoke, it attempted to discredit her so nobody would believe what she said.

#1. During her interview with Fox News, Dr. Yan said the Chinese authorities swarmed her hometown of Qingdao and that agents ripped apart her tiny apartment and questioned her parents. When she contacted her mother and father, they pleaded with her to come home, told her she didn’t know what she was talking about and begged her to give up the fight.

The University of Hong Kong, which is under the influence of the CCP, took down her web page and revoked her access to online portals and emails, despite the fact that she was on an approved annual leave. The university sent a statement to Fox News, claiming, “Dr. Yan Li-Meng is no longer a staff member at the University.” (Fox News)

#2. (Unconfirmed) An online account reported that the Fox News’ interview with Dr. Yan was originally planned to be released on July 9. However, someone (it may have been Cui Tiankai, China’s Ambassador to the U.S.) made eight phone calls to relevant offices (to stop the release). Xi Jinping called the White House four times. Xi threatened, “This interview must not be broadcasted. Otherwise there will be consequences.” (Sound of Hope)

#3. The University of Hong Kong denied that Dr. Yan had done research on person-to-person transmission at the university from December 2019 to January 2020. Its web page stated: “University of Hong Kong noticed that some relevant report did not match the key facts that we understood. Actually, from December 2019 to January 2020, Yan Li-Meng did not conduct any research at the University of Hong Kong, on the person-to-person transmission of the novel coronavirus that she mentioned in her interview.” (Hong Kong University website).

#4. A news commentator pointed out on Twitter that the University of Hong Kong’s statement was a fallacy and a shift of the actual meaning. The University of Hong Kong’s statement only said that from December 2019 to January 2020, Dr. Yan didn’t conduct coronavirus research at the University of Hong Kong. It didn’t confirm or deny that Dr. Yan did anything outside of the university. In fact, Dr. Yan said in her interview that in December 2019, she contacted her network of medical contacts in China to gather information, because the CCP blocked information from coming to Hong Kong or other overseas researchers.

After the statement from the University of Hong Kong, the CCP media expanded its comments to such statements as. “Yan Li-Meng Has Never Conducted Research on Person-to-Person Transmission of the Novel Coronavirus.” (Sound of Hope)

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Hiding Information: Fox News’ Interview with Yan Li-Meng Revealed China Knew about Person-to-Person Transmission in December 2019

On July 10, Fox News published an exclusive interview with Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who specialized in virology and immunology at the School of Public Health, University of Hong Kong. The lab that Dr. Yan worked at is a World Health Organization (WHO) reference laboratory specializing in influenza viruses and pandemics.

Dr. Yan managed to leave Hong Kong on April 27, 2020 and came to the U.S. to inform the world that the Chinese government knew, as early as late December 2019, that the coronavirus could be transmitted from person to person.

She feared that, if she tried to tell her story in China, she “would be disappeared and killed.”

Dr. Yan said that, at the end of December 2019, Dr. Leo Poon, her supervisor at the University/WHO reference lab, asked her to look into the odd cluster of SARS-like cases coming out of mainland China. The Chinese government didn’t provide information to overseas experts, including those in Hong Kong. So, she turned to her network of professional contacts in various medical facilities in mainland China since she grew up and completed most of her studies there.

One friend, a scientist at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in China, had first-hand knowledge of the cases and told her on December 31, 2019, about human-to-human transmission.

She reported some of these early findings to her boss Dr. Poon.

A few days later, on Jan. 9, 2020, the WHO put out a statement: “According to Chinese authorities, the virus in question can cause severe illness in some patients and does not transmit readily between people… There is limited information to determine the overall risk of this reported cluster.”

Dr. Yan said she and her colleagues across China discussed the peculiar virus in the earlier days, but she soon noted a sharp shift in tone. Doctors in Wuhan went silent and others said not to ask them details.

According to Dr. Yan, the doctors said, ominously, “We can’t talk about it, but we need to wear masks.'”

“There are many, many patients who don’t get treatment on time or receive diagnosis on time,” Dr. Yan said. “Hospital doctors are scared, but they cannot talk. CDC staff members are scared.”

Dr. Yan said she reported her findings to Dr. Poon again on January 16, 2020.

He told her “to keep silent and be careful.” “Don’t touch the red line… We will get in trouble and we’ll be disappeared.”

Dr. Yan said Professor Malik Peiris, the co-director of a WHO-affiliated lab, knew but didn’t do anything about it.

The WHO website lists Professor Peiris as an “adviser” on the WHO International Health Regulations Emergency Committee for Pneumonia due to the Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV.

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Source: Fox News, July 10, 2020

World Outbreak: Iran President Said 25 Million Iranians Infected with Coronavirus

On July 18, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said that 25 million people in Iran have been infected with the novel coronavirus. The government is concerned that another 30 to 35 million people might soon get infected as well. He also stated that, with 25 percent of the population being infected, the country still cannot reach the state of social immunity. This seems to imply that the Iranian government wants to use social immunity to fight the virus.

Alireza Moezi, the Deputy Director of the Communication Affairs of the President’s Office explained in a Tweet that the 25 million people Rouhani mentioned are those who have been infected and become immune.

Iran has 80 million people.

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