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Belgium: Senate Passes Resolution Condemning the Chinese Regime’s Organ Harvesting Crimes

The Belgium Senate passed Resolution 7-162 on June 12, 2020. The resolution condemns the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s state-sanctioned organ harvesting from living prisoners of conscience, especially Falun Gong practitioners and Uighurs. Ten Senators sponsored the resolution. They introduced it on May 12; the Senate discussed it on June 8 and passed it on June 12. Several Senators spoke on behalf of their respective political parties and condemned the CCP’s live organ harvesting.

Senator Fatima Ahallouch said that in 2006, the Belgian Transplantation Association (BTS) noticed that China’s Transplant Assistance Center website became active on the Internet with the purpose of promoting rapid organ availability in China. The China Tribunal pointed out that the extremely short waiting times for transplantation in Chinese hospitals suggested that the CCP obtained organs illegally. Formerly imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners and Uighurs have testified that they were repeatedly forced to undergo medical examinations while in prison.

Source: Falun Gong’s Minghui.Org, July 3, 2020

RFA: Farmers Offered Incentives to Produce More Grain

Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported that according to a document the Chengdu Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau issued, farmers are being encouraged to stop producing fruit and cultivating gardens and to start producing rice grains instead. They are promised to receive 3,000 yuan (US$425) per acre in compensation if they switch. Local farmers said that the fruit and garden industries in Chengdu are well developed. The profits are more than several times or even tens of times more than the profit from growing grain. The same request was reported in Hubei province, but the farmers refused to make the change. The fact that the officials made such an advantageous request to the farmers suggests that the country could face grain shortage.

One resident from Chongqing city told RFA that China is facing crises and political turmoil. The Central Administration wants to put pressure on the US by stopping the import of American grains, but they are facing a grain reserve shortage at the same time. Chinese people can endure any adversity as long as there is a sufficient food supply, but if that supply can’t be guaranteed, then all the official measures to maintain stability could fail. There have been reports that, in a few state level grain reserve warehouses, sand was found under the grain. Last month, two local grain warehouse managers committed suicide. China is facing a severe grain shortage.

Source: Radio Free Asia, July 2, 2020

Internal Document Revealed Irregularities in China’s Organ Transplant System

An internal document on China’s organ transplant system shows 21 major problems under 8 categories. The document is titled, “China Organ Transplant Response System (COTRS) Data Verification Report (Zhejiang Province).” (The Report) covers the government’s COTRS data involving medical institutions in Zhejiang Province during the period from January 1, 2015, to April 13, 2018. Established in 2011, the COTRS is meant to be a national organ allocation mechanism for transplant, with organ donations from voluntary organ donors as the only legitimate source.

Of the problems discussed in the Report, livers and kidneys of unknown origin were used in transplants in Zhejiang. These accounted for 7.82 percent and 4.51 percent of the organs of illegal origin in the country.

The Report identified cases where the transplant occurred before the allocation and suspected distribution outside COTRS and manipulation of the flow of organs.

The Report found that the number of “special situation registrations” was too high, indicating that the hospital as an organ procurement organization (OPO) may have abused the procedure possibly involving a  suspected manipulation of the allocation process. According to the Report, “special situation registration” is only applicable to organ allocation outside the organ allocation system in order to prevent the waste of organs if a force majeure occurs during organ allocation.

The Report identified 135 cases where the OPO hospital tampered with donor data one hour prior to the distribution of the organ.

The Report discovered a large number of cases where the transplant hospital changed the recipient’s data one hour before the transplant. In some cases, new recipients were added to the waiting list and received the available organ. The Report considered these activities to be a suspicious manipulation of the flow of organs.

The Report found that about 10 percent of the livers disappeared without an explanation in COTRS.

Source: Epoch Times, July 3, 2020


UDN: Poll Showed 56 Percent of HK Locals Oppose the National Security Law

United Daily News (UDN), one of the primary Taiwanese news groups, recently reported that the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (PORI) just released the results of a poll that Reuters commissioned on the National Security Law that the Mainland communists imposed on Hong Kong. Around 56 percent of the people polled were against the new law. Among them, 49 percent were “strongly against” it. Around 34 percent of the sample supported the new law. The last 10 percent were undecided or had no opinion. The survey was conducted a few days before the Mainland revealed the content of the new law, which allows the City Chief Executive to appoint judges for national security cases. The Poll also showed that there is a steady support of 21 percent for an independent Hong Kong. On September 6, Hong Kong will hold the next election of the members of the Legislative Council. Neither the Office of the Hong Kong Chief Executive nor the Mainland Hong Kong and Macau Office responded to an inquiry for comment on the poll results. The poll was based on a sample size of 1,002 local residents.

Source: UDN, June 26, 2020

Infection Count: WHO Called Beijing Infection a Major Event

The World Health Organization (WHO) is used to be supportive and to provide a cover-up for Beijing in its handling of the coronavirus. Recently, it showed a different position from Beijing.

The WHO held a press conference in Geneva on June 16. It mentioned that Beijing has newly confirmed over 100 infection cases and the WHO said it was a major event. A Chinese media asked, since today France and Germany have an open border between the two countries, either country has several hundred new infection cases every day. Some states in the U.S. also have many infection cases. Why, when China has over 100 cases, does it get so much high attention?

Michael J Ryan, Executive Director of the Health Emergencies Program at WHO, replied that each country has its own situation. Since Beijing hadn’t gotten new cases for 50 days, in this context, it is a major event. There are many countries that still have many cases. Besides closely monitoring the situation, the WHO wishes China would share the genome information.

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Diplomacy: Chinese Consulates Work on “Mask Diplomacy” in the U.S.

NBC reported that China has carried out a “mask diplomacy” strategy around the world, burnishing its reputation through the use of massive donations of protective equipment and ventilators. In the U.S., all five Chinese Consulates, including the Chinese Embassy in the U.S., have worked on such donations in exchange for the recipients’ showing appreciation to Beijing.

Critics say that, while the communities receiving the donations genuinely need them, they come with strings attached in the form of propaganda value for China’s government. Chinese state-run media outlets cover these events to showcase China’s generosity toward the struggling communities.

Two senior U.S. officials said the U.S. government has long been concerned about the political activities of the Chinese consulates in that they target local communities and their leaders with propaganda.

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Source: NBC, June 15, 2020

Infection Count: Beijing Raised Its Public Health Emergency Response Level to II

Beijing has become the new Coronavirus pandemic center in China. The following are some recent developments in Beijing:

1, 2, 3: Between June 11 and June 15, Beijing reported 106 confirmed infection cases. There was 1 case on June 11, 6 cases on June 12, 36 cases on June 13, 36 cases on June 14, and 27 cases on June 15. (Beijing Municipal Health Commission website)

{Editor’s note: Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is known for hiding infection information, the actual number could be higher than the figure the government released.}

4: Nine districts in Beijing have reported infection cases. Three provinces also reported infection cases as a result of transmissions from Beijing patients, including Hebei (3 cases), Liaoning (2 cases), and Sichuan (1 case).

On June 16, the Beijing government announced it would raise its public health emergency response level from level III to level II. (China News Agency)

5: A medical staff member working in an emergency room in a Beijing hospital revealed to Radio Free Asia, that hospitals in Beijing have received information from the authorities that a massive outbreak is likely to occur in one to two weeks. A medical service provider said that the population of people who might have been exposed to the virus is large: In the past two weeks, over 100,000 people had been to Xinfadi, which was said to be the origin of this round of infections; these people are considered t have had close contact with the infected patients. Furthermore, there are an additional several hundred thousand people who had contact with the first group of 100,000 people. (Radio Free Asia)

6: Fengtai District, Beijing declared a rumor as a message: Tens of thousands of people from Xinfadi were transported to Tangshan City, Hebei Province for quarantine. The authorities gave the correct information: Since June 14, nearly ten thousand people working in Xinfadi have been transported to several districts in Beijing for “centralized observation” (a euphemism for quarantine). (QQ)

7: After raising its public health emergency response level to level II, Beijing has prohibited people connected to Xinfadi or who live in the vicinity of the areas with high infection risks from leaving the city. All schools, from kindergartens all the way to universities will stop school starting June 17.  (Beijing News)

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