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Stability Control: The CCP Uses the Police’ Big Data System to Identify Infection Suspects

The Epoch Times reported that, based on official documents that it received, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is using the police’ big data system to help identifying people who are suspected of having the coronavirus infection. The police, called public security in China, has established its big data system based on monitoring Chinese people’s phone conversations, mobile apps, mobile payments, phone locations, and information extracted from other sources.

The document “Jilin City’s People to Test” on May 22 showed that 2,048 people in Jilin City, Jilin Province were suspected of having the coronavirus infection and needed to be tested. Among them, 1,006 were identified from the police’ big data system and many people are residents in other provinces, indicating the police’s big data system has been connected across different regions.

The document “Registration List of People to Test” from Yanbian Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Province showed 4,167 people to be tested. Of those, 3,255 were identified from the police’ big data system. However, the information about over 600 people from the police’ big data system was inaccurate (they could not find the person). This indicates the big data system is not yet very reliable.

A May 16 report from the Jilin Province Disease Prevention and Control Center showed that a patient could not recall his activities from April 29 to May 3. Therefore the authorities recommended using the police’ big data system.

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Medical Supplies: The Many Defects in “Made-in-China” Medical Supplies

Amidst the coronavirus pandemic, the China produced medical supplies, including face masks and personal protective equipment (PPE), are widely scrutinized around the world. The following are a collection of reports from countries that found defects in these “made-in-China” supplies.

#1 U.S.: On May 8, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allowed 14 Chinese manufacturers to supply N95 face masks to the U.S., way below the 80 manufacturers that had done so previously. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) tested 67 types of imported face masks and found about 60 percent failed the U.S. required safety measurement. For example, a Chinese manufacturer whose export license the FDA had revoked, produced face masks that could only filter out 24 to 35 percent of the micro particles, way below the required 95 percent standard. (Central News Agency)

#2 U.S.: The State of Illinois spent nearly $17 million buying KN95 masks. An alert from the Illinois Department of Public Health said that the KN95 masks might not meet performance standards and counterfeit masks are “flooding the marketplace.” It recommended that agencies remove the KN95 masks that have already been received. (Fox News)

#3 Canada: The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) said that it had found that about 1 million KN95 face masks did not meet the requirements for the medical staff to be able to use them. Also, the city of Toronto announced that it would recall over 60,000 made-in-China face masks that had been provided to staff members at long-term care institutes. (Sing Tao Daily)

#4 Europe: On April 24, the Rapid Alert System for Dangerous Non-food Products, which the European Union had established, announced it had given the label of “Serious Warning” to four types of face masks that China made. The manufacturer of these four types of face masks had claimed that they met the N95/FFP2 requirement. (Central News Agency).

#5 U.K.: The Department of Health admitted that none of the 3.5million finger-prick tests ordered from mainly Chinese manufacturers in March passed accuracy checks. The Government wants its money back.

Netherlands: The Dutch health ministry recalled 600,000 face masks at the end of March because they did not fit and the filters were defective.

Spain: The government found 60,000 testing kits from China failed accuracy tests.

Slovakia: Prime Minister Igor Matovic said a million face masks from China were so inaccurate they should “be thrown straight into the Danube.”

Ireland: The Irish government issued an ultimatum to China after healthcare workers on the front-line found that 20 percent of the £176million-worth of PPE it had bought from China was unusable. (Daily Mail)

#6 Finland: The government of Finland said that the 2 million face masks it bought from China did not meet the requirements and thus were not suitable for hospital use. (Radio France International)

#7 Austria and Italy: At end of March, several million China-made face masks and PPE arrived in Austria. Part of the shipment was supposed to have been re-shipped to Italy. After Austria conducted tests, it found they didn’t meet the requirements. (Epoch Times)

#8 Australia: The Australian Border Force (ABF) officers have intercepted several deliveries of PPE that were found to be counterfeit or otherwise faulty. One law enforcement official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, estimated the ABF had already seized 800,000 masks with a combined value of more than $1.2 million on the Australian market. (ABC)

#9 India: India cancelled an order for 500,000 testing kits from China because the accuracy rate of these testing kits was only 5 percent. (Epoch Times)

#10 Pakistan: Pakistan found out that the N95 face masks that China provided to them were made from women’s bras and were completely different from the CCP’s claim of “high-quality” face masks. Pakistan’s media were angry and said, “China cheated us.” (Epoch Times)

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Stability Control: Internet Bully to Fang Fang Supporters

Fang Fang, a Chinese novelist living in Wuhan, wrote a diary during the Wuhan lock-down. She wanted to publish her diary in Chinese, but no publisher would take it because of political concerns. Then she published it in English as Wuhan Diary. The diary recorded her life and did not have a strong message against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). However, many Chinese, led by the some CCP loyalists, criticized Fang Fang for being a traitor and defaming China.

These people not only bullied Fang Fang, but also any people supporting Fang Fang. Thus Fang Fang called these Internet perpetrators “Internet Hooligans.”

#1: Deutsche Welle reported that in April, several professors supporting Fang Fang were reported for political problems.

Professor Liang Yanping of Hubei University wrote an article to support Wuhan Diary. Fang Fang reposted the article. Some netizens dug out Professor Liang’s past posting on Weibo and claimed that she supported Hong Kong Independence (a bad action in the eyes of the Chinese people). This led to Hubei University’s setting up an investigation group to inquire into her case.

Poet Wang Xiaoni, a retired professor from Hainan University, wrote an article related to Liang Yanping and Fang Fang reposted the article. Then some people targeted Wang and claimed that she supported Taiwan Independence (another totally unacceptable deed to Chinese) and Hong Kong Independence. Hainan University said that they also formed an investigation group to look into her speeches.

The Internet bully also called out other Fang Fang supporters, including Liu Chuan’e, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Hubei University, Tan Banghe, Deputy Dean of the  College of Liberal Arts, Central China Normal University, and Jing Ya, Professor of Nanchang University. (Deutsche Welle)

#2: Recently, Lao Lishi, a former Olympic Diving Champion, has been running an online store. She received many curses for reposting one of Fang Fang’s Weibo posts. Fang Fang’s Weibo was in remembrance of the death of a nurse from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region who came to Wuhan during the coronavirus pandemic; and her Weibo was just quoting a Xinhua article.

This time, Lao fought back against the Internet bully. She posted, “I was accused of various things because of reposting a Weibo post. Some accused me of lacking education, some accused me of being brain retarded, some accused me of lacking judgment, some accused me of supporting evil, and some accused me of having no conscience. Ha ha, I am very happy because I have not lived the way you like. If I had to live the way you like, I’d rather jump off a ten-meter platform into a pool without water.” (Back China)

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World against The CCP: Japanese Prime Minister Abe Said Coronavirus Came from China

On May 25, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced that Japan has removed the emergency status for the entire country.

#1: Taiwan’s Central News Agency reported that, at a press conference, when reporters asked about the escalation in the tension  between the U.S. and China during the pandemic, Abe answered, “China spread the novel coronavirus to the world; this is a fact.” He also stated that the U.S. is Japan’s only ally, that the two countries share the same basic values, and that Japan and the U.S. cooperate when responding to international issues. (Central News Agency)

#2: Liberty Times, another Taiwan media, reported that, on May 26, Zhao Lijian, China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, criticized Japan, saying that its “(action of) blindly following politics should not be above scientific judgment.” However, a video of the press conference showed that Zhao was reading from a script without much enthusiasm. Zhao is a “fighting wolf” of the Chinese Communist Party who, a few months ago, launched a wave of attacks on the U.S. He blamed the United States for spreading the coronavirus to China. (Liberty Times)

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World Against The CCP: Filipinos and Peoples from Other Countries Reject the CCP’s Propaganda Song

On April 23, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) posted a song on YouTube with the Filipino name “Lisang Dagat” (meaning “One Ocean,” the song’s Chinese name is “海的那邊”).  The song was to show the CCP’s message that Beijing and the Philippines are collaborating on fighting the coronavirus. China’s Ambassador to the Philippines wrote the lyrics, diplomats and singers from both China and the Philippines performed the song.

The 4 minute and 26 seconds Music Video is embedded with many scenes from the CCP’s propaganda such as: that the Philippines were whole-heartedly moved when they received aid from China, including appreciation statements from several of the Philippines’s officials such as President Rodrigo Duterte, Secretary of Foreign Affairs Teodoro Locsin Jr., Chief Implementer of the National Task Force of COVID-19 Carlito Galvez Jr., and Secretary of Health official Francisco Duque.

However, the Filipino public rejected this CCP’s propaganda since the two countries have had high tension over the South China Sea as both sides have claimed sovereignty over large overlapping territories and Beijing seized islands near the Philippines and expanded them into bigger man-made lands.

Within three days of being posted on YouTube, the song received 100,000 dislikes and only 1,000 likes. Some comments were:

  • “The West Philippine Sea is ours.”
  • “This is the most disgusting song I have ever seen.”
  • “You can buy our politicians but not our sovereignty.”
  • “Nobody wants to share the same sea with you.”
  • “This is a total insult to the sovereignty and people of the Philippines.” (SET News)

Then people from other countries joined to “dislike” the song. By early May, the dislike count rose to 200,000. Some comments were:

  • “I’m a Taiwanese. I think this song is insulting.”
  • “We support the Philippines. I am from South Korea.”
  • “I’m a Malaysian. Brothers of the ASEAN countries, including Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia, let us unite against the CCP!”
  • “I’m from Vietnam, I am here to press the Dislike key!” (Epoch Times)

By May 30, there were 216,000 dislikes and 3,900 likes to the song.

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Infection Count: All Trains in Mudanjiang City Are Stopped

The true situation of the coronavirus outbreak in northeastern China is unclear to the public as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been hiding the real information. However, there are signs to indicate the severity.

The Paper reported that, on May 27, trains and long-distance buses going through Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province will stop going through or skip the city. When they will resume operation is unknown. Mudanjiang City and Suifenhe City (under the supervision of Mudanjiang) are on the border with Russia and have had infection cases due to people returning from Russia.

The city’s high schools reopened for senior students recently. However, on May 25, those schools all closed again. In China, all senior high school students are intensely preparing for the National College Entrance Exam, which will decide what college they can get into. The exam has been postponed until July 8 and July 9, a month from the original dates, due to coronavirus pandemic.

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Stability Control: CCP Monitors and Traces All Chinese People

A Chinese citizen shared a personal experience on social media that reveals how tightly the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is monitoring its people.

A local Disease Prevention and Control Center called him when he was on a long-distance bus. He didn’t answer the call as he was on another call. Then the center called the person sitting next to him and asked that person to inform him to answer its call.

However, the person in the next-seat didn’t buy a ticket at the bus station (where the authorities could have collected his contact information). He just got on the bus and bought the ticket. So how did the authorities find out about him in order to call him?

A netizen’s comment explained that the CCP has installed a camera on all trains and buses. They can first locate its target person and then zoom in to see the person next to him. Then, using facial recognition to identify the second person they can pull up his contact information. Another commentator said that, even ten years ago, the CCP had installed at least five cameras on each bus, so that they could monitor the bus. The CCP can also trace the mobile phone location to confirm whether a person is on a bus.

Another netizen shared a similar experience. Last month, he drove his friend’s car to Henan Province. The Disease Prevention and Control Center called him to ask him when he went there, but the center didn’t call his friend first. So somehow the authorities had the ability to tell that he was the actual driver of the car.

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Hiding Information: Beijing Asked Labs to Destroy Coronavirus Samples

The South China Morning Post reported on May 15 that, at an early stage in the outbreak, Beijing confirmed it had ordered unauthorized laboratories to destroy samples of the novel coronavirus.

Liu Dengfeng, an official with the National Health Commission’s science and education department, said this was done at unauthorized labs to “prevent the risk to laboratory biological safety and to prevent secondary disasters that unidentified pathogens might cause.”

The South China Morning Post also reported that, according to a provincial health commission notice issued in February, those handling virus samples were ordered not to provide them to any institutions or labs without approval. Unauthorized labs that obtained samples in the early stage of the outbreak had to destroy them or send them to a municipal center for disease control and prevention for storage.

The article mentioned that the Chinese magazine Caixin reported in February that some hospitals had sent samples to private gene sequencing companies to identify the mystery virus early in the outbreak. The report said that some of those results came back as early as December 27 and were identified as being from the same coronavirus family as SARS. According to the report, one company had been told to destroy all virus samples.

The National Health Commission started investigating the virus on December 31 and informed the World Health Organization of the outbreak the same day. On January 3, it ruled out that the virus was a known pathogen causing respiratory disease, and on January 9, it said the illness was caused by a novel coronavirus. It was later named Sars-CoV-2, and the disease it causes was named Covid-19.

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Source: South China Morning Post, May 15, 2020