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Hiding Information: Heilongjiang Province Is Preparing for an Anthrax Epidemic

The Epoch Times obtained internal documents from the Harbin Municipal Health Committee titled, “The Notice on the Prevention and Control of Anthrax in the Whole Province,” dated on April 10. The document was issued to the district and county health committees in the city.

According to the “Notice,” Heilongjiang Province is about to enter the high season for anthrax outbreaks. Anthrax is an infectious disease common to humans and animals; and it will create social fear once it occurs, given the current Pneumonia situation. The “Notice” also asked media to communicate the “harmfulness and preventability of anthrax” and “do a good job in guiding and monitoring public opinion.”

So far, the Chinese media, which are under the control of the Chinese Communist Party, have not disclosed the potential anthrax information to the general public.

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Justice: Mississippi State, Las Vegas Attorney, and Florida Law Firm Sued China for Coronavirus Damages

More governments and people in the United States have filed lawsuits against the communist regime in China for their liability in concealing the information about the coronavirus and causing a worldwide pandemic.

#1: The Mississippi State Government:

Mississippi State sued the Chinese government for concealing the origin and the initial spread of the coronavirus, thus putting millions of Americans at risk and causing economic chaos. Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch said what the communist regime did was “very malicious” and it was “a very dangerous cover-up.”

Mississippi is the second state in the U.S., after Missouri, to have initiated a legal approach to hold China accountable. (Fox News)

#2: Las Vegas Lawyers:

On April 20, Las Vegas attorneys, led by Robert T. Eglet, filed a class action lawsuit in the Nevada District Court seeking unspecified damages from China for the harm it has caused to small businesses in the United States. Eglet said the lawsuit is against the Chinese government and not the Chinese people or American Chinese, as they are also victims.

Five small businesses are named as plaintiffs, including a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) services company, a company that wholesales flowers, and Bella Vita LLC, a company that runs a restaurant in Las Vegas.

The lawsuit is against the People’s Republic of China, the country’s National Health Commission, the Ministry of Emergency Management, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and also the province of Hubei and the city of Wuhan. (KLAS-TV)

#3: A Florida Law Firm:

The Berman Law Group, a law firm based in Boca Raton, Florida, filed a lawsuit in a federal court in West Palm Beach, Florida, on behalf of a group of front-line healthcare workers, against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), charging it with mishandling the coronavirus outbreak and with blocking the export of gloves, goggles, and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and selling them at a substantial mark-up while people across the globe are getting sick and dying from COVID-19.

The plaintiffs include a New York doctor, a New Jersey surgical technologist, a West Virginia nurse, and a doctor and a nurse working in Florida. The law firm claims that this suit could cover nearly 4 million US healthcare workers. (New York Post)

Related postings on Chinascope:

1. Source: Fox News, April 25, 2020

2. Source: KLAS-TV, March 24, 2020

Class action lawsuit filed in Las Vegas blames China for COVID-19 outbreak

3. Source: New York Post, April 8, 2020

Hiding Information: Pompeo Said China May Have Known about the Coronavirus in November

At an interview with the Larry O’Connor Show on April 23, Secretary of State Pompeo said that China may have known about the coronavirus “maybe as early as November, but certainly by mid-December.”

QUESTION: It’s been well documented that the State Department very early on, the first week of January, started putting out alerts, precautions about this mysterious virus in this Wuhan region of China. How soon were there official requests to the Government of China for information about this virus or perhaps a sample of the virus so that we could do research?

And a secondary question to that: Are those requests made directly to the Chinese Government or through the World Health Organization?

SECRETARY POMPEO: Those are great requests. Let me try and – really, three questions. They’re all important.

First, as soon as we came to have a concern about this, you’ll recall that the first cases of this were known by the Chinese Government in – maybe as early as November, but certainly by mid-December, and they were slow to identify this for anyone in the world, including the World Health Organization.

Once the United States came to understand what was potentially taking place there, we immediately turned both to the World Health Organization and to the Chinese Government directly, not just through the State Department but through our health and technical experts as well, and asked for access, for understanding, for transparency.

Frankly, Larry, we are still trying to get an actual sample of the virus. They have given us the breakdown of it.

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Source: State Department website, April 23, 2020

Justice: People from Several Countries Sued China for Coronavirus Damages

As the novel coronavirus pandemic spread out globally, more and more people around the world have filed lawsuits against China for concealing the coronavirus information and causing the worldwide pandemic that has claimed many lives and hurt the economy badly.

#1: United States:

On April 21, the Missouri state government sued the Chinese government, saying that China’s response to the outbreak that originated in the city of Wuhan brought devastating economic losses to the state. It also accused the Chinese government of making the pandemic worse by “hoarding” masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE). It said that Missouri and its residents suffered possibly tens of billions of dollars in economic damages and seeks cash compensation.  (Reuters)

#2: Italy:

On April 21, the Oneurope non-profit organization launched a class action suit against China over COVID-19, claiming that China failed to react promptly according to obligations laid down by the World Health Organization (WHO). (Global Times)

#3: Italy:

The De La Poste hotel, a popular hotel in the Italian Alps, filed with a court in Belluno, which is in the same region, suing China’s Health Ministry for damages. The hotel sits in the town of Cortina d’Ampezzo, in the northern Italian region of Veneto, which was badly hit by the coronavirus. The hotel was heavily booked in March for the Ski World Cup Finals scheduled from March 18 to March 22, but then on March 12, the hotel was forced to close and stop all services when Italy went into lockdown. (The Mirror)

#4: India:

On April 14, Mumbai-based lawyer Ashish Sohani filed a petition in the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Netherlands, suing Xi Jinping and four other officials for criminal negligence, willful suppression of information, and “treason against humanity.” It demands a total of $2.5 trillion compensation for the loss of lives and economic damage to the Indian government and the people of India. (Live Mint)

#5: Egypt:

Egyptian lawyer Mohamed Talaat filed a lawsuit via the Chinese embassy in Cairo, calling on China to pay $10 trillion due to the damages caused by the coronavirus in Egypt. Talaat based his claim on U.S. President Donald Trump’s comments that the virus originated in China and also media sources, which he did not name, that said China had produced the virus as a biological weapon. (Arab News)

#6: Israel:

On April 19, the Israeli Non-Government Organization (NG) Shurat HaDin announces that it plans to file a class action lawsuit against China in the coming days over its alleged negligence in treating and containing the coronavirus. The lawsuit was submitted in the US due to the fact that “most other countries are afraid of the implications of China’s economic might.” (Jerusalem Post)

Related postings on Chinascope:

1. Source: Reuters, April 21, 2020

2. Source: Global Times, April 24, 2020

3. Source: The Mirror, April 22, 2020

4. Source: Live Mint, April 22, 2020

5. Source: Arab News, April 7, 2020

6. Source: Jerusalem Post, April 19, 2020

Accountability: U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman and Myanmar Cardinal Held the CCP Accountable

#1: U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham told the Fox Television’s “Hannity” program that China should pay for its response to the coronavirus that enabled the contagion to spread around the world.

“If it were up to me, the whole world should send China a bill for the pandemic,” Graham said. “This is the third pandemic to come out of China and they come from these wet markets where they have bats and monkeys with the virus — carrying the virus — intermingled with the food supply. Yeah, I’d make China pay big time.” (Fox News)

#2: Cardinal Charles Maung Bo of Myanmar wrote an article to criticize the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for hiding the Wuhan Pneumonia epidemic information which led to the worldwide outbreak.

In his article, Cardinal Maung Bo stated that China hid the information from the Chinese people, which the international community was strongly against and it should be held accountable for legal and financial liabilities. He quoted the report from the University of Southampton that China could have reduced its infection count by 66 percent, 86 percent, or 95 percent, if it had taken proper actions 1 week, 2 weeks, or 3 weeks earlier. (Radio France International) (See Chinascope posting: Accountability: China Could Have Reduced the Coronavirus Infection Count by Two Thirds If Taking Actions One Week Earlier)

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China’s Central Bank Testing Digital Currency

Guangzhou Daily reported that China’s central bank, The People’s Bank of China, is testing the use of digital currency in the accounts of the Bank of Agriculture through transportation subsidies.

According to the central bank’s Digital Currency Research Institute, the digital renminbi is being used in pilot tests in Shenzhen, Suzhou, Xiong’an, Chengdu, and the future Winter Olympics site.  Because these are internal, closed pilot tests, such testing does not mean that the digital RMB is officially issued or will affect commercial operations. Nor will it affect the RMB issuance and circulation system, the financial market, and the social economy beyond the testing environment.

The central bank has been studying official digital currency since 2014. At the end of 2017, with the approval of China’s State Council, the central bank organized some commercial banks and relevant institutions to research and develop a digital RMB system jointly.

It is expected that the central bank will follow a gradual promotion for its digital currency, starting with the four major banks’ payroll payment clients and public service clients, and then gradually expand to online companies and operators.

Unlike Alipay and WeChat Pay, the functions and attributes of the central bank’s digital currency are similar to paper money, except that it is digital. Third-party Internet payments such as Alipay and WeChat Pay use commercial bank deposit currency settlements.

Source: Xinhua, April 20

Propaganda and Lies: Is Zhang Jingyi from Taiwan or from China?

Recently reporters from two Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controlled media attended a White House briefing and tried to hide their employer’s identity.

The first reporter was from Pheonix Television. (See Chinascope post: Propaganda and Lies: Background of Phoenix TV Whose Reporter Spoke for the CCP at the White House Press Release).

The second reporter is Zhang Jingyi. On April 8, 2020, Zhang Jingyi asked President Trump a question at the briefing. President Trump inquired where he was from. Zhang said “Taiwan.”

However, Zhang was not disclosing the full truth. He was from Taiwan, but he worked for Phoenix Television in 2010 and joined Dragon Television under the Shanghai Media Group which is one of the largest state-owned media and cultural conglomerates in China. In the context of President Trump’s question, he should have replied with the name of the company he is working for, which is the Shanghai Media Group.

The Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council spokesperson expressed that they will investigate Zhang’s case since his working for a state-owned media in China has violated the “Regulation on the Relationship between People from the Taiwan Region and the People from the Mainland,” which prohibits Taiwan citizens to taking positions in mainland China’s communist party, military, and political organizations.

Charlie Kirk (Founder and CEO of Turning Point USA) tweeted on April 17:

“How do agents of the CCP keep getting access to the White House Briefing Room? This “journalist” LIED to the president, said he was from Taiwan, but he is actually with Shanghai Media Group, a CCP propaganda arm RT if he should be arrested and deported!”

Trump responded to his tweet:

“Cut him off now!”

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