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Sina: Two Conglomerate Giants Face Financial Crisis

Recently two conglomerate giants the HNA Group and the Founders Group found themselves to be in a deep financial crisis. On April 14, during a creditor’s meeting, the HNA Group’s request for a one-year debt extension was turned down. On February 29, the heavily indebted HNA announced that it has entered into the takeover process and is working with a task team that the Hainan Provincial Government formed during the transition. Meanwhile the Founders Group announced that it will be unable to meet its debit payment and has entered into a bankruptcy procedure. It is currently working with the bank, the department of Education, and other financial institutions on the restructuring process.

According to Sina, both companies were expanding rapidly in recent years through a large numbers of mergers and acquisitions, using capital operations to inflate their assets. The source of the funds was that they were incurring debts from the banks and from strategic investors. The risk to this model was that, as soon as it received the profit from the subsequent investment, it was unable to cover the interest from its previous debt and the company faced a cash flow risk. In 2018, the HNA group started to have cash flow and liquidity issues. Despite the fact that it sold more than 300 billion of its assets in 2018, it was still unable to improve its capital structure. {Editor’s note: According to sources from overseas media, HNA’s expansion could also be partially related to unspecified private cash investments that top party officials in China made in order to transfer their assets overseas.}

Source: Sina, April 15, 2020

Infection Count: Coronavirus Is Spreading in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province

It is hard to get true coronavirus infection information from China as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) hides it from the public. Recently, news media in China reported that the epidemic situation may have gotten out of control in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province.

#1: Harbin had an infection case when a Chinese student returned from the U.S. on March 19. She was doing self-quarantine at home first and during that time she transmitted the virus to a neighbor. The neighbor passed it to her boyfriend and her mother; her mother passed it to her boyfriend. When having meal with another family, both her mother and her boyfriend passed it to them. Mr. Chen, 87, of that family went to Harbin No 2 Hospital and later the No 1 Hospital Affiliated to Harbin Medical University to treat some non-coronavirus diseases, which further infected 26 people in both hospitals.

The infection also spread to another province. On April 16, a woman in Fushun City, Liaoning Province was confirmed as having the infection. It was traced back to her having contact with people in the No 1 Hospital Affiliated with Harbin Medical University. Later she had dinner with her mother and several relatives, which might have led to the spread to other people.

As of April 18, the Heilongjiang Health Commission reported 32 infection cases and 19 asymptomatic cases, related to this chain of transmissions.

Harbin issued a public notice to look for all people who had stayed in, were released from, transferred from, accompanied patients at, visited patients at, or went into those two hospitals – from April 2 to April 6 at the Harbin No 2 Hospital and from April 6 to April 9 at the Department of Respiratory Medicine (12th floor), No 1 Hospital Affiliated to Harbin Medical University.

The official website of the Heilongjiang Provincial CCP Commission for Discipline Inspection posted a notice to reprimand 18 officials including Harbin Deputy Mayor Chen Yuanfei and Harbin Health Commission Director Ding Fengshu, for poorly handling the epidemic containment work. They were given either party warnings or administrative reprimands. (Central News Agency)

#2: By April 11, Harbin had traced the infection to 456 people who had close contact with infected patients. The city imposed a lockdown and applied disinfection to the residential neighborhood of the people infected.

The government also postponed the school reopening date for the graduating middle school students (they need to prepare for the upcoming high school entrance exam), which was planned for April 17. (QQ)

#3: Genhe City, Inner Mongolia closed its transportation with Heilongjiang Province. The Genhe Novel Coronavirus Epidemic Prevention and Control Command Center issued its 39th Notice, stating to control all its checkpoints with Heilongjiang strictly, including train stations and bus terminals, completely close the traffic, persuade any people trying to enter Genhe from Heilongjiang to go back, and also stop any people from Genhe from entering Heilongjiang in order to ensure that “not a single car is missed and not a single person is missed.”

The notice also called for a thorough check at each community at Genhe, to identify anyone who had traveled to Heilongjiang, especially Harbin, in the past 14 days. Each community must arrange and manage a 14-day self-quarantine for people who travelled to Heilongjiang on or after April 5. (Central News Agency)

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Justice: Chinese Citizen Sued Hubei Government

Tan Jun, a Hubei Citizen, filed a lawsuit against the Hubei Provincial government for concealing the epidemic information and causing the loss of people’s lives and assets. He is the first Chinese who sued the government for its liability for the coronavirus pandemic.

In his filing, Tan said that the Hubei Provincial government had known about the Wuhan Pneumonia epidemic and the person-to-person transmission by December 2020, but it still organized two major political conferences and a “ten thousand family feast” in January, causing the large-scaled, fast spread of the epidemic. Tan asked the Hubei Provincial government to post an apology on Hubei Daily newspaper for a day.

Tan first handed his lawsuit paper to Xiling District Court, Yichang City, Hubei Province on April 13. But he was told the district court does not have authority to process this administrative case. Then on April 15, he mailed it to the Wuhan Intermediate Court.

On the afternoon of April 13, the Domestic Safety Team of the Xiling District Police Department called Tan Jun to a police station, asking him to write a promise statement “not to publish any words or pictures related to the administrative lawsuit case on the Internet.”

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Connected to the CCP: Australian MP Quit NSW Upper House Position after Speaking for the CCP

As the coronavirus outbreak continued spreading globally and many countries questioned the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in its handling of the pandemic and its bid for global leadership, an Australian Member of Parliament (MP) became a casualty for supporting the CCP.

New South Wales (NSW) Member of Parliament (MP) Shaoquett Moselmane of the Labor Party has resigned as Assistant President of the Legislative Council, after coming under fire for repeatedly praising China’s response to the coronavirus crisis, including extolling Xi Jinping’s “unswerving leadership.”

Moselmane lauded President Xi in a post on his personal website, where he stated that a nation needed “tough, unswerving leadership, focused on the mammoth task ahead” in order to contain the virus’ spread. “For the People’s Republic of China, President Xi stepped up and provided that leadership. He mustered the resources of the nation and together with the great people of China – fought it and contained it,” Moselmane wrote.

In a separate opinion piece for the East China Normal University, published in February, Moselmane praised the “serious attention and timely and effective countermeasures” taken by the Chinese authorities. He also claimed “the obsolete scum of ‘white Australia’, in conjunction with ‘some mainstream media,’ were fueling anti-Chinese sentiments.”

Moselmane gave a speech at a restaurant in Sydney’s Chinatown earlier this year, where he declared the “Chinese government should be commended for the immediate action it took.”

Moselmane caused controversy in 2018 when he declared: “The only way for China to reach its potential is for China to force a change to the rules and create a new world order.”

In 2019, he was in the spotlight again after his political staffer, John Zhang, was reported for having completed a CCP propaganda training course in Beijing in 2013.

Labor Party leader Jodi McKay has described his comments as “appalling,” and said he would “never be in the shadow cabinet” but ruled out expelling him from the party.

Source: Sydney Morning Herald, April 7, 2020

Diplomacy: More Details about Africans Being Targeted in Guangzhou

The Guangzhou government has targeted Africans living there during the coronavirus containment, which led many African countries’ to protest. Here are more details about the incidents.

#1: A Nigerian’s refusing medical checkup and biting a nurse. On April 1, Okonkwonwoye Chika Patrick, male, 47, a Nigerian citizen, was confirmed to have the coronavirus infection and was isolated at the Guangzhou No 8 Hospital. He ignored Nurse Wang’s request for blood test and tried to walk out of the isolation room. Wang tried to stop him, but he pushed her to the ground and bit her face. The Guangzhou police came to investigate the case. (Caijing)

#2: Local people started discriminating against Africans. The biting nurse incident stirred up a wave of anti-African sentiment among Chinese. There was a rumor that “300,000 blacks in Guangzhou were causing the second epidemic outbreak” which was spreading. Five out of the eight confirmed infection cases in the Yuexiu District (nicknamed “Little Africa”), in Guangzhou were Nigerian. Local police ordered bars and restaurants not to serve Africans. The Local government also imposed forced-testing and forced-quarantine on people who had contacts with Africans. Some Africans were driven out of their homes and could not find a place to stay as every place was closed to them. (Epoch Times)

#3: A McDonald’s restaurant in Guangzhou posted a notice: “We’ve been informed that from now on black people are not allowed to enter the restaurant. For the sake of your health consciously notify the local police for medical isolation. Please understand the inconvenience caused.” McDonald China admitted the incident and later offered an apology. (Oriental Daily)

#4: In addition to protests coming from Nigeria and the Africa Union, Ghana summoned the Chinese Ambassador. In a public statement Ghana’s Foreign Minister Shirley Ayorkor Botchway condemned the “inhuman encounters suffered by Africans in Guangzhou.”  She expressed “disappointment” to the Chinese government and asked China to take immediate action to solve this problem.

The Kenyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement saying that there was an irresponsible phenomenon against foreigners in Guangzhou. Many Guangzhou business owners targeted African citizens especially.

The Sierra Leone Embassy in Beijing also issued a statement to “expresses strong concern and condemnation for the disturbing and humiliating experience of our citizens.” It said that 14 citizens of the country had been put under 14 days of forced-quarantine. (Zhihu)

#5: A Twitter message said that the Guangzhou Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau issued “The Implementation Plan on Providing Basic Livelihood Services to Foreigners with Financial Stress during the Health Service Management Period.” The plan is said to provide a subsidy of 5,600 yuan (US $790) to every foreigner who has financial stress. (Twitter)

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WHO: WHO Director-General Tedros Is the Leader of a Leftist Party Which, in the1990s, the U.S. Listed as a Terrorist Organization

A Hong Kong media, CUP Magazine, reported that the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros is the leader of a leftist party, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), in Ethiopia, which in the 1990s the U.S. government identified as a terrorist group.

TPLF was established as a guerrilla group which, in 1975, had its base in Tigray, Ethiopia. Over time, it formed an Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front with other groups and it took power in the nation in 1991. However, since Tigrayans were only 6 percent of the total population in Ethiopia, TPLF ruled by terror and arrested and killed many people with different political views. It also took over the land from the Oromo people (about 34 percent of Ethiopia’s population). In 2005, Human Rights Watch criticized TPLF for several crimes against human rights. In the 1990s, the U.S. listed TPLF as a terrorist organization. This can still be seen in the Global Terrorism Database at the University of Maryland.

Tedros grew up in Tigray. After he obtained a PhD degree from the U.K. in 2001, he became the Director of Tigray’s Health Bureau. Then in 2005, he became the Minister of Health. In 2013, the Africa Report, a French media, mentioned that Tedros could become the next leader of the TPLF. When Tedros was elected as the Director-General of WHO, he still held a Politburo member position in the TPLF.

In 2018, local media Kichuu News criticized Tedros for ignoring the lives of millions of Oromos who the government was persecuting, accusing him of being unworthy of the position of Director General. The U.S. Fox News quoted a local Ethiopian reporter as saying that Tedros was one of the three most powerful leaders of the TPLF and thus he must be responsible for the government’s murder, torture, excessive arrests, and land grabbing.

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Virus Origin: NIH Provided $3.7 Million to Wuhan Lab in 2015

#1: Fox News reported that, according to public documents compiled by the White Coat Waste Project, in 2015, the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) provided $7.1 million worth of U.S. government grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The grants were for the lab to participate in projects in collaboration with U.S. institutions. One grant for research on the bat coronaviruses was $3.7 million and another grant of $3.4 million was for injecting viruses into the brains of mice. It is not clear exactly how much U.S. funding went directly to the Wuhan Institute of Virology because it worked in collaboration with other institutions on the projects funded by the American grants.

Fox News also mentioned that the Washington Post reported earlier this week that State Department officials had expressed grave concerns in recent years about the safety of the Chinese lab. A January 2018 State Department cable that the Washington Post obtained reads, “During interactions with scientists at the WIV laboratory, they noted the new lab has a serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators needed to operate this high-containment laboratory safely.” (Fox News)

#2. At the White House briefing on April 17, when asked about the NIH grant to the Wuhan lab, President Trump said that he has instructed to stop the funding if it has not been given out. “The Obama administration gave them a grant of $3.7 million and we have instructed that if any grants are going to that area, we are looking at it literally about an hour ago and also early in the morning. We will end that grant very quickly, but it was granted quite a while ago.” (Washington Examiner)

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1. Source: Fox News, April 16, 2020

2. Source: Twitter, Washington Examiner account on April 17, 2020

Virus Origin: Fox News: Wuhan Lab Leaked the Virus

Fox News reported that it has obtained information from multiple sources that the COVID-19 outbreak had likely originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab.

The sources told Fox that they think the Chinese lab studied and experimented with the virus in an attempt to demonstrate that its virus research capabilities are equal to or greater than the capabilities of the United States. However, the virus was transmitted to a human from a bat. Then the “patient zero” (the first human who was infected with the virus), who worked at the lab, passed it to other people in Wuhan. (Fox News, #1)

Secretary of State Pompeo expressed that he wants to find out the truth about Wuhan. In an interview with Fox host Martha MacCallum, Pompeo said, “(O)ne of the best ways they [China] could find to cooperate would be to let the world in and to let the world’s scientists know exactly how this came to be; exactly how this virus began to spread.” (Fox News, #2)

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1. Source: Fox News, April 16, 2020

2. Source: Fox News, April 16, 2020