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Propaganda and Lies: Background of Phoenix TV Whose Reporter Spoke for the CCP at White House Press Briefing

At the White House briefing on April 6, a Phoenix Television reporter asked President Trump whether he is “personally working directly with China” on securing medical supplies.

“Only last week, there were multiple flights coming from China full of medical supplies,” the reporter said. “Companies like Huawei and Alibaba have been donating to the United States, like 1.5 million N95 masks and also a lot of medical gloves, and many more medical supplies.”

“Sounds like a statement more than a question,” Trump answered, “Who are you working for, China?”

The reporter said no and named Phoenix TV as her outlet, calling it a “privately-owned company.”

Later, Senator Ted Cruz pointed out that Phoenix TV  “has been waging information warfare in the U.S. for years. They are nominally private but actually state owned (by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)).” Representative Paul Gosar, an Arizona Republican, also asked in a tweet, “Why is an outlet with such close ties to Communist China allowed in the White House briefing room?”

Background on Phoenix TV

The National Review reported that a former Phoenix TV news director, Chung Pong, who said that then Chinese president Jiang Zemin fired him in 2002, testified to the U.S. Federal Communication Committee (FCC) in 2018 that the Chinese government had tight enough control of the outlet that it was able to order the removal of specific news items that “positively reported [on] the United States or events in the United States.”

“I know from personal experience that Phoenix TV’s content is subject to the dictates of the leadership of the CCP Central Committee’s Propaganda Department, the CCP Central Committee’s Overseas Propaganda Office, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which has often sent instructions directly to Phoenix Satellite TV.”

Epoch Times reported that several Phoenix key personnel have close ties to the government:

  • Liu Changle, born in 1951, is the Chairman and CEO of Phoenix TV.  He joined the army at the age of 19. He graduated from the Beijing Broadcasting Institute in 1983; was assigned to China National Radio (CNR) as a military reporter; and successively moved up as an editor, news commentator, and Director of the Editorial Department. He always held a military rank while working at the CNR. Liu said that he was at the level of Colonel in the late 1980s.
  • Wang Jiyan, Executive Director and former Executive Vice President and Director of the Chinese Language Station, was a member of the China Film Administration’s five-member group to study overseas media.
  • Shao Wenguang, Director of the European Station, was a Ministerial Counselor to the United States.
  • Cui Qiang, Executive Deputy CEO, Executive Director, Chairman of Phoenix New Media, worked at the CNR for 10 years.
  • Yu Tonghao, a senior consultant and former Executive Vice President and Co-founder of Phoenix TV, served the Director of the Guangdong Radio Station, the Director of the Pearl River Economic Station, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Guangdong Provincial TV Station, Deputy General Manager of China Radio and Television International Economic and Technical Cooperation Corporation, and Director of China Radio and Television Society, before.

The Hoover Institution’s report, “Chinese Influence & American Interests: Promoting Constructive Vigilance” about the CCP’s infiltration in U.S. media industry, released on November 29, 2018, mentioned that Phoenix TV tried to buy two FM radio stations in Los Angles but was blocked. Then it went through H&H Capital Partners to purchase the radio station XEWW in Tijuana city, Mexico, which is on the U.S.-Mexico border. They then changed the station to broadcast in Chinese instead of Spanish. The document that H&H Capital Partners submitted to the FCC showed Phoenix was the buyer.

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Local Government: Wuhan Ended Its Lockdown, but the Risk Is Still There

MSN Chinese reported that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) reopened the city of Wuhan on April 8, after it had been locked down for 76 days starting on January 23.

The Wuhan Group Corporation of China Railway Administration said that 55,000 people bought tickets to leave Wuhan on the first day it was unlocked. About 40 percent of them will go to the Pearl River Delta Region, which includes Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and several other cities in Guangdong Province.

Flights to cities in China will be reopened gradually. But flights to Beijing, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and other foreign countries will not resume.

MSN also reported that, on April 6, Health Times, a newspaper under the CCP mouthpiece People’s Daily, reported that Yang Jiong, an expert at the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, said that according to the recent three days of data, about 0.15 to 0.3 percent of people in Wuhan are asymptomatic carriers. That is about 10,000 to 20,000 people. However, the article from Health Times was later deleted.

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WHO: WHO Official’s Reaction to Taiwan Question and Response from U.S. and Hong Kong Afterward

On March 28, Bruce Aylward, an Assistant Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) took a video conference interview with Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK). He gave some bizarre responses when reporter Yvonne Tong asked him about Taiwan. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has declared that Taiwan is part of itself and with its influence, locked Taiwan out of the WHO and other international organizations. (Epoch Times)

Tong: “Will the WHO consider Taiwan’s membership?”

Aylward: No response.

Tong: “Hello?”

Aylward: “I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear your question. Yvonne.”

Tong: “Okay, let me repeat the question.”

Aylward: “No, that’s okay. Let’s move to another one then.”

Tong: “I’m actually curious in talking about Taiwan as well. On Taiwan’s case.”

Video conference was disconnected.

Tong called Aylward again.

Tong: “I just want to see if you can comment a bit on how Taiwan has done so far in terms of containing the virus.”

Aylward: “Well, we’ve already talked about China, and, you know, when you look across all the different areas of China, they’ve actually all done quite a good job. So with that, I’d like to thank you very much for inviting us to participate…”

Interview can be seen online:

The WHO made a statement later that day, saying that the question of Taiwanese membership was not for its staff to answer, but instead “up to WHO member states.” (Radio France International)

U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo told the media on March 30, that the State Department will try its best to help Taiwan to obtain an appropriate role in the WHO. President Trump signed the TAIPEI ACT on March 26, which called for the U.S. to use its influence and other vehicles to support Taiwan to become a non-sovereignty-state member of international organizations and obtain observer status in other appropriate organizations. (Radio France International)

On April 2, Edward Yau, Hong Kong’s Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, accused RTHK of breaching its charter obligations. He said, “The Secretary holds the view that the presentation in that episode of the aforesaid program has breached the One-China Principle and the purposes and mission of RTHK as a public service broadcaster as specified in the Charter.” (The Guardian)

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Global Times: If the U.S. Hikes Sanction on Computer Chips, China Has Counter Measures

Global Times recently published a commentary written by Ni Guangnan, one of the founding members of the China Engineering Academy and the former Chief Engineer of the Legend Group. Ni said that the United States seems to be preparing to mount more sanctions on computer chip exports to China. The new plan may cut off chips manufactured by China’s primary overseas chip supplier TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company). Though this plan can significantly damage China’s high-tech industry, yet China does have some counter measures. One example is to ban U.S. 5G chips or products with U.S. 5G chips from the Chinese market. The potential damage on just Apple and Qualcomm alone will be around US$70 billion. China can also set limitations on government procurement of U.S. IT products, which will severely damage the U.S. Wintel ecosystem. Apparently, the U.S. is not just aiming at Huawei, but at the entire Chinese high-tech industry.

Source: Global Times, April 3, 2020

Medical Supplies: Taiwan Donated 10 Million Face Masks to the World

On April 1, Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen announced that, out of concern for humanity, Taiwan would donate 10 million face masks to the medical staff of the countries that are suffering severe coronavirus infections, including 2 million to the U.S., 7 million to Europe, and 1 million to countries that maintain diplomatic relationship with Taiwan.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission thanked Taiwan in her personal Tweet. The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), the U.S. diplomatic mission in Taiwan, thanked Taiwan in its post, and said, “Taiwan is indeed a true friend!”

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Beijing News: Multiple Countries Called Off Food Exports; Is China Safe?

Beijing News recently reported that, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), food safety may become an issue in some countries and regions due to the lack of labor and to supply chain disruptions. The FAO expects the worst case may occur in April or May. Multiple food exporters are limiting or even banning the export of food. For example, Kazakhstan has banned exports of wheat, carrots, sugar and potatoes. Serbia has stopped exporting sunflower oil. Vietnam has also restricted rice exports and Russia has stopped exporting finished grains. China is seeing high volume of food purchases in many cities. China imports around 100 million tons of food every year, which is a quarter of the world’s food trade volume. China has enough wheat, rice and corn stock as well as the capacity to produce domestically. However, soybeans, which hold an 80 percent share of the 100 million annual food imports, may be impacted. However, the impact is not obvious at the moment. In the future, the bottleneck could be on the transportation side, since the United States and Brazil are China’s primary suppliers. A temporary halt could happen, yet it is expected to be a very short one.

Source: Beijing News, April 1, 2020

Economy: 150 to 200 Million People in China May Lose Their Jobs

China is facing a severe economic slowdown and massive unemployment because the coronavirus hit it so badly.

#1: Caixin published a model that forecasted 150 to 200 million people will lose their jobs. Using the step-by-step estimation method, 200 million people (including 180 million in the service industry) will lose their jobs. Using the aggregation estimation method, 150 million (including 110 million in the service industry) will lose their jobs. (Caixin)

#2: According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, by March 30, 76 percent of small or mid-sized companies resumed operation. That means 24 percent, or nearly a quarter of the companies did not resume yet. (HK01)

#3: The South China Morning Post reported that more than 460,000 companies in China stopped their operations in the first quarter. (Radio France International)

#4: Western buyers have canceled many orders they placed with Chinese companies. The only hot orders are medical supplies. There will be 9 million college students graduating this summer. However, the number of possible jobs for those college graduates has dropped 30 percent from a year ago. Peng Airao, the Chief Economist of the Great China Regions of the ING Bank, predicted that China’s unemployment rate may rise to 10 percent by the end of this year. (Voice of America)

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LTN: Huawei Admitted Its Harmony OS Cannot Replace Android

Major Taiwanese news network Liberty Times Network (LTN) recently reported that the Huawei Western Europe Chief Vincent Pang admitted having “great difficulty” with handset sales. Pang said that, due to U.S. sanctions, Huawei lost its capability to bundle Google services on its smartphones. This heavily damaged Huawei’s international sales of consumer products. Huawei Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Andy Purdy also complained about the U.S. sanctions which led to a cutoff of chip supplies from companies like Intel. It significantly limited Huawei’s growth. Huawei has its own Harmony OS, which was expected to replace Android to power Huawei’s smart devices. However, Huawei’s CEO of the Consumer Products Group, Yu Chengdong, recently told the U.S. technology magazine Wired that the company hopes to have the U.S. government’s permission to resume the partnership with Google, especially to use its Play Store. Yu said he would like to keep the Android ecosystem and the Harmony OS may need a couple more years to mature. Huawei also complained that the U.S. government still refused to open a dialogue with Huawei.

Source: LTN, April 1, 2020