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“World Leader”: EU Is Concerned with China’s “Mask Diplomacy”

The South China Morning Post reported that, since Europe suffered the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been conducting “Mask Diplomacy.” That is, through supplying the European Union (EU) countries with face masks and other medical equipment and materials, it is trying to boost its global leadership position and to control the discourse power. Beijing has blocked the shipping of medical supplies to other countries so that it can totally control which country it will help.

Italy, Spain, France, Austria, and many other EU countries, with Hungary being the latest, received aid or permission from China to import medical supplies from China. Some big Chinese corporate names – including billionaire Jack Ma and tech giant Huawei Technologies – have also sent medical equipment to the EU.

Josep Borrell Fontelles, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the EU, warned that Beijing “struggles for influence” in a “global battle of narratives.”

“There is a global battle of narratives going on in which timing is a crucial factor. China is aggressively pushing the message that, unlike the US, it is a responsible and reliable partner.

“In the battle of narratives we have also seen attempts to discredit the EU as such and some instances where Europeans have been stigmatized as if all were carriers of the virus.

“The point for Europe is this: we can be sure that perceptions will change again as the outbreak and our response to it evolves. But we must be aware that there is a geopolitical component, including a struggle for influence through spinning and the ‘politics of generosity.’”

Two recent developments have driven EU officials closer to the rhetoric of regarding China as a “systemic rival,” a phrase first used under the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen’s predecessor, Jean-Claude Juncker.

First, there is the sense that China’s leadership prefers to deal directly with European countries, rather than through the EU. Von der Leyen was the only major European leader who did not receive a phone call from Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Second, the EU was startled by the reaction of Serbia, which was on course to begin accession talks at some stage to join the EU. When the EU hastily enacted an export ban on medical equipment, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic lambasted EU solidarity as a “fantasy,” turning instead to Xi, whom he called a friend and a brother.

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Source: South China Morning Post, March 24, 2020

“World Leader”: Netherlands Found China’s Face Masks Were Defective

The Netherlands bought face masks from China. A shipment of face masks of grade level “KN95” arrived on March 21. However, the Dutch Ministry of Health found that these face masks did not meet the quality standard, though they had a quality inspection certificate from China. The problem with the face masks was that they couldn’t cover the face correctly and also the membranes that were supposed to capture the virus particles did not work properly.

The Holland government decided not to use these face masks.

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Propaganda and Lies: CCP’s Overseas Propaganda Tactics

The Diplomat published an article that discussed the CCP’s tactics for overseas propaganda. It stated:

The elements of this campaign are well known. The general narrative goes like this: There are doubts about the origins of the virus, and China has demonstrated its effectiveness in managing the crisis. Its authoritarian system is validated in the face of the supposed ineffectiveness of democratic values.

For Beijing, the control of information becomes a priority after an initial relaxation designed to provide a safety valve for a population facing a major humanitarian crisis. Already severe in China, this control has now been reinforced. Above all, the regime is also trying to silence all foreign experts guilty of deviating from the “official line,” denounced in the Chinese media as “anti-Chinese elements.”

The outside world could be impressed by the “reactivity” of a system capable of authoritatively confining tens of millions of people. Italy gratefully welcomed the arrival of a Chinese plane — in the presence of the Italian president and the Chinese ambassador — bringing several doctors and tons of equipment.  The Serbian president also embraced Chinese aid, saying, “Hundreds of thousands of lives in Serbia will be saved thanks to the help that just came to us.”

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Source: The Diplomat, March 24, 2020

Propaganda and Lies: CCP Hires People for Its Propaganda Campaign

Recently, a few cases were reported in which the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was recruiting people to work on its overseas propaganda campaign.

#1: A Chinese artist Baduicao, who lives in Australia, told Deutsche Welle that he received a tweet inquiry from a “cultural promotion” Chinese media company, asking whether he was interested in cooperating. They asked him to post two tweets each month, with the company providing materials including content, pictures, and video links. The company would pay him 400 to 2500 Yuan (US $56 – 352) per piece. At least four other Chinese with over 10,000 Twitter followers also received the same inquiry. The company sent Baduicao a Twitter sample, which was a 15-second video, with Wuhan Pneumonia scenes and a voice stating the CCP’s propaganda message.

#2: A post on the Internet on March 22 showed that a media in China was urgently looking to hire a Chinese student studying in Europe to record a video about Chinese being discriminated against due to the Novel Coronavirus. The program would take two hours to produce and pay 60 Euro.

#3: As the CCP did not want overseas Chinese to return to China, a video of the “self-confession“ of an overseas Chinese was widely spread on Chinese social media. The man in the video said that he had lived overseas for over twenty years and had almost forgotten his homeland (China). It wasn’t until two months ago when the virus came, that he discovered that China is where people want to be. The man, in tears, asked himself, “Do I still have face to go back to China?” He paused and then said, “Let me just stay here quietly and enjoy the retribution.”

Shortly, Chinese dug out the man’s true identity. He is not an overseas Chinese, but a small actor who works on minor roles. He lives in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, China.

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Justice: U.S. Lawyers, Chinese Lawyers, and Student in Turkey Asked China for Compensation

More and more people started looking at lawsuit options to hold the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accountable for the worldwide outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus.

  • Lawyer Larry Klayman and his group Freedom Watch filed a complaint in federal court in Texas seeking at least $20 trillion from the Chinese government because of its “callous and reckless indifference and malicious acts.” The complaint states, “Although it appears that the COVID-19 virus was released at an unplanned, unexpected time, it was prepared and stockpiled as a biological weapon to be used against China’s perceived enemies, including but not limited to the people of the United States.” The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Klayman, Freedom Watch, and Buzz Photos, a Texas company that specializes in high school sports photography.
  • Some Chinese lawyers formed a volunteer group, the “Legal Advisory Panel on Novel Coronavirus Claims.” It provides legal support to patients and their relatives and even a free service for typical cases. They suggested that the CCP regime should provide compensation for all human rights violations, including patients, relatives of the dead, and minors whose parents passed away.
  • On March 18, a 22-year old Turkish student Cagatay Orkun Celikbas wrote to the Chinese Embassy in Turkey to request compensation for his monetary loss and mental stress, including rent, counseling, and related education expenses incurred during the period that his college closed.

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Death Count: Wuhan Distributed an Estimate of over 40,000 Urns

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has loosened the lockdown in Wuhan, the epicenter of the Novel Coronavirus. Starting on March 23, the city distributed cinerary urns of the deaths. Earlier, the city was locked down and thus relatives could not go to the funeral homes to pick up the urns that held their loved ones’ ashes.

This gave people a way to estimate the coronavirus death count in Wuhan, which people believe the CCP has been hiding from the public. The government announced 2,531 deaths in Wuhan.

Radio Free Asia reported that the funeral homes said that they would distribute 500 caskets or urns per day and try to complete the distribution before the Qing Ming Festival (a Chinese festival to sweep the tombs and worship the departed). There will be 12 days from March 23 to the Qing Ming Festival (April 4, 2020). Since there are 7 funeral homes, the total caskets distributed will be 500 x 12 x 7, or  42,000.

Another estimate was based on the number of incinerators. Wuhan has 84 incinerators. Assuming 65 functioned normally, each one ran around the clock, and each body took an hour to burn, that would be 65 x 24 = 1,560 bodies per day. Taking out 200 regular deaths each day would leave 1,360 coronavirus deaths per day. In 30 days, the death count will be 40,800.

A person who requested anonymity told Radio Free Asia that Wuhan funeral homes processed about 28,000 corpses during the peak month of the epidemic. “Each funeral home could only report their numbers to the city, but were not allowed to share with other funeral homes.”

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China Denied Entry to Foreigners

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that, starting at midnight on March 28, it would suspend entry into China of foreigners with a valid visa to visit China or those holding a residence card; suspend entry into China of foreigners with APEC business travel cards; suspend granting visas at ports of entry, including the 24/72/144-hour transit visa exemption, the Hainan entry visa exemption, the Shanghai cruise visa exemption, the 144-hour visa exemption for foreigners from Hong Kong and Macao to enter Guangdong, and the Guangxi exemption for ASEAN tourist groups. Entry with a diplomatic, official, courtesy, or C visa would not be affected. Foreigners who come to China to engage in necessary economic, trade, scientific and technological activities, and for urgent humanitarian needs, can apply for visas from Chinese embassies and consulates abroad. Entry of foreigners who receive visas after this announcement is not affected.

Earlier, on March 22, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) issued an order that any flight with Beijing as the final destination needed to go through one of 12 cities for port of entry process. These 12 cities included Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Taiyuan, Hohhot, Shanghai Pudong, Jinan, Qingdao, Nanjing, Shenyang, Dalian, Zhengzhou, and Xi’an. Travelers who passed the coronavirus prevention test could continue to fly to Beijing.

Hong Kong International Airport reported that, per Beijing’s request, the airport will not provide land or water transportation to mainland China.

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Infection Count: Hubei Was Unlocked, but Beijing Does not Want Anyone from Hubei to Leave

On March 25. China decided to remove the travel ban between cities (except Wuhan) in Hubei province. Wuhan’s transportation control and people’s restrictions from going out will also be lifted on April 8.

However, there were concerns that this may led to the spread of the coronavirus.

Radio France International reported that Wuhan reported that, a few hours before announcing the loosening up Hubei Province, a doctor had been confirmed to have the Coronavirus infection. Beijing had reported zero infections for four days from March 19 to 22.

Beijing City requested that all people who went to Hubei on either a business or a personal trip not return to Beijing. Some Hubei citizens felt that they were treated as third-class citizens, where Beijing people were the first class and other citizens second class. Ying Yong, the Hubei Provincial Party Secretary “appealed to all societies throughout the nation to treat Hubei people kindly.”

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