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World Outbreak: In U.S., Coronavirus Impacts Three Times More in Democratic Regions than in Republican Regions

Reuters reported, that in the U.S., the death rates in Democratic areas are triple those in Republican ones.

According to an analysis of demographic and public health data, as of May 20, 2020, U.S. counties that voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election reported 39 coronavirus deaths per 100,000 residents, The death rate was 13 out of every 100,000 people in counties that voted for Republican Donald Trump.

Take Michigan as the example; counties that backed Clinton in 2016 collectively reported 79 deaths for every 100,000 people. Counties that backed Trump reported 25 deaths per 100,000.

Reuters said the reason could be that areas the Democrats control tend to have a denser population than the areas Republicans control.

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Source: Reuters, May 21, 2020

World against the CCP: China Became the Target at the World Health Assembly

An article from Radio Free Asia stated that Beijing was isolated at the World Health Assembly (WHA) that was held on May 18 and 19, 2020. It mentioned several points:

1. A proposal, initiated by Australia, drafted by the European Union, and signed by 122 countries including Russia, Japan, and Nigeria requested an “independent investigation” into the origin and spread of the novel coronavirus. All 194 member countries, including China, voted yes and passed the resolution. The article commented that the reason the Beijing supported the resolution was that it changed its strategy after failing in a direct confrontation against the world. It will now join the investigation team, with the hope to alienate and instigate member countries and to muddle the investigation by changing the investigation site, the objectives, and the methods, to get itself out of having any accountability.

2. Xi Jinping promised to donate 2 billion dollars to the World Health Organization (WHO) in the next two years. John Ullyot, the Spokesperson for the White House National Security Council, said in a statement that China’s commitment “is a token to distract from calls from a growing number of nations demanding accountability for the Chinese government’s failure to meet its obligations.”

3. The article also stated that, despite the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) global propaganda campaign, it has ended up being in a worsened situation of isolation. It mentioned a few things that the CCP didn’t anticipate:

  • The entire world, including countries that used to have a good relationship with Beijing, aligned with the U.S. (against the CCP) as one side.
  • Russia joined the alliance despite China’s offer of substantial financial support to Russia when it was boycotted by the U.S. and Europe.
  • African countries, who used to be the CCP’s good friends, jumped uniformly to the opposite side, with Nigeria being the leader and demanding 200 billion dollars in compensation. The African League also asked for compensation.
  • WHO Director-General Tedros had a dramatic change. He supported the “investigation” request and even proactively requested a review of whether to invite Taiwan to attend the assembly.

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Infection Count: Caixin Indicates That at Least a Half Million People in Wuhan Were Infected

A Chinese media, Caixin, reported that, based on an earlier sampling in Wuhan, 500,000 people are likely to have been infected with the coronavirus. Sina, an Internet portal in Chinese, republished the article. Both articles were soon removed.

According to the screenshot that people took, Caixin’s article stated that in April, Wuhan did a blood serum epidemiology sampling of 11,000 people and found 5 to 6 percent of the people tested positive. This ratio could be roughly taken as the ratio of people who have been infected. Therefore, given the 11 million population in Wuhan, at least half a million would have been infected.

Caixin is a Beijing-based media group providing financial and business news and information. It was founded in 2010 by Hu Shuli (胡舒立), who was known for her outspoken style.

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Dairy Product Companies’ Stock Prices Plunge Due to Latest Baby Milk Powder Scandal

On May 15, BBC Chinese reported that at least five children in Hunan Province, after drinking a protein beverage that is said to be suitable for babies, became “big headed dolls” with deformed skulls. They even beat their heads abnormally. Chinese authorities said on Thursday that the relevant merchants are suspected of “fraud” and will be severely punished. It was recommended these babies were  to drink a type of special medical milk powder. It was supposed to be for babies who are allergic to ordinary formula milk powder or are suffering from special diseases. In reality, the milk was no different from a protein drink. The false advertising led to malnutrition among the babies.

Sina reported on May 16 that the share price of a number of dairy product companies in China dropped. Among them, Flying Crane International Inc. (中国飞鹤) suffered the largest impact. Its stock price fell 10.22 percent, a loss of HKD 16 billion (US$2 billion).

BBC Chinese, May 15, 2020
Sina, May 16, 2020

Diplomacy: Trump Said He Does Not Want to Talk to Xi Jinping

On May 14, in an interview with Fox Business Network, President Trump said he was very disappointed with China’s failure to contain the disease and that the pandemic had cast a pall over his January trade deal with Beijing, which he previously hailed as a major achievement.

Trump said, “They should have never let this happen. So I make a great trade deal and now I say this doesn’t feel the same to me. The ink was barely dry and the plague came over. And it doesn’t feel the same to me.”

Referring to Xi Jinping, Trump said, “But I just – right now I don’t want to speak to him.”

When he was asked about a Republican senator’s suggestion to deny visas to Chinese students applying to study in fields related to national security, such as quantum computing and artificial intelligence, Trump replied, “There are many things we could do. We could do things. We could cut off the whole relationship.”

“Now, if you did, what would happen? You’d save $500 billion,” Trump said, referring to estimated U.S. annual imports from China, which he often refers to as lost money.

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Source: Reuters, May 14, 2020

World against the CCP: Pompeo Criticized CCP for Attempting to Steal U.S. Vaccine

On May 13, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security issued a warning that Chinese hackers and spies were using the coronavirus pandemic as a cover to shield their clandestine cyberattacks. The hackers attempted to steal research on the coronavirus, including the vaccine, the treatment, testing, and public health information.

On May 14, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo denounced China for its hacking activities. “The United States condemns attempts by cyber actors and non-traditional collectors affiliated with the People’s Republic of China to steal US intellectual property and data related to COVID-19 research. The United States calls on the PRC to cease this malicious activity.”

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Source: New York Post, May 14, 2020

World against the CCP: U.S. May Break the CCP’s Great Firewall by November

To ensure that it can control the Chinese people’s thinking, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) built the Great Firewall to block the Chinese from accessing information on the Internet that it does not want them to be aware of.

On May 8, at Steve Bannon’s War Room program, Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice, mentioned that “chances are substantial that we can take down the Chinese firewall before the November election.”

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Source: Tweeter, War Room Account on May 8, 2020

Leadership: Xi Jinping Went to Shanxi Province While Sidelining the Commander of Beijing Garrison

The People’s Daily reported that Xi Jinping went to Shanxi Province on May 11 and 12. During the trip, he visited the Yungang Grottoes, which was famous for stone-carved Buddhist sculptures. (#1, People’s Daily)

Chen Pokong, a political commentator on China’s affairs who frequently appears on Voice of America and Radio Free Asia, said that Xi’s trip was linked to the soft removal of Wang Chunning, the Commander of Beijing Garrison. (#2, YouTube)

Xinhua announced on May 10, that Zhang Fandi, the Political Commissar of Beijing Garrison replaced Wang Chunning as a Beijing Communist Party Committee Member and a Standing Committee Member. (#3, Xinhua)

In the Chinese Communist Party (CCP’s) structure, the People’s Liberation Army unit has two top leaders: a commander in charge of the military actions and a political commissar for political activities. One of them, from a local garrison, also serves as a member of the locale’s (provincial or municipal) communist party standing committee, which is the highest power decision-making organ in the locale.

Wang Chunning is a Lieutenant General. He became the Commander of the Beijing Garrison in 2016. In January this year, he took over the Beijing Communist Party Standing Committee Member position from Jiang Yong, then Beijing Garrison Political Commissar. Major General Zhang Fandi took over the Political Commissar position from Jiang Yong at the same time. Wang has served the Beijing Standing Committee Member for only four months. (#4, Beijing News)

In his analysis, Chen Pokong pointed out:

  1. The head of Beijing Garrison is extremely critical to Xi as it can control Beijing.
  2. Wang Chunning has a higher military rank than Zhang Fandi. In a normal situation, Zhang would not take over Wang’s Beijing Standing Committee Member position.
  3. This indicates that Xi Jinping no longer trusts Wang.
  4. Xi might do a soft removal of Wang, like what he did to Fu Zhenghua recently. Fu was the Minister of Justice. He was removed from the position of Deputy Party Secretary of Justice Ministry’s Party Committee on April 20, then removed from the Minister of Justice post on April 29, and then removed from the position of Deputy Director of the CCP Central Committee’s Office for the Rule of Law on May 5.
  5. When Xi took down Sun Lijun and Fu Zhenghua, he went to Shaanxi Province, probably to avoid the supporters of Sun and Fu, to take actions against him in Beijing. This time, Xi probably did the same thing: going to Shanxi Province while pushing out Wang Chunning. (#2, YouTube)

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