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CBN: Moody’s Downgraded Some Chinese Companies

China Business Network (CBN) recently reported that, in the past couple of months, Moody’s downgraded 24 Chinese non-financial companies. These companies are mainly in the fields of transportation, real estate and automobile manufacturing. Seven of the transportation companies now have a negative outlook and the ratings of all five automobile manufacturers were lowered. Among the 24 companies, 17 also have China’s domestic ratings and 16 of them remained unchanged. These companies are typically large enterprises and the new development will hurt their capacity to issue bonds, especially overseas bonds. However, under the global pandemic environment, companies can hardly maintain a good posture, so we are in a time of competition for the title of not-too-bad. Chinese ratings agencies have a long reputation for overrating companies, so established international ratings agencies like Moody’s are more trustworthy.

Source: CBN, April 28, 2020

Death Count: Beijing Pushes for Partnership between Funeral Homes and Hospitals

Epoch Times obtained some official documents from Beijing City that required funeral homes in Beijing to established a one-to-one partnership with each and every major hospital in Beijing, to provide 365 x 24 service (around the clock throughout the year).

On April 17, Beijing Hospital Management Center issued “The Notice on Rolling Out The Mortuary Management Pilot Program in Tiantan Hospital to All Municipal Hospitals.” It asked hospitals to choose a nearby funeral home and set up a workstation inside the hospital for that partner funeral home, so that the funeral home could provide 365 x 24 service to people in the hospital.

The Beijing Hospital Management Center arranged a teleconference meeting on April 21 with hospitals under the municipal government’s direct supervision to discuss the notice on the mortuary management.

Back on February 8, the Beijing Health Commission, the Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau, and the Beijing Public Security Bureau jointly issued a “Guidance on Handling the Corpses of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Patients.” It stated all corpses must be cremated in a nearby funeral home, that they are not allowed to be buried, kept, or transferred; and that the bodies may not be used for any funeral ceremony.

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Infection Count: China’s Infection Number Would Have Been 230,000 by February 20 If It Had Used a More Realistic Infection Definition

A Research Team from Hong Kong University published a thesis in The Lancet Journal, pointing out, “If China had adopted the fifth version of its coronavirus infection definition from the beginning of the outbreak and had sufficient detection capabilities, we estimate that by February 20, China would have reported 232,000 infection cases, rather than the 55,008 it officially announced.”

The thesis also stated that “considering that some infections, especially those mild or asymptomatic infections, can still remain undetected under the most lenient definition, the actual infection count is likely be higher than the estimated number.”

From January 15 to March 3, China issued seven versions of the “Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Treatment Plan,” which covered the case definition, clinical characteristics, and diagnosis. The first version, the most rigid definition, required that the patient must have an epidemiological link to the South China Seafood Market and must have four types of symptoms. The fourth revision started allowing the patients to have an epidemiological link to other regions that had confirmed infection cases, not limited to Wuhan. The fifth revision allowed the doctor to use a clinical diagnosis to decide if the patient was infected.

Their research concluded that the loosening of rigid requirements had a “substantial impact” on the infection count. The infection count increased 7.1 times after switching from the version 1 definition to version 2 and 4.2 times after switching from version 4 to version 5.

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Hiding Information: Inner Mongolia May Have a Black Death Outbreak

Epoch Times obtained some official documents from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (AR) that show the AR is facing an outbreak of Black Death.

1. The “Epidemic Report” that the Inner Mongolia Comprehensive Disease Prevention and Control Center issued on April 13 stated: “Since the determination of the first epidemic case on March 15, 2020,” the black death epidemic was found in 21 sites in 10 counties of four Leagues (an administrative region under the Inner Mongolia AR, similar to Prefectures in the other provinces of China; a few major cities are also included in this category).

2. On April 14, Xilingol League passed an AR “Epidemic Report” down to its subordinate medical agencies.

3. The “Report on the Implementation of the Decision from the AR’s Teleconference on Black Death Prevention and Control” in April stated, “The black death plague is active” in Inner Mongolia and “the risk of human infection is still high.” “Recently, cases have been reported in Baotou City, Wulanchabu City, Xilingol League, and Bayannaoer City.” The report also stated, “By March 30, except for Wulanchabu City, the AR’s other 11 Leagues have all established or regrouped their Black Death Epidemic Prevention and Control Emergency Leading Groups.

4. On March 30, Xilingol League submitted an application requesting 320,000 yuan (US $45,000) to buy smoke cannons to kill rats, in response to the “severe situation in controlling the black death.”

5. On November 12, 2019, Beijing confirmed two patients with black death who came from Xilingol League and started an emergency medical response. On November 20, 2019, China’s National Health Commission sent a notice to Beijing, Tianjin, Inner Mongolia AR, and several other provinces, stating that “the Party Central Committee and State Council are paying close attention” to the Inner Mongolia black death epidemic which was active and presented risks of infecting people and spreading to Beijing or other big cities.

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Infection Count: The Holes in the CCP’s Announced Wuhan Infection Numbers

Epoch Times analyzed the official data the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) published on the coronavirus infection and on the hospitalized patients in Wuhan. It found that there are several holes in the CCP numbers.

1. Confirmed Infected Count = Hospitalized Count

On April 16, the CCP readjusted the Wuhan infection number to 50,333 and the death toll to 3,869.

On April 26, the Wuhan Health Commission announced that “the number of coronavirus infected patients staying in hospital became 0… The cumulative count of patients hospitalized is 50,333.”

This means the all confirmed infected patients are hospitalized, with a 100 percent hospitalization rate.

Taking New York to compare. By April 30, there were 159,865 confirmed cases, among which 41,316 were hospitalized. The hospitalization ratio is 25.84 percent of the confirmed patients.

The Wuhan Health Commission also stated that “the peak count of hospitalized patients was on February 18; it reached 38,020.” On February 18, Wuhan also announced 38,020 confirmed cases. Again, a 100 percent hospitalization rate.

2. Holes in Hospitalization Count

On January 28, the Wuhan Health Commission website said, “From January 22 to January 27, 75,221 people with a fever visited the hospital.” The hospital beds usage report that the Wuhan Health Commission released on February 1 showed this number “beds used: 6,808.” This means that only 9 percent of the 75,221 people who had a fever were hospitalized and thus counted in the CCP’s infection count. However, those 75,221 people were likely to be infected with the coronavirus.

On February 18, the Wuhan Health Commission stated 38,020 people were hospitalized. Its websites announced 18,393 hospital beds were occupied on the same day. If 38,020 were hospitalized, where did the other 19,627 (= 38,020 – 18,393) patients go?

The modular hospitals could hold patients. The Wuhan Health Commission website stated, “On March 10, all 16 modular hospitals in Wuhan were closed. They have treated a total of 12,000 patients with mild infection symptoms.” On February 20, the website of Changjiang Daily, a newspaper under the Wuhan Party Committee, mentioned “by February 20, eight modular hospitals released a total of 616 recovered patients.” So on February 18, there were likely only eight modular hospitals in operation. Since 16 modular hospitals treated 12,000 patients, the 8 modular hospitals in operation then might treated 6,000 patients.

Still, there are 13,627 (= 38,020 – 18,393 – 6,000) patients that the government claimed to be hospitalized but could not be matched to any hospital beds. Had they died in the hospital and thus no longer needed beds?

3. Severe Cases vs. Mild Cases

The modular hospitals were to treat the patients with mild cases. The Wuhan Health Commission said the modular hospitals handled 12,000 mild cases and a total of 46,464 patients were cured in hospitals. That means 34,464 (= 46,464 – 12,000) patients were in the regular hospitals. If the majority of the 34,464 patients were severe cases (since they were not at the modular hospitals), it would mean there were many more severe cases than mild cases, or it would mean many mild cases were simply not counted by the government.

4. Medical Staff Headcounts

On February 6, the Wuhan Health Commission mentioned “80,000 healthcare staff workers were at the front line of the fight against the coronavirus.” This would mean Wuhan has about 80,000 medical staff members.

On March 26, , the Wuhan Health Commission website stated, “By March 24, 141 medical teams came to support Wuhan, with 14,649 medical staff, returned to their home cities. Still 139 teams with 16,558 medical staff members remain in Wuhan.” That means 31,207 (=14,469 + 16,558) medical staffs came from other cities to support Wuhan.

State Council mentioned that “over 40,000 medical support personnel came to Wuhan, with 28,600 nurses, accounting for 68 percent of the group.” That will give 42,059 (= 28,600 / 68%) medical staffs coming from other cities to Wuhan.

If we take 80,000 of Wuhan’s own medical staff members and 40,000 supporting staff members from other cities, that is over 120,000 on the medical staff. {Editor’s note: Epoch Times didn’t mention this point in its writing: We know some of Wuhan’s medical staff were infected. Even if half of the population was infected, that means still 40,000 Wuhan medical staff members and 40,000 supporting staff members were working there. With 80,000 medical staff members on board, were they all only treating the 50,333 infected patients that the CCP claimed on April 26?}

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Lack of Action: Wuhan Was Severely Behind in Coronavirus Testing from January to March

Epoch Times analyzed the official data that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) published on the coronavirus infection and virus testing in Wuhan from January to March. It showed that the Wuhan government was severely behind in testing to confirm infections. This is likely to indicate that many infections probably went unconfirmed (as suspected cases) or unidentified (as there was nothing recorded at all).

Epoch Times reported the following:

On January 27, Wuhan announced that 892 cases were newly confirmed on that day and a total of 1,590 cumulative cases were confirmed. On January 29, the Wuhan Health Commission website stated, “From January 23 to January 27, (we) have tested a total of 4,086 samples among which 712 were positive.” This leads to two questions:

  • Since China had very a rigid rule on confirming the coronavirus infection and the nucleic acid testing is a mandatory step, how did Wuhan confirm the 1,590 infection cases while only 712 samples tested positive?
  • How could Wuhan confirm 892 cases alone on January 27, which is even more than the 712 positive tests (from January 23 to January 27)?

On January 29, the Wuhan Health Commission website said, “Due to the high pathogenicity of the virus, researchers need to go through a gradual process to familiarize themselves with the testing process, so they will not test 2,000 samples per day from the beginning, but rather (they will start low and) gradually increase the number.” This means that though the government had the ability to test 2,000 samples, they did not do that many then.

On January 28, the Wuhan Health Commission website said, “Visits of fever patients have been increasing daily. The peak is over 15,000 people.” Even if Wuhan tested 2,000 samples, they were still be severely below the 15,000 fever patients.

On January 28, the Wuhan Health Commission website said, “From January 22 to January 27, a total of 75,221 people came to be checked for fever.” Wuhan tested only 4,086 samples during that period.

On March 3, the Wuhan Health Commission website said, “Nucleic acid tests were given to 18,127 people on the day of March 1. In the past three days, Wuhan conducted an average of 20,466 tests per day. (Regular) hospitals and modular hospitals mainly used the test for existing patients, not to confirm new cases.” This means it is likely that the government did more than 10,000 tests on confirmed patients and less than 10,000 tests were used to test new cases per day.

{Editor’s note: Epoch Times didn’t mention this point in its writing, but one may ask, if Wuhan did over 10,000 tests on confirmed patients each day and if it tested each patient twice in the duration of the treatment, that would mean the government would have tested 50,000 confirmed patients in 10 days, and 150,000 confirmed patients in 30 days.}

On March 26, the Wuhan Health Commission website said, “The whole city conducted nucleic acid tests on 9,844 people on March 24.” It is still less than 10,000 tests per day.

Therefore, the city has done less than 10,000 tests for new infection cases per day. Even if the city did 10,000 tests every day from January 23 to March 23, it would have only tested 600,000 people. For a city of 15 million people, that’s 4 percent of the population.

Thus, the testing is significantly insufficient.

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Diplomacy: China Lambasted Pompeo

For several days, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controlled mouthpieces have been using many curse words to denounce U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo. {Editor’s note: Pompeo announced publicly that there was “enormous evidence’ (from the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance) that the Coronavirus originated in a Wuhan lab}

#1: “[International Sharp Commentary] Pompeo, Who Is Spreading a ‘Political Virus,’ Is Turning Himself into an Enemy of the Human Race” – on April 27 (China Central Television (CCTV))

Since the pandemic outbreak, Pompeo, as the chief diplomat of the United States, is just like an “invisible man” and has done nothing for the prevention and control of the outbreak. On the other hand, he has been most active and fierce in pouring dirty water onto China and has regarded it as his “daily homework.”

Obviously, Pompeo’s actions have made the world clear: the epidemic is not a painful event in his eyes, and the life and death of the American people are irrelevant to him; his “favorite” job is “only to fulfill political self-interest and pursue geopolitics.”

To achieve his goal, Pompeo has created rumors and slurs to an extreme, obviously against rational and against human nature. One cannot help wondering whether he has lost his mind.

It seems that to a person like Pompeo, facts and truths do not exist. However, the louder his clamor, the more obvious his purpose to shirk responsibilities and hide his evil intentions. Facing the pandemic, Pompeo has been going further and further on the road of political investment, trying to use his poor performance to gain support from the conservative forces and help him achieve his personal ambitions towards the height of power.

Therefore, when it comes to accountability, Pompeo is one of the most to be blamed. As the chief diplomat of the United States, he did not show a little bit of professional integrity and responsibility in the face of the crisis. Instead, he continued to spread the “political virus,” provoke alienation, play tricks, continue to trample on the bottom line of human morality, and constantly interfere with international public health cooperation. He has become a stumbling block for all humanity to unite against the pandemic and has become an accomplice to the virus.

Lies and defamation cannot make up for lost time, cannot save lives on the verge of death, nor can they make the United States “great again.” Pompeo should know that the enemy of the United States is the virus, not China. Any act that undermines unity and undermines mutual trust will only exacerbate the crisis, weaken global synergy, and ultimately damage the US’s own interests. If Pompeo stands alone and continues to put political self-interest above public interests, then he will be abandoned by the American people and will remain in the hall of the infamous in the history of American diplomacy.

#2: “[Video] International Sharp Commentary: On April 28, Pompeo, Who Bears the ‘Four Sins’ Broke Through the Bottom Line of Being a Human”  (CCTV)

Sharp commentary pointed out that no Secretary of State in the United States’ history has done something like Pompeo to bring the “lying, deceiving, and stealing” practice from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to the American diplomacy circle, and thus dramatically ruined the U.S.’ reputation. Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, Pompeo’s actions have broken through the bottom line of being a man.

Pompeo’s actions have been distrustful to the American people, overdrawn American diplomatic credibility, and harmed global anti-pandemic cooperation, which has become a huge shame and misfortune for the United States.

#3: “[International Sharp Commentary] Pompeo Who Is Trying to Coerce the World Health Organization (WHO) Is Challenging the Whole World” – on April 30 (CCTV)

After the outbreak, Pompeo stubbornly placed political prejudice and cold war thinking above professionalism, ignored the WHO’s warnings, distorted WHO’s international experience in pandemic prevention and control, and paralyzed and misled the American people. After the country’s pandemic situation became out of control, he came back to slam on the WHO, pushing the United States to rush along the dead end of unilateral policy.

This actually answers the international community’s questions to a certain extent: why does the world ’s only superpower have the highest number of diagnoses and deaths of the novel coronavirus in the world? It is precisely the unscrupulous politicians such as Pompeo who have seriously hindered the utilization of American resources and scientific and technological capabilities, and eventually caused the disaster. Faced with the death of so many innocent lives in the U.S., will cold-hearted Pompeo ever feel guilty?

#4: “How Long Will Such a Bad Performance Last? (by Zhongsheng, pen name for People’s Daily Editorial Commentary)” on April 30 (People’s Daily)

Ignoring the axioms, creating rumors, and provoking opposition have always been the marks that Pompeo stamped on American diplomacy.

However, Pompeo’s poor performance is not as simple as a game after all. The number one U.S. diplomat has expressed a series of lies and hurtful words, leaving a deep scar on the current international anti-pandemic cooperation.

As far as Sino-U.S. relations are concerned, Pompeo has vigorously hindered the cooperation in anti-pandemic cooperation between the two sides. People should apply special vigilance to his intensified shady mentality of confrontation strategy against China. In fact, many international observers have pointed out that since the United States has focused its national security strategy almost exclusively on the competition of major powers, the healthy and stable development of the international order is facing severe challenges.

No one knows how long Pompeo’s current “toxic” diplomatic style will last. People with clear minds are warning that the enemy of the United States is the virus, and blindly attacking and discrediting other countries will only cause more people to lose their lives. The only right way is to stop causing trouble and interference to the global solidarity, and effectively strengthen cooperation with other countries in the fight against the pandemic. That is to be responsible to the American people and to the people around the world.

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Hiding Information: WHO Official: China Did Not Invite WHO to Investigate

On May 1, Sky News interviewed the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) representative in China Dr. Gauden Galea.

Dr. Galea said, “We know that a national investigation (in China) is happening but at this stage we have not been invited to join.” “WHO has made requests of the health commission and of the authorities,” but they were rejected. “The origins of the virus are very important. The animal-human interface is extremely important and needs to be studied. The priority is we need to know as much as possible to prevent a reoccurrence.”

Sky News asked whether there was a good reason for Beijing not to include the WHO. Dr. Galea replied, “From our point of view, no.”

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Source: Sky News, May 1, 2020